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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. I believe I will have the last laugh on this one...though that is not my intent here....seriously trying to help you....I am out of this as it is evident you cannot read the parts breakdown that you posted. Good luck.....
  2. this is why I say never if at all possible carry your vehicle to a garage......by the way you are not the only one here with SAE certifications... hopefully you will see your error.....
  3. If you think that is the arrangement....have fun.....
  4. there is but one on the outer end of the A-arm.....it is the one with the word washer above it...seriously...you should send this unit out for repairs.....not only because you show no concept of the arrangement/adjustment....I would question if you have the tools and gauges to correctly set this...Not picking on you mind you....just reading the crime scene....
  5. good deal...you making progress....
  6. so...explain to me the purpose of the bushing with the offset hole...... you are confusing king pin arrangements with that of the ball joint whereas the ball joint has no provision for movement...the outer A-arm of the king pin with the eccentric bush does. The later ball joint would be as you think this should be on the inner A-arm with slotted adjustments
  7. look at the outer end of the upper A-arm......this is where you will find the eccentric bushing for the camber.......if you do not have a factory manual you should invest in one to help you identify the parts and manner of repairs.....
  8. again....you stated it is not adjustable...NOT THAT IT was out....my question again, why would you think it is not adjustable...
  9. why do you think your camber is not adjustable.....
  10. IF you have a factory repair manual.....please look to the parts breakdown and view the insulators and their position on the points...as it is now...you are shorting you ignition straight to ground.....
  11. just find where you dropped your insulator and place it where it goes...........and per Merle's advice.....get a VOM if you plan to work on electrical of your car....
  12. will you call her June or Mrs. Cleaver.......????
  13. POWER OF ATTORNEY no one can legally deal in your behalf without one and surely no one can expect anyone to honor a handshake that is not yours if you could trust the man to a handshake....no one has to honor anything not in writing and duly notarized....the shop has your truck by your consent....the door is wide open for interpretation beyond that...
  14. based solely on the above reply....you are in limbo with the detectives and the claims adjuster....nothing more to be done here till you receive their findings and guidance...while stressful.....there is nothing anyone on the forum could do without a POA and that will only upset the shop more...a face to face meeting with the man could gain valuable ground for you and if an accord is struck for return, get this in writing. Be prepared to move the vehicle within 72 hours....plenty of time NOT to be in his way and yet at the same time plenty of time for you to make arrangements and for them to roust up the parts in question. Cards are stacked in his favor as you did not respond to his last e-mail for further directions.
  15. glimpsed bits and pieces of this thread.....but as I understand....bills are paid to the shop for work that has been the agreed 20K though not complete. You have issued a work stop in writing. Now the shop has your vehicle on its lot and no further work authorized...provisions are usually set for X days for customer to retrieve vehicle. From there, the shop is allowed and is customary for them to charge a storage fee from X day forward. After a certain amount of time those charges will shoot through the roof whereas you are now is stage two of your dispute, clearing storage fee before released to you or your agent. Final scenario, shop places mechanical lien on the vehicle and will get court order to take possession to sell and recover his cost. He is not forced to sell at fair market or and is often the case he just collects his fees as over and above must go to you. Figure the odds on that happening.....whatever you do I suggest it get done quickly. He or his bud will reap a whirlwind on the lien action.
  16. we've all seen the cartoon character walk into the field of rabbits with a scatter gun banging away at every thing and bagging nothing....seems no aim has been taken on a single target.
  17. NY was on my list as one of the most current to review and enact the bill....
  18. I currently have a list of 11 states that have enacted law allowing Blue Dots for classis/antique cars/trucks and usually provisions all model motorcycle. If you know they are legal state legal...if you know they are illegal state illegal... Georgia....legal
  19. be great for putting in watch crystals......
  20. this would be the second casting of the blocks......
  21. while making your own from scratch is not improbable....it is just not really that necessary. One can grab a wrecking yard cable for cheaper than air craft cable locally given you can find that.....and simply modify it to work on your vehicle. I have fabricated plenty in this manner...they easy to adapt. Modern mopar cables into the mid 2000's was a fit to originals handle of the 40's
  22. while a foreign make, this pic was sent to me...Morris chassis and cab and special build body as one off as I understand it in NZ....very bold look and very utilitarian...these cars in wagon/van concept from factory never had a one piece roof as shown...just a different car from a different time and a different country...but so much a likable beast. the D24 wagon that never was...................
  23. Merle, good memory...yes she graduated college in Superior WI. Her parents lived in Lake Geneva and has siblings all about the area of Lake Geneva, her brother still operates a business founded by the family many years ago in Lake Geneva.
  24. having been to Lake Geneva, Walworth (home of Kikkoman) and Williams Bay corn festival twice.....not a bad area at all.....
  25. you as the poster of the required pic, you now get to set the backdrop for the next picture to be posted.....
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