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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. if bolt broken off in cast iron, blind or through hole, blow the hole with oxygen/acetylene torch....
  2. Here they are Ed, close up to show the diagonal cut.
  3. posted wrong thread
  4. posted wrong thread
  5. recovery depends on sealed system to be able to suck the coolant back in when needed....open non pressurized systems will not use a recovery tank...but could benefit from a catch can if it did puke a bit...
  6. I have a few sets of goggles. flip up style for oxy/acet. welding. These are nice, rectangular lens with my diopter correction lens installed so not to fog my glasses on those damp days. To sum this up, the straps on these goggles are at best made of soft cheese and they lose their elasticity fairly quickly. To correct this, I use surgical tubing for a soft comfortable fit and these last well. One set has been converted for over 10 years and my main go to goggles. While putzing in the shop I found the other two pair of goggles and upgraded them with surgical tubing. Just post this as an alternative the is a very long term solution. Just cut to length, make a slice of the ends for a leader, pull in place, loop back through for a non slip lock. If anyone would like a pic let me know.
  7. I picked these discarded clothes racks up due to damaged casters. Took both to make one a roller, found Ace Hardware had the caster inserts for excellent price and I had casters on hand. Cut the one down 6 inches at the bottom of the legs and lowered the now padded rails to lowest position. Excellent height for wet sanding doors and larger panel. The rails can be raised approx. 2 foot on 3 inch increments. The other is still excellent for hanging items for painting and drying rack.
  8. This is fairly common for this era...the holes for the tumblers are frayed over into the key way.....you can grip with a vice grip and tap on it....BUT you are going to need the key in to remove the cylinder for you are either going to dress the hole for a possible short term fix or best to replace the cylinder. If you wish, with the new lock you can key it the same as the original key and cylinder. You will need to tunr the key when you remove the steering wheel and access the cylinder retaining pin.
  9. usually with that much loss of fluid as you suspect in such a short run, yes you should have trace evidence of this fluid...put some fluid back with a helper holding a firm pedal with lots of pressure and inspect the rear of the master for bypassing, then all the external lines and fittings and see if dripping from inside any drum before you result to pulling the drums themselves. Coud be master, could be lines or various fittings.
  10. Thanks for reaching out, PM sent, was able to muddle through it as my buddy dug through his storage and supplied the TPM from the donor that verified my method/math and on top of that, a company that used to build speedometer corrector/adapters but told me he can no longer can get the gears sent a second message later and offered his services that confirmed my calculations even though he could not supply an adapter, thought that was very kind gesture on his part. Being a British vehicle I am messing with, they do not have changeable gears in transmission to correct for differential or tires size changes, NO, they swap the entire speedometer. In the case of my build it had a 4.55 rear gear that one mile is equivalent to 1504 turns. At 36% error with my now taller tires of the Morris and the 3.727 rear gears installed, thus an inline corrector is a must. CALLING THIS CLOSED FOR NOW
  11. I gave it a go....I have a solution....two heads are better than one and at the cost of some 250.00...a second opinion would be nice before parting with the coin....so I gather you not that up on your math either......? The super killer is that no one lists the specs on anything and computer says it fits only if you give them make and model, as a builder you are at a loss if looking for an item to work and do not have it in your hot little hands...no dimension ever given these days and parts counter folks are useless. Now if you don't do your own building then this is likely not something you can relate to.
  12. For the record I came up with an answer but I would like a second opinion.....I did some reverse calculations to arrive at my answer as I have trouble with equations...
  13. funny the things folks will collect over time and not even be aware of the why later.....I am guilty for a few of these follies myself.....I had a heck of a logo golf ball collection going and saw that this my never end so I quit that one soon enough.
  14. just pull a lever and drop a boat anchor on a chain....they will back off if just to photograph the sparks......lol
  15. looks like he may have been guilty of drinking and wrenching, let hope not drinking and driving. ?
  16. Anyone here that would like to try to solve an issue for me....respond in PM and I will send you the data and maybe you can tell me if this can be solved in an equation. Never did do well in algebra.....?
  17. make a turn a matching aluminum cone, drilled and tapped so that it will be a matching jamb nut, kill two birds one stone.
  18. I got the set of 4 matching valve stem caps.....lol
  19. nice thing to do for dad on Father's day....the good son!
  20. sorry to hear that, with the trees on my property I am always most nervous on storms with strong winds. When I first moved here I brought my generator with me as I was coming from hurricane country. Seems like monthly I was using the generator. They have since been pretty much on top of keeping right of ways cleared beneath the lines and power is a lot more stable. But I keep the generator and a bit of fuel on hand as is prudent. Last two outages was lightening strike on tree that came down on the power line shorting it out. The time before, big ole snake shorted out the transformer station just up the road. Crew had a hot meal while the transformer was being toted to them.
  21. and now you know, the rest, of the story...good closure here.
  22. Anything Dorman is off the wall for the most part, Summit.....it is a hit or miss....local, you may just crap out.....I was not thinking so much the money involved to buy this as much as the sheer simplicity of a few minutes of your time and rolling your own. Each can do best suits themselves.
  23. thanks for the feedback.....before you dig into the carb.....may be worth a glance at condition of the ignition system.....if you enrichen the mixture with the choke does it seem to do better?
  24. does it bog out of gear and setting still? if not and only under load....would think you may have condenser issue
  25. yes, and again....the crowd is now thinking other means to an end.....love it.....!!
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