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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. sadly, this one has a visit from the local butcher shop it seem complicated with a severe case of mostus rustus. For the condition, that price is off the wall....but then, that is just myself and the value I see or should I say, do not see in the asking price.
  2. I wished when looking I had save the actual paper I read...but I got there from the link.....I pop back and forth a lot for like you said, it does not take but a minute to see the bogus and hype from tests and facts in print.....sorry I let you down....
  3. well, you not sifting through all the propaganda I guess.....there is seldom a one catch all issue paper...get out of it what you put into it....there were many links on that page that led to other links.....don't follow the bread crumbs, can't find the kitchen
  4. in the first paragraph, in red letters.....click on that
  5. as I understand it, you cannot cut the flywheel and get rid of the heat spots...they are still there, the grinding of the flywheel is the means hot spots are removed.
  6. then by his statement, that is two regulators with the same sticking points....
  7. well there are so few 'road cars' in judging classes of the AACA for trophy and points and thus we have the DPC with limitations on those participating in the DP Class....which are driven vehicles enjoyed by their owners that must only meet safety inspection, they are tolerant of mods and such and would be more in line to a best choice as that of a local cruise or benefit show. There are more ins and outs to this class I am sure but this is the general outlook. Rich may spring more or you can read about it on the AACA website. Caster is all important in setting a car up for running radials.
  8. this is a subject that comes up often, plain and simple there are a few white papers on this.....this link has a paper within the paper.....enjoy and then report back your conclusions. Mounting Radial Tires on Classic-Vehicle Rims | Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)
  9. remove the band and check the brushes for clean and proper seating and NOT sticking in the housings. My bud got a rebuild that would not work out of the box....this rebuild did not even get the brushes cleaned much less replaced, it was a paint job only. Sadly this happens and the shop was local. He stored it till just recently, they are out of business....gee......wonder why? While there, check your connections well for clean and tight, a voltage drop test could speak volumes for you.
  10. a 6 volt coil is a 12 volt coil to be used with an external resistor. You can ohm your primary and secondary taps for continuity, will show if you have an open or a short and proper ratio primary to secondary.
  11. it is cashews that are caustic
  12. you can open a classified wanted ad, no cost...expect shipping will be costly. Even around these parts there are so few yards to pick from. You would do well to have an interchange book but usually these are for main mechanical parts, as lots of parts carry over year to year. However, I hate to say it, but likely E-bay will be you better choice but will not rule out the success of finding a person parting out a body by placing an ad here. Good luck, having a few European cars, I know what it's like coming up empty handed on a parts quest. While it may be your intent to want to keep it stock, never rule out an upgrade from a common at hand donor car in your area.
  13. that story confirms that John can run much faster than Bob...!
  14. Greg, the A engine as the family that your Bugeye was powered was licensed to Japan (Datsun) for production. Unlike the Brits who left well enough alone struggling with their own war debt and decline the R&D and tooling costs, the folks over at Datsun kept investing in tooling and running upgrades of the basic engine to the point that were now so different they were basically a new design. I have installed this new and improved larger cc A from Datsun in place of the smaller Brit A engine it came with. All my mods for this vehicle I designed and built the cross member to fit in the original capture nut frame holes so retro back to the Brit is a bolt for bolt task as is the clutch linkage a simple unbolt the now master cylinder that feeds the slave cylinder. I also utilized the beefier L series 5 speed tranny that was for a short interim modified by Datsun to fit the A engine. This is RHD venicle and this 63 series allows a perfect alignment for the cluch mechanically though I did go hydraulic setup...this tranny will hold up to turbo/supercharging and such HP increases you can do to their improved A engines also. As for the Fiat, best I saw was pre war association and did not say they built in cooperation with but design was based on the Fiat, this was Mitsubishi.
  15. given two years run.....5 days a week times 104 weeks and divide this into the 1300 estimated production....2.5 cars a day avg.
  16. I look at these in the same light cousin Eddie viewed the plate in his head....not so sure he want to put much trust in a piece of government plastic.... While the rating for these I am sure are spot on....that is OPTIMUN conditions....little off in either direction could seriously weaken the overall effectiveness of the design. Good you chunking this....to prevent some guy from grabbing them for use from your trash, suggest they be cut in half if possible. The structure on the one has been fractured for sure.
  17. that was pointed out early, I think one reader suggested Ma Mopar could have supplied new chassis for his adventure....but am sure this busted the bottom end and blew away the total 'repurpose' of his build. While I will never discount the functionality of the Powell, I will never say it is a sharp looker either. I always thought the UTEs of from down under very practical in general, but they ugly as sin also. Each their own, plenty of samples for everyone, I will stick with the basic concept of a van.
  18. taking the time from most all the daily activities of the 'must be done' often leaves precious little time for the 'want to do' for ourselves. Couple this with anyone who is still doing the 9-5, conducting routine business during NORMAL operating hours and if you add kids and school and other activities...all the time you have left for the old car is writing the check to pay the insurance. Hats off if you get the time to drive them often. I still find I prefer the building of the beast part of the hobby.
  19. likely recycled and probably the container for the pork and beans you had for supper one evening ?
  20. could be worse I suppose, the tail gate could have been embossed: P O W E L L I can applaud the creation of the donor parts into a working unit, I cannot excuse the lack of body work or even real paint on the cycle fuel tank...but then...that is just me, come on folks, reach for the higher limb once in a while
  21. reminds me, I need to see when I had my last tetanus shot.
  22. while I have 25 foreign cars, none look quite like that.....but to honor Merle's request, I will not search it out either.
  23. Gee Thanks Merle...!!!
  24. rubber trees could not be good for replenishing oxygen..?..........I banish myself to the shop for another hour or so of blocking out primer before I award myself another rest and cool down break.
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