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You just can't trust anybody on eBay these days
desoto1939 replied to thebelvedereman's topic in P15-D24 Forum
So if the seller misrepresneted the condition of the car then you need to contact ebay since he listed it on ebay and you puchased on ebay with the conditions that you have mentioned were not decribed inthe information about the car. I can only tell from your point of information that he misrepresented the car. Other point is that if you have been taken inother car transactions then I would have thought that you would have gone to look at the car prior to bidding and or after the sale was completed you still have time to back out becasue of the condition that you found the car was different than how it was listed. So as always buyer beware. If you are spending your good hard earned money then spend some time to look at the car prior to taking ownership. So would you buy a house on a webpage and make the offer without inspecting the home and doing a home inspection? The same if when purchasing an origianl antique car you need to lookat the car and go over it with a fine tooth comb and then make your offer based on your findings. I hope thesestatement do not make you even madder but ultimately you were the one that needed to look at the car prior to making the deal a final deal. Rich Hartung -
Bingster, Since these were steel the would rust away and that is why most of th eold cars had these two small pieces of trim missing. I would suggest that you take the trim and go to a good automotive paint supplier and then ask them to show you their selection of trim molding attachment parts. When I did my 39 desoto i did not reuse the old trim holders but went with modern plastic trim holders. This prevent the rusting and also eleminated the issue of breaking the paint when trying to push the trim back on witht he old style holders. It might take some time to fined the correct trim holder and you might have to drill a hole to accept the trim holder but it will stay on forever and not rust off the car. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
if the chain has stretched it might be chain slop hitting the chain cover on the front of the engine block. Rich Hartung
Rear brakes broke? Fittment issues on '48 Dodge
desoto1939 replied to ebruns1's topic in P15-D24 Forum
if you have the original pins try using them. We have found that on some of the new reproduction wheel cylinders the pins are not the correct length and are too long. rich hartung -
fricken purchased all of the reamining trico parts when they went out of business. They are the best to go to and have the repair kits. Rich Hartung
on my 39 desoto I can pull the waterpump without removing the radiator. i have to remove the fanblade assembly and the pully then the entire unit is unbolted and the unit slides off the three studs and I lift it right out of the engine compartment. This is all based on the original studs and the information that I provided based on my 1936-42 desoto Master parts catalog. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
It was a great game. It was also great to see that some other college other than Duke, S carolina, Kentucky Georgetown and some of the other long standing colleges were not in the final four this year. Villanova did not look good in the opening minutes of the 1st half but then started to get it rolling in their favor. I am glad to see them win becasue I live near the college so I am prejudiced but either team would have made a great champion. Two winning team this year for the city of Philadelphia. If anyone grew up in the Philly area they will all know about BIG FIVE BBall, U of Penn, St Joes, Lasalle, Drexel and Villanova and they played in the Palestra which has great seating because you were real close the court. and you saw some great BBall. Rich Hartung Live near valley forge PA
With the use of the stud there would be a nut on the end to hold the body of the water pump onto the front of the engine block. So first i would measue how deep each hole is and then figure the thickness of a nut to put on the exposed end then figure at least anothe 1/2 inch to thread into the front of the block. I know the older engine used three studs and the newer engines used two studs and a bolt to thread and hold the wp to the block. Just looked inmy Desoto 1936-42 masterparts book and this is what they state are the measurements is for 1936-1940 3/8 inch -16-24 x 2 7/16 inches, 3/8-16-24 x 2 5/16 inches and 3/8 -16-24 x 1 11/16 inches. Hope this helps you witht he studs and lengths. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
My first question is what are the rare lens that you need? How rare are they and what makes them so rare. Is the cost of making a die and then the cost of only making a single pair within a reasonable cost and then if you broke one then you would have to replace them again. So what is your project that you are workingon so we can all make some suggestions. Also you have to think about would you then take the car out onthe road with the cost of these custom lens with the possibility of having them get broken. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
I would also suggest that you put in a pint of waterpump lube and antirusting agnet. i come in a 16 oz pint bottler. This anti rusting agent is what helps the antifreeze keep up the anti rusting inhibitors. When the Af turn brown the anti rust agents have wornout. The Af still might be good to keep the system from freezing but the rust inhibutor have gone away. I put a [pont in every year to help keep the rust inhibutor up to par. cost around $4.00 here in the states. every little pit of protection helps. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
Gary There isa NOS 39 Dodge taillight bezel on ebay here is the wording: MOPAR 39 DODGE NOS TAILLIGHT BEZEL DELUXE SPECIAL LUXURY LINER the cost is $25.00 Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
The price of 90 dolalrs for a pair of 39 Dodge taillight lens is way over priced. I have seen these at swap meets going for 5_15 each do not pay alot for these lens they can be found at a great price. even at Hershey inthe fall. or even Macungie in August. Keep looking.. Rich hartung desoto1939@aol.com
Use a dual filiment bulb i think 1158 for the brake and turnsignal bulb, I also have the same fender lamps as onyour 39 Dodge for my front turn signals. They work great. Rich hartung
Gary: In the pictures that they gentleman showed the buckets, on the inner side is cal oed the reinforcement. As you can see there are two studs that come through the back of the bucket and through holes in the reinforcement bucket. The reinforcement bucket is what really hold the entire unit against the fender from the under side of the fender. If you can not get these than you could bend a pieces of flat steel along several angles to hold the bucket tight against the inner fender. The inner reinforcements are so hard to find becasue these would rot out fromthe water and mud that would get kicked up onthem from the rear wheels. Call me rich Hartung cell 484-431-8157
you should beable to put I would think that you can also get a new pump or rebuilt pump for your turck. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
I have a 10 inch clutch plate in my 39 Desoto and that was standard. I also see on ebay the 10 inch clutch disk being sold allthe time. They are still available alsong with the Borg and Beck pressure plate that are rebuilt. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
Another point toremmebr about anti-freeze is that it contains anti-rusting agents and this is what breaks down with time. Inthe example where there was brown water inthe system I bet if they had tested the AF it still would have provided enough protection against freezing but the anti rust agents had broken down and this is what was the brown color. every year I pour a pint bottle of water pump lube and ati rust agents into my 39 desoto's radiator especially since we have a cast engine block. This helps to keep the rusting agents upto a good level and I also check the degree of protection of the AF. Every 4-5 years I flushout the old AF and put inthe GREEN AF not the Extended crap. I spoke to a Prestone rep and he stated to just use th eold original green product for our old cars even the 50/50 mix is good. But watch the color of the AF in the rad system and if getting brownish in color then you need to flush and flush it real good. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
Gary here isa picture of the rear fender with the correct taillights and chrome doors. I know John Daly and this is a Senior AACA car. John loives in upper NJ and I think near piscattawy. You might want to contact the aaca to see if they might have his phone number or eamil so you can contact him He might have some leads. RichHArtung
Gary the taillight that you are showing me are not correct. If the buckets on these lights fit in the open in your fender opening then someone might have cut the opening inthe hosuing to be bigger to accept these taillights. The 39 Dodge are a tight fit just link the metal door that you have the link to the other post. Also there is an inner bucket or reinforcment that bolts to the back of the bucket to hold it against the inner fender this is what hold the entire unit on the fender. Can you also take a picture of the opening onthe fender so I can tell if they have been cut or not. call me tonight if you want to dicsuss this issue. rich Hartung cell 484-431-8157
Who Is Actually Driving Their Vintage Mopars?
desoto1939 replied to 55 Fargo's topic in P15-D24 Forum
I have owner and driven my 1939 DeSoto model s-6 for 31 years. Yes it is a driver and not a trailer queen. I have driven it fromPhiladlephia down into Virginia to White Post restoration shop when Billy Thompson was having his annual fall car show and open house. My car has been AACA judged and has been presented with an HPOF bade, Historical Preservation of Original features. This is as far as I am going with AACA judging. Like i stated this is a driver and I want to have fun with the car and not worry about getting mud or paint imperfections. Yes i do not want chips in the paint but that happens when you have a driver. So who is the dummy that is sitting on the right front fender and why. If you were born inthe 50's you will know the answer and the yellow duck. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com -
I prefer the 5 holes drum puller because you then get an even pull on all of the lugs or bolts. On the chrysler and desoto rear drum there was a mounting pin or small nipple or point that was used to hold the rim onto the drum because they used bolts instead of lugs. So if you have the Chryslers or desoto then you need to have the puller if it is a 5 lug it also has to have the hole for the pin.. In the attached picture is the rear drum puller that I have and notice that at the 12 o clock position is the slot for the pin and the slots to the left and right are for the lug bolts. I have never had a rear drum that I can not pull with this puller. It is very similar to the factory Miller rear drum puller I do not like the three arm puller because you are then pulling not equally on the drum and have a tendancy to pull on an angle instead of straight outwards. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
Gary: Are you looki8ng for the taillight buckets or just the lens and outer trim for the taillights. The tillight chrome piece tht you had linked to is the correct one for your 39 Dodge. The Ply, Dodge Chrysler and Desoto all had different bucket styles so they are NOT interchangeable. It is strange that the buckets have been so hard to find becasue they made more Dodges then Desotos and I find the desoto buckets on ebay. Also check you parts book to make sure that there isa not a right and left tail light bucket and also lens and housing. Onmy 39 desoto there are right and left tail light lens, buckets and trim. so it is even harder for me to get the correct parts since they only made around 35000 39 desoto's I just looked in my 39 Dodge parts book and the right and left taillight assemblies are the same part number 691752. the body or bucket is part number 695909. the trim is also called in the parts book a door and this is part number 691755, lens are part number 672532 Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com 484-431-8157 cell
Axle shaft 1946 Plymouth P15, 4 door ( how many splines)
desoto1939 replied to jiver2018's topic in P15-D24 Forum
10 spines rich hartung Desoto1939 -
My 39 Desoto has ports in the side panel of the hood assembly to help vent out the heat. The forward movement of the car and the air passing into the engine compartment would force air past the engine block and manifold and the air would then go out the side port vents. If you remember the early model car had slits inthe side of their hoods to permit air circulation instead of the portholes that the buick used. Nothing new just a design concept change. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
I copied the page from my Hollander interchange book for the 37 Plymouth. Refer to number 113 on the sheet this will tell you alot about which trans will fit. Hope this will help Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com 37 Ply trans.docx