Yep, we are almost continuously in a "drought" out here. Some time back I went to the NWS site and downloaded all the rainfall data they had for my hometown, about 100 years worth. I put it into excel and graphed it. Gee, there is about a 7 year cycle in rainfall amounts. Year one we get the most, then less the next year, even less in year three etc till the end of the cycle. But if you average the rain fall amounts we are "short" for many of those years. No, we aren't, it's the natural pattern out here. Drought is the wrong word for it, which is not to say we shouldn't conserve in leaner years. But hey drought sells, normal rainfall amounts do not.
Now my data is very limited, I mean 100 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things, but it's what I had to look at.