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Everything posted by FlashBuddy

  1. I spent more time looking for the spring that shot across the garage than I did actually getting them on.
  2. I started and I can't stop!
  3. It's just intermittent enough that I'm ignoring it for now, though will put a minor tuneup at the top of my list. You see, the wife and I are entered in the Firecracker 5k Wednesday and I REALLY want to drive Roxanne to the event. Made her a flag holder and will be flying old glory while driving old Rox. My experience with changing anything with the truck often results in her being out of service while I round up the obscure part that disenitrates in the process.
  4. While the Wyoming speed limit is posted 80, like everywhere else in the country, most add 8-10 mph to it. I know, I commuted between Cheyenne and Fort Collins once a week. Love that drive. So little traffic - unless there is a rodeo going on.
  5. Reminded me of some horses I've known?
  6. The ever popular trip to the dump with a load of slash. Roxanne tried to stall at every intersection on the way, but later when heading to a local car show she runs near perfect. How do you explain that?!
  7. What kind of engine is in there? That truck is running way too smooth and quiet, something must be wrong?
  8. Genuine authentic Colorful Colorado license plates :: Found 'em on EPAY for a modest amount of cash. Roxanne deserves proper badging, starting with period correct license plates. When we first met she was showing off a 1970’s Colorado Collector Series license plates, which is nice and they do have just the right amount of wear for a truck of this age. When I drove her down to get her registered in my name, they wouldn’t let me use the plates she came with. I ended up buying the Horseless Carriage plates – I think there about $12.00 for a year or so. I’ve been re-thinking that decision because those plates limit your mileage to about two thousand miles per year, and Roxanne isn’t exactly a horseless carriage. Horseless yes, but carriage? No. Epay is the place to shop for vintage plates for your collectible automobiles. Prices range from $20.00 to well over $69.95. While there are plenty of Colorado plates, finding one with 19 50 stamped into the metal is nigh impossible – or so I thought. I ended up finding three different sets. I lost out in a bidding war for the first set, second offer was for one plate only and the third offer was for a set of TT (Truck Tractor) plates for a modest $39.95 plus shipping and tax. It was a Buy Now scenario and the plates arrived today. The seller on EBAY was Tom & Margaret Boyd who goes by ‘licpl8s’. Tom it turns out is a license plate collector who happens to live in Boulder. Yeah, I lost a little respect for him just because he was from Boulder ? He is a bonafide member of APCL. Tom joined the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association in 1982 and has been active at both the international and local level. He served as Vice President of ALPCA and was Editor of ALPCA’s magazine. Locally, Tom was Secretary/Treasurer of Rocky Mountain Regional branch of ALPCA for nineteen years. Tom has co-authored three books on license plates. Here is Tom's EPAY Store > Here is Tom's website >
  9. FWIW I used brake cleaner on my fluid soaked shoes, then boiled them for twenty minutes in my wife’s big spaghetti pot. Truck is stopping great. I read about the boiling technique somewhere on this forum.
  10. Put a pair of racing slicks back there?
  11. @kencombs - OK, I'm waving my propane torch around like crazy, what am I looking for exactly? New one on me?!
  12. Like your paint colors.
  13. LOL - When I brought Roxanne to the car show, I was bummed there weren't more people talking to me! I'll be at the All American Car Show in Loveland Colorado July 7th if you'd like to stop by and chat? http://www.allamericancarshow.com Thinking about hitting the Good Guys show out here in September? What do you think? Too big for a little old Dodge B2B?
  14. Copy the YouTube share link, not the video url. Forum software knows what to do with it. Here is a screenshot of what I see on my phone after pasting in the share link:
  15. Mine bubbled up, very very slowly.
  16. JC405 ordered from Walmart.
  17. FYI for the next guy, since this thread has no clear cut definitve answers... I too meet this criteria; "The Deluxe Prod. Corp. Laporte ID". "Model JC filter-use JC cartridge JCUS-30 gasket". Here are two that defiantly do not fit: Wix 51011 - Way too big Wix 51080 - Too short
  18. There is satisfaction in honing your own cylinders, slipping in new seals etc. When it was time, I bought new ?
  19. Your post strikes a note with me as with so many others here. Your emotions are palpable as our family just had a get together to say goodbye to Molly. Molly started having seizures and the meds at the time were not helping. Those raw emotions rock you down to your soul without warning, so again, I feel your pain. Your sharing was well timed for me and I can see how your love for Abbey has also touched so many others here on the forum who too have shared their story. Old cars, trucks and pets can really bring a family together. My takeaway is to pickup some ice cream and check out cats on Amazon. I also think @P15-D24 makes a good point: "Good news is their is another friend waiting out their to join your life and family, " We are all (Molly too) deeply sorry for your loss.
  20. Sometimes the simplest ideas take days to effect. I just wanted to change the diff oil but I'm 5/16 male drain plug socket short. Found one on Amazon for $15! Now waiting four days. At least I can still drive her.
  21. I'd pay extra for the handy carrying case. I'm afraid one or more pieces of the kit are going to walk off one day. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01BUI5UVY/ref=psdcmw_15708881_t2_B012P0QV5K
  22. I want to see that?!
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