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Everything posted by FlashBuddy

  1. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say 80 grit.
  2. Hmmm, my '50 has single trumpet and 4 on the floor. Radio? Two sun visors or one? Looks to be in very good nick?
  3. EPAY or put an ad in the classifieds wanted section. Oh, junkyard, then find a locksmith.
  4. That right there is some useful info. I was thinking of looking around for a used trunk to keep in the bed of the truck for some tools etc. Good idea Merle.
  5. Front drivers side is left hand thread, just like the lug nuts? My new DCM Classics fuel gage is not working. Somebody here had a link to another fuel sender that might be a better choice. Here is the link, and its cheap! http://www.tanksinc.com/index.cfm/page/ptype=product/product_id=276/mode=prod/prd276.htm I went for a drive down a dirt raod, now my fuel gage is working. WoOT!
  6. Yeah, its the biggest one I've ever been in. The amount of cars pre 1954 is amazing. Stacks of rear ends, carbs, on and on. Check out these old wagons/trailers stuffed full of vintage parts, all rusting peacefully - but then again, its Colorado rust, not the same as east or left coast rust.
  7. Sheesh, who would drive around with a fifty pound trolley jack in their truck? Maybe those who can't afford the "Aluminum Rade Day Jack" ($125-$550). I like the @Reg Evans solution; emergency roadside assistance and a cell phone ? I finally gave up on y'all and digested the post by @BigDaddyO, then I got down on my knees, shimmied under the truck with a tape measure and came up with 8" ground to axel in the front and 10" in the rear. ERGO, any jack that will fit under the seat and raise fourteen inches or so should get the job done. Hell, I won't even need to cart around a stack of 2x4's. Phew! I have no idea what @Charlie Stephenson was thinking. Reads like some kind of Haiku ? I'm going to go back to the junkyard and see what kind of dough they might try to extort out of me for those stainless bars. Note too they are all pretty dinged up but could be refreshed. I'm not going to pay 150 each and try to sell them for 175 just to make twenty something bucks. That would be crazy. I also don't want to take apart the front end just to reach the nuts only to get priced out; do the part pulling for them for free! I would like to get that jack if they would sell it for a decent price - maybe fifty bucks? My cynical side has me thinking the junkyard peeps throw outrageous prices at people who have pulled parts that would be an easy sell on EPAY. When the prospective customer shoots him that "you're out of your friggin' mind" look and walks out, they move the parts to their internet sales department. Am I reaching here? That notwithstanding, there is something magical about junkyards, an uncommon art form. I'm gonna measure my under seat space and find a very small trolley jack or a nice bottle jack and call it a job done.
  8. Not my idea of quick and easy on the side of the road, at midnight, in a snow storm, or worse, a rain storm; the only time one gets a flat generally. But then again, it may be the only option.
  9. Seriously Paul? I Google "triangle lift" and found this
  10. Hmmm, hard to find a trolley jack that will fit under the seat and have a max lift height that will work for our trucks. I measure 15" from ground to bottom of my running boards. Same with bottle or scissor jack, max height seems to be around 12-15 inches.
  11. Bottle jack under my seat is fully extended and turning the thingy does nothing, just spins. Went to the junk yard... and found a frozen antique jack without a handle. This junkyard charged me $5 for a hub dust cap and was trying to get $32 for a scissors jack from the guy in front of me. I'm afraid of what they would charge me for that jack or the stainless grill bars I sluethed out?! My question is what are y'all using for a jack? I'd appreciate recommendations. Should I try a more buyer friendly junkyard or hit Google Shopping? What will fit under the seat and come to the rescue some cold snowy night?
  12. Horn - https://photos.app.goo.gl/VSpvU2DYQdxkUbID3 Fuel guage - Not operated by volts, but rather resistance. Common failures are decayed wire (should be only 1 wire) and or bad ground. I'm no expert however as my new DCM acquired sender didn't solve my problem. Will try adding a new ground next.
  13. Engine oil - Shell Rotella, due to additives that plays nice with our flathead six engines. Specifically zinc additive (zinc dialkyldithiophosphate, ZDDP) is popular. Many add a dose of MMO (Marvel Mystery oil) too.
  14. Yes, absolutely. I can setup a demo you can play with
  15. I had intermittent squealing. Turns out on of the two cylinders was frozen so only one brake pad was hitting the drum on one side, and that one was not coming in full contact. Now cleaned up and new wheel cylinder with new brake line. Test drive scheduled for later this AM ?
  16. Oh, nooo, I wouldn't want to get in the middle of any deals ? You could certainly setup a simple payment gateway. Collecting a nominal fee would help keep things on the up and up. So, you didn't answer my question? FWIW I host a hundred gigabytes of files or more on Amazon S3 that costs me a few bucks a month. I think you do an amazing job keeping this thing updated and running ?
  17. It's like having wide whites without having to buy 'em. Looks great!
  18. Who was it that bought a $3 rubber mallet and cut it in half? https://m.harborfreight.com/1-lb-rubber-mallet-69050.html?utm_referrer=direct%2Fnot provided Use your 20% off coupon and save more.
  19. I have heard of putting an Optima into one of these fakes... An empty box waiting for your non vintage battery. I stuff a lot of spare cash in mine too ? Thrift stores generally have boxes of old cell phone or other device chargers. You can pick your voltage and amps for about 50 cents to a buck.
  20. Would you feel abused if one were to insert photos hosted elsewhere? Then those re-posted photos would be using up somebody else's bandwidth. Let's say I host my photos at Google, Flickr, imgur or other, would that end up costing you money?
  21. Looks like you left a couple of cleaning brush s in there?! Sweet. When and where can we see it up close and personal?
  22. If you are posting from your phone, get a photo resizer app then downsize your images to around 1024x768 pixels, give or take. If you are on a desktop, upload photos to http://pixlr.com/editor/ There you can resize and download for free. In both cases your photos will pass muster with the forum Gods.
  23. Did you contact @Reg Evans? rego@hughes.net
  24. Wow, a Dodge, with modern 1960's conveniences and power. Looks like a good buy.
  25. Yeah, that would have been nice. I can't say they didn't, even though I don't have any recollection of it, then I'm 65 years old and am starting to forget things What chaps my hyde about it is the lack of a new rubber seal. I'll have to 'refresh' my existing seal. I hear peanut butter works well, or glycerine and wintergreen oil.
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