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Posted (edited)

This was the fuel pump I was going to rebuild, it didn't have a glass bowl.  The bottom of the pump, brass looking disc was bolted on, no bolt and no threads inside.



This one of two work benches.



This what I found on my work bench while looking for chisels, I don't remember where it came from, but guess I'll rebuild it.


Edited by 48ply1stcar
10 hours ago, 48ply1stcar said:

I have no idea my they call them work benches.


Too much work to clean 'em up.....looks like mine!

Posted (edited)

I am in the last stretch of cleaning and reorganizing my work area after being swamped with projects since I converted it from a small 1-car garage almost 5 years ago...layer upon layer of remnants of projects have been on the workbench, with parts belonging to cars or ppl that are no longer around, each layer a reminder of what I was doing so many months / years ago...finally I have the time to separate the chaff, organize the remainder and clear the workbench, storage shelves and floor that I haven't seen in quite some time...all in preparation for the next onslaught of projects that might include converting some of my yard art into operational vehicles...this whole exercise has been cathartic, with the feeling of being overwhelmed with work being replaced with a sense of accomplishment...maybe spending 3 days sorting nuts bolts screws etc helped, maybe burning a truckload pile of scrap that was taking up space brought some relief...at any rate, it's good to be organized once again and free to move about the shop without worrying about knocking over a pile :cool:

Edited by JBNeal
added link
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I w as going to clean my work bench, but I can’t find my hand grenade.

Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, Mike36 said:

I w as going to clean my work bench, but I can’t find my hand grenade.

Use a claymore, you'll be able to direct the blast.


Edited by 48ply1stcar

I call it a Piling system and if you have any ambitions toward becoming an archaeologist  now is your chance.


Several times over the past ten years I have taken a plastic tote tray and put  everything on the bench into it except paper and old rags .  I then wrote the date on the tote and put it in the attic of another building where the whole upstairs looks like your bench.  The reasoning was that I would know where anything of importance was and could easily go back and find it.  I have never needed to look  as of this date.   However, I greatly fear that the totes will  now be M I A .  dp

  • Haha 1

    I’ll have to confess to my work bench getting pretty crapped-up while I’m working on something — auto-related, or not — despite my best intentions. However, upon completion of whatever it is I’m dealing with, I break out the ol’ scoop shovel, and have at it. I never tho’t about this until now, but I realize why the exam rooms at our office were so orderly — the nurses picked up after us doc’s (the desk in my office wasn’t a disaster, but it did leave something to be desired). I don’t think any nurse is gonna deal with the work bench in my shop. Best regards to all . . . . .


Well, if you already found what sounds like an unexpected and useful part, it may be fun to go on an archeological expedition on your bench.  I tend to be on the anal side with mine, it may get a bit unkempt when I have a project spread out on it, but once done it returns to "normal".  I just chalk straightening it back up as one of the tasks to be accomplished with whatever project is on it.  The workbench in the basement is a different story, since the missus tends to use it as her general storage area. 

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