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Congratulations Obama - CONGRATULATIONS USA!

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As a foreigner, I have watched the US elections with great interest.

I enjoyed being in Florida in the summer and seeing the TV coverage of the debates.

Now it's all over and the HUGE success is the fact that your nation has really engaged with its democracy.

Congratulations to you all.

It is AMAZING to have got such a high turnout of voters.

I hope Obama leads as well as he speaks - he has captured everyone's imagination.

Politics aside, both candidates are great men.

The whole world needs the winner to do a great job.

God bless America. God bless us all.

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Watched Obamas speech live from Chicago last night, very intelligent, articulate man. I hope he is the answer for America,will be interesting in the coming days,weeks and months on how he runs the country and plans to tackle some very challenging problems facing America at this time. So from Canada, congrats Mr Obama, on your Presidential Victory...........GOD BLESS AMERICA


It is interesting that the first replies to USA's election on this forum are from non-citizens of our great country. I am 70 years old, the first time I could vote I had to choose between a Quaker and a Catholic, at least that is how I saw it then. I grew up in wheat and cattle country, i.e., far Western Nebraska. Until I graduated from High School I had seen only one black person, the shoe shine man at a barbershop in North Platte. Now that is a perfect stereotype, but it is true. In a nearby town some Japanese families (ex prison camp families from WWII) raised potatoes and hired Mexicans to do the hand tilling. That was my TOTAL exposure to non-whites.

I may be quite typical for my age, WASP! I did not vote Democratic, and I have some qualms about the present scenario. My qualms do NOT involve race. My qualms involve the honesty of the American press! They are beginning to frighten me and yet we know that the power of the pen has always been stronger than the power of the sword! WHen the monarchies of the world fell, in 1750, i.e., France, Germany, Austria, Ottoman, Russian ( a few decades later) and England's King, George barely survived, the powerful forces were writers like Thomas Payne (an expatriated American) so the pen / press will always have its say. YET, it must be fair and I suspect the American press is highly suspect.

In all this we can be comforted that big ships and large nations do not change very much very fast so we will survive and we will accomplish. What may have lost in personal 'comfort zones' we have probably gained more in an enlarging country awareness that all can be involved, but only if resonsiblity follows once placed in leadership roles.

Yes, may God bless this country as well as others!

Paul Flaming


Interesting to get some overseas reaction. I watched most of the coverage on several different stations. It was interesting to see the different reporters reactions. I wonder if the out come would had bveen different if Seator Mc Cain had been as classy and magnanamus during the campaign as he was in his concession speech. I think that if he had shown that demeanor and thoughtfulness through out the process the results could have been different.

Have a lot of respect for him and his service to his country, I always listened hard to his positions when he was interviewed before he decided to run for president. The maverick thing was probably not the road he should have taken. While being able to think on your feet is an admirable atribute for leader, I for one don't think a fellow who shoots from the hip should be in close proximity to the "button". I am neither democrat or republican, and I typically split my vote based on the candidates qualities, if they can be gleaned out of the fog of the campaign retoric.

I think there were good answers on both sides of the election and hope they can be brought to bear to good avail for this country and the rest of the world


As a Canadian I also followed the election closely because as one of our Prime Ministers once stated, "Living next to America is like a mouse sleeping with an elephant" just meaning that what happens in the US affects us greatly. I was actually quite emotional listening to Obama speak and believe he touched the bases he needed to touch. I believe your country has chosen a new path to take and I certainly wish Obama and all Americans the best. He strikes me not only as a great orator but as intelligent, articulate, competent and with the necessary steel to make tough but necessary choices. However you voted, congratulations on showing how a great democracy can function!


One has to wonder if all of the people around the world will now step up and pay for the higher individual and corporate income taxes that was proposed during the campaign by Obama. :rolleyes:

I guess they will in a way, because he also wants to renegotiate NAFTA and other trade agreements with other countries. Maybe those living outside the US missed that campaign speech.:rolleyes:

That said, neither McCain or Obama could get the economy mess cleaned up on their own. That takes people, not the government. We put ourselves into the mess and we are the only ones that can get us out of the mess. Also cleaning up the mess is not going to happen magically overnight when he takes office in January, or any time soon thereafter. Don't want to sound negative but increased taxes hurts any economy because increased taxes doesn't put money in peoples pockets. It takes more money out, leaving less to spend to boost the economy.

He also wants to bring our troops home. That is a good thing and McCain wanted to too, just in a different way. At the same time, Obama has said he wants the rest of the world to step up when a crises comes up, so we don't go it alone. Wants them to pay more of the bills both in money and lives. In short doesn't want to be the only police on the planet. And, I do agree with that one. Maybe the rest of the world missed that speech too.:rolleyes:

As Greg said in another post, I don't know why anyone would want the job of President, or other elected official. But..........since he is our next President for at least four more years, I wish him the best. Hopefully, he will surround his self with some very good people with experience to advise him from both parties, and he listens to them.

That's all I have to say on the subject, regardless of any pro or negative responses someone may have to what I just said. Just going back to doing my own thing in my own backyard.


.....cant see the forest for the trees in the way. maybe some of us are so close we cant figure it out....those from a distance can see the wisdom of last nights results! it is time to pass the torch to a younger and more worldly america.


As a Canadian I also followed the election closely because as one of our Prime Ministers once stated, "Living next to America is like a mouse sleeping with an elephant" just meaning that what happens in the US affects us greatly. I was actually quite emotional listening to Obama speak and believe he touched the bases he needed to touch. I believe your country has chosen a new path to take and I certainly wish Obama and all Americans the best. He strikes me not only as a great orator but as intelligent, articulate, competent and with the necessary steel to make tough but necessary choices. However you voted, congratulations on showing how a great democracy can function!

Well said, Robert, I agree wholeheartedly. I don't recall seeing people dancing in the streets in those numbers after an election in the US before.


We are in a downward spiral as a culture. I only hope we don't expect more from Obama than he can deliver.

There are so many distasteful decisions that must be made, there are a lot of toes that need to be stepped on, and society now has a "political correct" phobia so people are afraid to make decisions that may offend someone.

I teach school - as much as everyone "values" education no one wants to pay for it. If a student can't reach the bar - WE LOWER THE BAR.

I apologize - I don't mean to vent - I am extremely pleased at our new president. I know that my father, a racist, is turning over in his grave - I believe the country finally made a mature move. I'm just saying let's not expect too much.


I guess people can't use discrimination as a reason for not being able to reach higher anymore. I hope Mr Obama inspires a whole generation of "minorities" to try harder...obviously in America the impossible is STILL possible if you try hard enough. That's nice to see, gives hope for the future for everyone.

Failure is not an option.



"We are in a downward spiral as a culture. I only hope we don't expect more from Obama than he can deliver."

I expect him to do just exactly what he promised he was going to do.... and with both houses of Congress there is no reason he shouldn't be able and willing to keep his broad and widespread promises, if they were truly viable to begin with. If he doesn't I will figure he might have lied about a few things just to get to be president.

Also, I haven't seen anything like a "downward spiral as a culture" here in Pawnee County, Oklahoma. For the most part, we still worship God, work hard, pay our own bills, (that includes our own mortgages) raise our families, and help our neighbors, just as we were raised to do. Joel


Joel I wish everything thought that. I fear more people are going the opposite way and expecting the gov to cover them. I often wonder why I am working so hard to pay my bills and my mortgage when others seem to get the same stuff with my money too.


In my 80 plus years,Ive seen a lot of elections. Paul Flamings comment hit me as if he could read how I felt. This has been slowly coming out,but I truly believe that the greatest threat to our country IS THE PRESS! Clearly bias in their reporting and campaign coverage! WHY? Isnt their job to report and inform honestly what is happening? I have long been a registered Independant.

Most years of my life previously were as a Democrat. The Press is most likely the reason for my change to Independant. Either McCain or Obama as President doesnt concern me NEAR as much as the lopsided media coverage we have been recieving for the last 30 0r so years. I thought twice about writing this,but it had to come out of me. I sincerely appreciate the comments of the membership and hope my ranting didnt offend anyone. Frank M.

... If a student can't reach the bar - WE LOWER THE BAR...

I couldn't agree more... We moved our two kids from private school to public school this year, and the difference significant. We have the best, well funded public schools in Idaho due to the high tax base of a ski resort area, and the system still leaves alot to be desired. It seems the No Child Left Behind thing is all about teaching to the lowest common denominator, so that all of the kids learn as little as possible.

My oldest son is in 4th grade this year, and he has 7th grade math skills, and 11th grade reading ability. In his old school, he was constantly challenged to keep up the pace with his ability. Now, in public school, he is board to death, and is getting complacent and lazy, because he knows no one there expects him to perform. We are trying to get him in to the GATE program at the school, but for some reason they won't accept his test scores from the old school, and have to test him again. This is taking months, and there is no urgency what so ever to move forward. I don't understand it at all... It is as if the teachers and administration have their hands tied and have given up. They are just going through the motions to get through the day.

We recently moved to a new neighborhood to get into the public school of our choice, because we knew that we would no longer be able to afford the private school tuition. Thankfully this worked out, as the school for our old neighborhood is currently 75% non-english speaking Hispanic children. They have "lowered the bar" at this school so far just to try and teach these kids english, that the english speaking kids aren't leaning anything but spanish.

I sincerely hope that the new President can focus attention on the public school system, it sorely needs it...

Rant off...



Ed, I totally agree.....most of us have been working for years to get where we are at. When I took out my home mortgage loan there were a couple of "stipulations" between the bank and myself.... first that I had enough income to pay the loan back, (which they checked me out good and made sure was true), that I "invest" something of myself into the deal upfront, (downpayment that had been saved up for), and also that in the event I didn't make the payments, for any reason, that I had no reason to expect I might still be able to live there. Having worked hard and tightened the belt when and where it was needed along the way, it galls me to think that now that I, and thousands just like me, are getting, or have gotten our loans paid back (on our own, as no one from the government ever showed up wanting to help make the payments), we need to pitch in and help pay someone else's where some knuckleheads loaned people money they could not, or likely would not pay back.

The other issue I see here that I agree with totally is that of the "media on a mission" practice that is becoming more blatant every day. I remember as a kid that my dad would SUSPECT some radio or tv news commentator of having some particular political leanings, but you couldn't be sure, as the networks upheld the practice of reporting the news, not shaping it. Joel


The first thing to realize is that most broadcast media "NEWS" programs are the equivilent of the OP ED pages of the Newspapers, especialy true of the cable deals. What you hear is that the LIBERAL media slants everything. Well can that be any different than all the rantings of the Conservative stuff on the radio.

So whether you are a fan or Rush, Bill, or Beck, or Chris, Kieth or Racheal. Whether your get your information from the major networks or NPR, the BBC or Al Jazera, you have to know that the same story is going to be portrayed in several different ways. You need to filter it through something to get the facts regardless of who presents it.

News papers and other media have been slating stuff since the beginning of the printed word. You never could believe everything you read, and now adays you certainly can't believe what you hear (out of context sound bits and manipulated video) and neither what you can see with digital photo editing.

So I guess we all have the choice of skepticism, paranoia, cynacism, or total embrace of someones dogma. Guess thats what makes the world go around.


I bought my house at 23 years old. I saved up a significant amount of money for a down payment got pre-approved and went shopping. Just think I could have blown that down payment on a paint job for my old car(back when I was saving there was a 60 elcamino with a 348 and factory error that was really tempting) and now someone else could buy me a house. Jeez what was I thinking....


interesting to read the opinions of our forum members.

in the last 20 years i have travelled to many countries. USA was revered by all. as a model to the world. HOWEVER , the last 4 years or so i felt a bold snickering at america for making wrong and childish decisions in our administration. the world has been changing before our eyes..and we really didnt see it. i think the younger generation will make the difference!

already 5 international friends have emailed serious congratulations. they never did that before.

nothing in our way of life in the heartland will change i am sure. but on the big scale i thnk " AMERICA IS BACK!'



I wish someone at sometime along the way had pointed out that what money I earn by taking the risk to be in a construction business which employs several other men, and working my tailend off myself, (including most nights and many weekends), should not be defined as "wealth" , but is honest wages, earnings,and profits, some small part of which I ever hold out the hope of parlaying into "savings". Using the term "wealth" to describe my money I have worked hard for, and earned, makes it sound like this is money above and beyond what I actually need for myself and my family, thus I should feel good about giving to someone that hasn't earned any of their own. Believe me, I wouldn't be working if I didn't need the money for my own family. If I do decide to share part of my earnings with people who have less than I, I would like be the one to decide exactly who I will share it with, and how much. Joel


Very much agreed. There should be no automatic redistribution of wealth. If they want to be wealthy too they should get a job or a better job. I very firmly believe that history will show Bush as a much better president than everyone currently thinks he is.


Here's a simpsons quote that seems to sum it up nicely. Due to some other zaney circumstances homer is living in the old folks home with his dad.

Homer: Who knew that Laze made liquid potato chips? Can't suck just one.

Woman: Another bag of patato chips, Mr. Talmidge?

Homer: Also I think I'm getting a bed sore. What do you have to do to get

turned round here [she begins]. Hey, what's Lucky joined up to?

Woman: It's a machine that breaths for him.

Homer: And here I am using my own lungs like a sucker. And how come everyone

has a bed pan and I have to walk all the way other there!

Woman: Over there?

[the toilet is right next to him]


Pete my wife taught in a city public school for years. When NCLB was introduced, it coincided with this states standardized testing regimine. Education ended shortly there after. Ciriculums were designed specifically to get test results. Tests were dumbed down, results homoginized, and acedemic achievment deminished. Any off track developmental exploration of subject matter went out the window, because it took time away from the getting to the next point in the ciriculum.

Then they wonder why we produce no above average results.

Very much agreed. There should be no automatic redistribution of wealth. If they want to be wealthy too they should get a job or a better job. I very firmly believe that history will show Bush as a much better president than everyone currently thinks he is.

Agreed. For example there is a very good article in the November 3 issue of Newsweek Magazine titled, "The World That Awaits" starting on page 28. Another article on page 33 titled, "The Right Way Back". In there for example you'll find that the start of the Housing and Mortgage problem actually started under the Clinton era, not the Bush era. It started as far back as 1996. Clinton could not stop it and neither could Bush through no fault of their own. Yet since it finally came to a head during the Bush era, he unjustly is getting the blame. You really can't blame Clinton either though. They didn't cause it. The banks and investors were greedy and wanted to make extra profits, and people took advantage of the easy money in their own greed to get money out of their homes to buy luxury items, and others who could not afford a home did it to try and get ahead. Both of these articles are very much non partisan and worth reading.

Greg mentioned the media and I also agree with what he wrote about it being somewhat biased. However, we don't have to take the word of the media, especially in the world of the Internet. You can the Senate and Congressman's web site and find out all you need to know about which representative voted for what bill on that site. Here's the link for the Senate. http://www.senate.gov/index.htm. So.........we can do our own checking if we just take the time to do it.

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