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Please make sure you vote tomorrow!

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Guest P15-D24

Turnout may be at historic levels and your participation is requested! Not looking to start a political discussion (Please NO :) !) but you have a responsibility to participate!


I'll agree. All of our futures will be affected and there is no need to complain about how things are or will be if you didn't exercise your right to vote.


You mean after nearly 2 years of charges countercharges, lies, halftruths, inuedo, mud slinging, and spending more money then the output of some countries, it may finally be over??? The only question I need to get answered is Who in their right mind would want that job??? Oh well, I guess it works out somehow.....

So if our Democracy is based on citizens excercising a SECRET BALLOT how come everybody gives up their choice to folks you don't even know calling at dinner time trying to skew the results in their favor? It my vote till I use it, then it becomes the vote of the candidate of my choice, till then, its secret.

Still want the none of the above option.

So what color state you live in, excercise you sufferage rights.



I don't answer those polls either. I just hang up as soon as they say who they are, regardless of which party is calling. Will be glad when 8 PM tomorrow comes. Regardless of how it turns out, at least it will be over. Hopefully the next election process won't start in another 2 years. Least they could do is wait 3 years.


Norm, there will be at least two days of intense rehashing of what happened, and please let it not be close enough for the supreme court to get involved again.

Norm, there will be at least two days of intense rehashing of what happened, and please let it not be close enough for the supreme court to get involved again.

I had forgotten about that. You are right though, the media will be like all the "arm chair football coaches and baseball managers" and second guess things.:rolleyes: Not to mention telling us what we already know.:rolleyes: Don't know how I ever made it without them.

And, of course had forgotten that they'll be talking about what the new President elect is going to do when he takes office in January. But.........at least the phone will be quiet again.:)


Forgot to point out one thing. While I'll agree with Gerald, we should get out and vote for whoever. However, I don't think everyone should vote. For example the people they interview on Jay Leno that has no clue as to the history or even who the past and present leaders are.

Just tonight on the local news one of the reporters went to Madison, WI to interview people on the street. Not only is that the capitol city of Wisconsin, but home of the University of Wisconsin. Madison was built on the state capitol and the university. It's a big college town. However he was asking people some pretty simple questions like:

Question: What's the name of our National anthem? Answer he got: Declaration of Independence.

He ask several other people similar simple questions about our history and political makeup. Got similar dumb answers. And, these were college students. My question is. How in the world did they even get out of high school, much less into college. Just think about it, these are people who may be running the government someday and they don't know anything when it comes to this subject. I think these people and people like them should just stay home tomorrow.


I am 72. in my entire life i have never received a phone call or other solicitation for a candidate. do i live in some kind of a vacuum!!! maybe i should get a phone!!!!!!! ha!

bill i am off to the polls...now!


I start work at 7 so the plan is to go after work around 4. Hope the lines aren't too bad.

I start work at 7 so the plan is to go after work around 4. Hope the lines aren't too bad.

I generally am at work by 7AM and don't get home until 7PM...

But California allows a "permanent absentee ballot", i.e. with no excuses needed you get to use a mail-in ballot every election. According to the county's tracking system, my completed ballot was received and processed on Oct. 16th. No lines for me...


Took care of it about one hour ago. Not too long of lineand was the 320th voteraccording to the "counter" you slid your ballot in.


We plan on going to the polling place about 2 pm.

Ours is the largest precinct in the city, so we are hoping the line won't

be too bad at that time of day.


Well.........as usual the media overstates things. Said the lines were about a 40 minute wait this morning. Wife and I went over to vote about 10 AM. No line at all.:):cool: I was 356th voter at that polling place and the wife was the 356th. I've found that mid morning was the best time to go. Have been doing it that way for the past 10 or 12 years, and never have a line more than a couple of people at that time.

Well.........as usual the media overstates things. Said the lines were about a 40 minute wait this morning. Wife and I went over to vote about 10 AM. No line at all.:):cool: I was 356th voter at that polling place and the wife was the 356th. I've found that mid morning was the best time to go. Have been doing it that way for the past 10 or 12 years' date=' and never have a line more than a couple of people at that time.[/quote']

So Norm;

How is it that you and your wife were both the 356th voters???? Does Wisconsin use the Florida tally rules???

I generally am at work by 7AM and don't get home until 7PM...

But California allows a "permanent absentee ballot", i.e. with no excuses needed you get to use a mail-in ballot every election. According to the county's tracking system, my completed ballot was received and processed on Oct. 16th. No lines for me...

Same here. My wife and I voted about 10 days ago.


I know several people who have voted early. Wisc has the same no excuse early voting policy. The poles have been open for about a month here. I voted this morning because it is a travel day for me, so I didn't need to be at the office this morning. I went and voted, ran a couple other errands, got a hair cut, showed up at the office to take care of one quick detail, then headed for the airport.

Now I'm just waiting for my flight to Nashville. I'll be down there through Friday, but I don't think I'll have time for any extra curricular activities. It's a business conference with busy evenings too.

So Norm;

How is it that you and your wife were both the 356th voters???? Does Wisconsin use the Florida tally rules???


Little typo there. Wife was number 355, not 356.

Best part was after we voted. Drove another 5 blocks and picked up my new Carter Fuel pump. Didn't come with a new gasket though, so have to make one for it. Price was the same as what I paid for the Airtex that only lasted 1 1/2 years.

For those interested, the Carter pump number is M847 on the box. It's strange though because the tag on the pump says 588. Not only that, but the old original pump also has a tag on it that says 588. Neither one of those are Airtex.:confused:

Now there's a switch. Took an "Off Topic" thread and turned it into an "On Topic" thread. Usually we do it the other way around.:D


Now I'm just waiting for my flight to Nashville. I'll be down there through Friday, but I don't think I'll have time for any extra curricular activities. It's a business conference with busy evenings too.


I just sent you a PM.

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