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Everything posted by Los_Control

  1. I really doubt you will find much difference in engine tune up. Seems the specs would be the same, point gap, dwell, timing, valve lash Parts will depend on what you have, points cap rotor you always need to use # off the distributor to get correct parts. Same with carburetor. My 1rst 49 3/4 ton B1C was a old farm truck and had a 1937 P motor in it with a 1/2 ton front axle I also had a 1952 b2b with a 1952 plymouth motor in it I would assumed it was changed also. I cant remember where I heard this, could be no truth to it at all .... Think it was my Uncle. During those years, if they were running out of the T truck engines, they would use up the extra P plymouth engines ... clear them out & get ready for next years models. So if that is true, it is possible my 1952 truck had a original engine that was a P ... I dunno, they are basically all the same anyways. From 1936 forward. At least my understanding of it.
  2. School in session .... Lucas=prince of darkness .. class closed. I dunno just seem surprising to me that after switching to a V8 with 12 volt that Lucas would be involved. I once had a 1969 Triumph motorcycle and never had a good battery with Lucas. One day at work the Boss walked in and said "headlight is turned on your motorcycle" I was really confused because the battery never took a charge for over 2 years. Not saying was a bad battery, just a bad charging system .... today I cant even explain the zenor diodes & rectififers I replaced to make it work properly ... just never did work. Los hears Lucas ... throws arms in air and screams like a little girl & runs away.
  3. Moose are good for not running away, just find a mother with a calf and see where it goes. Was out hunting deer one day and skunked again, was dusk & driving out of the woods. Saw the papa and thought that was cool, came around the corner there was a calf & momma. I just stopped to look & watch, only time I seen moose in the wild. Then I had a 1979 lifted Toyota 4x4, the momma she looked at me ... then she moved closer ... then closer then she looked like she was ready to charge. I got the heck out of there quick ... She looked as big as my truck and was ready for battle to protect that calf.
  4. ??? I love it .... sad part is the kids might eat them too .... at least better then tide pods.
  5. Will give you my honest opinion. Thanks for the reminder to drain water out of my tanks I really think this may be one of those areas we might be over thinking it. Compressed air creates water and you just need to stay up on it. You could use a acid and clean it perfect ... then use it and going to re-create the same situation. I would suggest rinse it out with water a few times, watch how clean the water is when you drain it. When it comes out clean to your satisfaction, call it a day and crack a beverage. Then just keep draining it when done with it. In the past when I was 30 years old I was a manager at a Bandag retread shop. Just incredible the amount of air we used. Picture if you can a chamber that holds 30, 11 R-24.5 semi truck tires. And fill it with 200 psi ... we had 2 chambers and changed both twice a day sometimes 3. That shop when we opened it, had a 60 hp 3phase and it did the job. When you loaded a chamber And started loading it, Just shut down the shop for 20 min while the compressor caught up ... every tool in the shop was powered by air. Break time After a year or so, we put in a rotary compressor and was amazing, we could load a chamber and keep on working. The 60 hp was still there, just as a backup. What we did for maintenance, Every Friday we drained the tanks before going home. Twice a year we call in a mechanic to do a service with new oil/filters. We seldom had a broke down air compressor. I have a little porter cable pancake compressor under the bench. Is perfect to throw in the back of the truck and go to a job and run my nail guns ... or fill tires. It shuts off at 150 psi, I swear it gets over 125 psi and it starts to rattle and works so hard ... I want to step away from it. My wife ask "whats wrong with that" I dunno, just cheap China junk. Years ago as a carpenter, my portable compressor went out ... at lunch time I went to Shucks auto supply and bought a $99 ... Holy crap I hated that thing, it worked well. Just weighed a ton. I wished it would die, just kept going. Thing was so heavy to carry around. I later bought a porter cable and worked fine for years ... while the new one I have is iffy See where I am going @Eneto-55I am the guy that service my lawnmower once a year, I oil the wood on my garden tools ... just clean it best you can and run it.
  6. I swear I am computer stupid. I learned on a pentium 3 why we do not hot swap ram, sure makes a really cool sound though I started using gentoo on a P-4 & still use it today. Although in the shop I am experimenting with a binary arch distro. Pretty happy with it. I think will be moving the office computer off of gentoo soon. Explanation, gentoo is a geeky linux distro. You start with a bare hard drive and boot with a live cd, then download a few files and edit them ... you do everything on the command line. In a hour I can boot into my new system without the live cd. But it has nothing on it. Command line and connected to the internet. Analogy is, A windows 10 user or a binary linux user goes to a restaurant and orders a plate of food. A gentoo user is sitting at the all you can eat buffet ... I want some of this, some of that building my own plate. After 15 years of building gentoo, I get a working graphical environment with a firefox browser in about 2 days. Takes a week to get everything I want. With a gaming case, A xeon cpu, 32 gigs ram, takes 3 days with cpu running all out to run a typical full system update. Comparison is a binary linux or win 10 takes less then 30 min. Not saying look how smart I am, saying look how stupid I am for running this system for over 15 years. We get older we get wiser. I was always a hardware guy & troubleshoot as a hobby, I am no software coder.
  7. @DJ194950 you get it. While it is just a joke, if you met me in person my clothes keep me covered and nothing more ... the pants I caught on fire and burn a hole in ... couple more washes and trash. Thats just me. @P15-D24 may have given me a well deserved scolding ... Can you even imagine the work they have done to keep this forum available? Can you imagine the work & cost to upgrade to software @P15-D24 would endure .... they already been footing the bill for years. Simply put, they getting no solid income .... But they keep the site up because thats just what they do. Lets ask ... what does @P15-D24do for a living? I have no clue .... I will bet running the forum is not what is paying the mortgage. Will be a big job moving to new software ... will be a lot of consideration from the users if they want to keep this forum. Will be a commitment from @P15-D24 to upgrade the software. Just send me a notice 1 month ahead of time to re-new my membership..
  8. Wonders if he the only dumb arse that saves line until replaced ... need the rear brake lines?
  9. Here is a photo of the factory fuel line on a B1B, just gets tucked into the front cross member then over to the fuel pump. The brake line follows but fuel is closer to cross member then brake line outside. If any measurements needed let me know.
  10. Grumpy old man point of view .... I do not care about achievements. I know you have a store with ....been a couple years since I looked ... not interested in stickers ... you gout any Brass plates to advertise to mount on the firewall? All my T-shirts have holes, do you sell them? I understand you have a donate button ... that relies on me remembering what year this is ... I talked about this before ... Today I will send you $50 to donation ... I ask you to send me a message saying I am a paid member as a personal message. Today is 5/26/2021. I then require a 30 day notice next year my membership dues are due by 5/26/2022 ... I will send them off. Does that make sense? I do not need a sticker or a button, or recognition, I just want to help keep this forum alive. It has so many advantages over other forums ... Yes it is old Dodge collectors but we have off topic and post just about anything from gardens to other cars ... It truly is a community . I really think this forum is ready for a update to allow paid members. I suspect it may take a huge software change, or maybe just a button you not pushed yet. The only goal would be to keep it alive and maybe you add some swag to impress
  11. Thats interesting to know. We had a hail storm last week and wife car windshield got cracked maybe I scrap it Just looking on marketplace and they have this advertised for $500 clean title runs & drives burns no oil. Might be worth it to scrap it?
  12. While I am not interested in making mine original with cloth wiring etc. My goal is to rewire with original 6 volt sized wire. Stay 6 volt but have the option to change to 12 volt in the future. What bothers me about the available wiring harness, you get way more then what you need. So you either cut 1/2 of it off or zip tie it up under the dash. Wire and quality fittings are not cheap .... I kinda suspect you can buy a harness for not much more money then buying parts individually. So I do not think or feel I am saving money by making my own harness. I feel my 49 dodge truck is so simple, I will do exactly what it needs, not more not less. I think that will look so much cleaner then a aftermarket harness. I also have the original harness to duplicate ... this helps to make my job easier. Modifications I expect to add, is a fuse box of sorts. I want to fuse the lights, heater, radio, cab lights, turn signals. There really is not that much more on a old truck.
  13. Yeah I thought it sounded a bit funny. I am not sure where it actually needs to be. Pretty sure it does not matter. There is a rail there of oil port plugs. My gauge is using the port behind the oil filler tube. Which I think to be factory. The ones down by the starter are used normally for the add on oil filter. They bolt to the head right above them, so is a straight shot. But am sure it does not matter where you connect them. I have never read anyone talk about a special fitting with a 1/32" hole. As someone else posted a photo with the gauge having a restriction built in, I just checked one and it is 3/32" opening. I really think you need to do nothing. Something else to consider while running a new line. The original was a metal line going near the firewall, then a coupling and a rubber line going through the firewall to the gauge. You can see mine is metal, sure the rubber rotted out and owner replaced it with metal. These big torque monster engines rock back and forth and the rubber allows the line to flex. You can see metal works also. Just something to think about.
  14. I think it might be possible there is as many answers here as there are opinions. And that really is perfect. @desoto1939 I get it, Do your homework! I personally would be concerned which NOS parts I bought off ebay. Are those 70 year old bonded brakes shoes still glued? Is that ignition coil still filled with oil and ready to work? Are those 70 year old seals soft & pliable? Normal maintenance items I would be concerned about 70 year old parts. While many parts it is a blessing to be able to even find them and use them. Yes ebay is good for certain things but not a cure all. Next is the books, I get it. Again they do not always tell you what you need. A perfect example, A few weeks ago was a question about firing order on a Dodge flathead 6. Motor's auto repair manual does not show it in Dodge, Chrysler section but @Plymouthy Adams found that if you switch to the plymouth section and can find firing order for same engine. It is just not a perfect world and noobies like myself need help navigating through it. @Plymouthy Adams I agree with you, I think most parts are made from the same factory and labeled for the buyer. @keithb7 I think this is what we really need to do to source parts for our old vehicles. Pull the seal & take it to a shop that sells seals. Let them match up the #. Got a Timken bearing?, take it to a bearing supplier and let them match it up. You also found that out with steering boxes. Same with Transmissions. They were made by different manufacturers, borg warner or whoever, for Dodge, ford, chevy but they were using easily available seals & bearings. Most but not all are still available today.
  15. I can agree it is oil resistant. I found a old electric flat griddle at a thrift store ... can cook a slab of bacon, pancakes and eggs all at same time. The plastic grease trap was cracked & leaked .... I used JB-weld to fix it 3 years ago and is holding up great. I would not suggest it for your purpose. If I could not find the correct part. I would think a fix like a bolt with the same threads as the block & fitting. Cut it shorter to make a coupling from it, drill the bolt out. Does not need to be grade 8 hardened bolt. Possibly stainless steel if you can find threads. It is pretty soft. or just cheaper grade 5 bolts. I would pickup a few extra drill bits while you are at it. 1" coupler ... 1/2" in the block 1/2" out? might be longer then you need. Just a idea, sure you could improve on it and make it better. As a old carpenter, putty my buddy, does not belong inside engines.
  16. Computer problems can be challenging & frustrating to figure out. especially strange key combos. Bad enough when I phat finger something, kinda got a clue . I have a cat that just plops down and lays on the keyboard to get my attention. Then my wife computer I have to maintain it. What did you do? .... I didn't do anything it just started doing it ... ? Worse is soda pop on a keyboard. But the fil did spill coffee on mil new laptop and fried it.
  17. I watched a quick 5 min video the other day about this. Seems like it makes sense to me. But first things I would check is fuel flow. Is your cap vented and working properly? Just remove it and drive it, see if the same thing happens. What about fuel flow? Does the tank have crap in it and running the engine draws the crap to the fuel line & plugs it up? My old rusty tank did this, would run in the driveway for awhile then run out of gas. Connect to a gas can and no more problem. I like what Tony is saying in the video it makes sense, but our tanks would need modification to allow a return line.
  18. Since it has not been used, I would guess the pedal/plunger not been moved? That needs to be cleaned ... I would think some brake clean spray & a rag or brush? These are really very simple to work on, very simple to disassemble & clean then put back together. I took my non working master cylinder apart, sat for 20 years. I soaked it in a can of carburetor cleaner, I then ran a small hone through the cylinder to clean it up. Then replaced the rubber cup in mine with a generic one the auto parts store had sitting on the shelf. Put it back together and was able to bench bleed it and remove the air ... seems to work fine ... just never finished installing the new lines. Next time I ordered something from DCM, I added a master cylinder rebuild kit ... I have it sitting on the shelf here ... in case my makeshift cleaning of the master cylinder fails I have all new parts to put in it ... You know that rust needs to be cleaned ... you want clean bare metal inside. The rust will break free, then flakes get caught in the passages of the master or the wheel cylinders. Same would happen with paint on the inside, just plug it up. While I did paint the outside, no paint inside.
  19. Not seeing what you are ... all looks normal here ... a new page layout would require a update and forum shutdown while update was being done ... all good here.
  20. It is funny, I was 22 years old. I belonged to the teamsters union and retreaded truck tires & punched a time clock. I use to get so much crap about that from my fellow workers ... "what you going to do, pick her up in the 1 ton truck? Damn straight I did, & we still together today. OK story time When you are 22 years old & in love, you really do not know much. I bought a piece of property. I needed a truck to work it. I then bought a 10'x50' mobile home and parked it on the property. I used the Dodge 1 ton to pull it 40 miles. The old slant 6 / 4 spd worked perfect. My Girlfriend at the time followed me in a 1972 Triumph with a Toyota dual overhead cam 5 spd trans .... she beeped the horn when she saw the tire on the trailer start to wobble ... I never knew until it passed me on the road. That old Dodge worked perfect, get over 35 mph and front end was so light it would wander, same time last 3 miles was uphill and the truck kept a steady 35 mph. That old truck was seriously overloaded. So much weight on the rear bumper the front tires barely touched the ground .... These old Dodges are tough. ... Just saying I love the older 1 tons ... they have guts.
  21. Is that a 9' box? ... am jealous ... I do not blame you for wanting to keep the look. When I was dating my wife 35 years ago, I picked her up in a 1960 dodge 1 ton flatbed. She use to drive it grocery shopping. The T-5 is a pretty common swap on these old flatheads. Lots of info if you search for it, I have never done it myself. I can tell you there are different styles and think there is 2 different set of gear ratios for them. The other difference is where the shifter is located on the bell housing. That is important if you want the shifter in front of a bench seat or inbetween bucket seats? The swap with the clutch, pressure plate, throwout bearing and a adapter seems do-able since it has been done many many times. You would need to figure out some sort of mount or cross member for the 1 ton, then make up a drive line. You can cut off the T5 shift lever and weld your factory shift lever to it. Would look totally original unless crawl under it. You want that look & style, I think a transmission change is what you want. The T5 is plenty strong enough for your 95 hp motor.
  22. Just my thoughts on it, I talked to a guy who had a 3/4 ton ... not a 1 ton, but I think the widths between a 1/2 ton - 1 ton are the same? He put a early 90's chevy 1/2 ton rear end in his ... He was able to keep the 5 on 5 bolt pattern to match the front. It was 2" wider then stock so 1" on each side not terrible. I am not sure how you would keep the 6 lug wheels though. I can see a 1 ton dually axle under it. But everything would be 8 lug. I just wonder if a T5 5spd trans if the 5th gear would be enough for a little more speed using stock rear end?
  23. I like @JBNeal solution ... I was curious and checked a extra set of gauges I have sitting in a box. The temp gauge is sitting at just over 100 & oil is pegged at 80. No clue what they would do connected. .... while the gauges installed in the truck all sit at zero. Seem to work fine ... Then I have another set That I will be replacing the working gauges in my truck with. So some seem to act funny, while others appear to be normal. Jbneal is showing a way to fix what you have. And some times it really is the best way to correct your problem. To be careful here, I want to say there is no commerce or trading allowed in the regular forums. You need to post in the classified section or send a personal message to another and keep it out of the regular forum .... so do not ask in this thread. pm or classified section! And just saying in the past, maybe 15 years ago, I wanted to give a computer chip to someone in Brazil. they pay shipping. 15 years ago with the tariffs it was over $100 usd for a item that would fit in a postal envelope. Just not worth the extra cost. Sure it is more today & not less. My whole point here, if I did give you the extra set of gauges for free, just not cost effective to ship them. & then you would still need to do same procedure to fix them. Just fix what you have if is possible.
  24. While you could use it, how would you know it was more accurate then the one you have? If you bought a new cheap after market gauge that bolts under the dash, hook it up and set it on the floor or the seat and go for a drive. Compare it to what your original gauge is showing. Maybe yours is pretty close? At least you would know what it is .... then try the WWII and see if it is reading correct .... I think you kinda need a known working test gauge to compare your readings.
  25. Mother nature is unforgiving. 5 years ago while sitting in WA state and searching for houses I could afford. I chose West Texas. I really like the prices, the greenery of further east, then getting into Tornado alley. I ended up with West Texas because of the weather. We still have weather problems, here seems to be hail. I think every area has there own weather issues ... WA is rain 200 days a year. 3 days ago we had a hail storm, destroyed the wife van windshield, has to be replaced but lucky is just cracked and not a zillion pieces. Then driving my daily driver truck today I see I have 2 small hits on that windshield, they can be fixed. I found some damage in the garden broken branches ... nothing important. Just glad you are safe. That fender looks like a fun project to fix, when fishing season is over
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