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plymjim last won the day on December 12 2018

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About plymjim

  • Birthday 12/17/1943

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cresaptown, Maryland
  • Interests
    old cars, bikes, & street rods
  • My Project Cars
    48 Plym. club coupe, 38 Dodge 4 door

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  • Biography
    76 yrs old. 1st car was a 48 Plym convertible. been hooked on 'em ever since.
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  • Location
    LaVale, Md
  • Interests
    Old cars, Old motorcycles

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  1. Just about any local glass company could cut you a new windshield. Just take your old one along for a pattern. You will probably find it cheaper than mail order.
  2. Don't know exactly where yours came apart but there is a rubber bushing in the mix between the rod attached to the steering column & the rest of the linkage. That's where I'd guess 'cause I've had a few of them give out there. It's the thing almost hidden by the oil filter clamp in the picture. Still available from Andy Bernbaum or Roberts Motor parts I do believe.
  3. Save the clock, save everything you can. Pats for our cars get rarer every day.
  4. Back to the original reason for your post, I checked out a spare trans I have and though it's for a P-15 I believe they are all the same. That being said, 1" shaft length, 19/64" shaft diameter, 18 threads per inch. This is a specific use bolt. Head is both drilled for safety wire & slotted for adjustment purpose. Where in Maryland are you? Look for a P M from me.
  5. With seat moved foreward almost fully, measuring from the floor to highest part of seat cushion is about 15 1/2". About 6" from seat cushion to bottom of steering wheel. These measurements are approximate & done on stock but re upholstered seats. Hope this is of some help to you.
  6. Try bumping the exhaust system in different spots with the heel of your hand. Could be just a loose hanger. By the way, beautiful car you've got there.
  7. Here's another option, White Post Restorations. They will sleeve your wheel or master cylinders then return them to you completely rebuilt. Not cheap by any means but I've never heard of their work being any- thing but first rate. Near you too. Near Front Royal, Va. They currently have my '38 Dodge master cylinder. I will tell you he's not a fan of dot5 brake fluid. Their phone # is 540 837 1140. They have a web site too.
  8. So many ways to enjoy these old cars. Now sitting for portraits. Good job by your good friend Kelly.
  9. Hey, if any of those things really worked you would still be able to get them but not for $8.95. Am I right? May I side track here for a minute & tell you about a "gas additive" my cousin invented years ago. He had a clapped out Model A in which the fuel tank had been relocated to the rumble seat. He would pull into a filling station, take their water hose & proceed to fill the "gas tank" on the cowl with water, then take an aspirin tablet out of his pocket & chuck it into the tank, then start the car. Onlookers were offered the "gas tablets" for a small fee. Don't send out the fraud squad. He's been dead for years. I have been given this story as truth but you be the judge. (place smiley face here)
  10. Found a similar device in my old Almquist Engineering catalog from the early 60's called a "Mini Supercharger". Available for single, 2, & 4 barrel carbs. It had a little fan in a plate that was inserted between the carb & manifold. Cute but did it work?? Sorry I can't post a photo but the scan came out too big (6.4 mg whatever that means). By the way, they were $8.95, $10.95 & $15.95 for 1, 2, & 4 barrel versions.
  11. Looks kind of like what we have in Florida. They call it Brazilian snow. Very invasive. If it's that, it's awful hard to get rid of.
  12. I accidently used the internal by-pass gasket with an external by-pass head & it leaked. Very tiny leak but a leak none the less. I believe that issue is the thread that Sniper was referring to. both Felpro gaskets are readily available.
  13. I.ll go with that. Thanks for the quick reply.
  14. My solinoid is all done. Shorted out & wouldn't disengage. Wow, was that exciting! Having received a new one from Rock Auto, the question is can the 2 large lugs be wired to the battery & starter with the current flow in either direction or are these terminals not interchangeable? How would I test for this if it is necessary? The new one of course is not marked, If it was it would be in Chinese which I cannot read. This is for my '38 Dodge, converted to 12 volt with fender mounted solinoid, by thee way. Thanks for any input.
  15. Would re-drilling your rotors to a different bolt pattern then looking at completely different wheels be an option? Also, Los Control's idea of the Ford truck wheels seems to be on point.
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