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Everything posted by RNR1957NYer

  1. "Hold my beer while I cut this guy's hair"
  2. Sunday was unfortunately the beginning and end of the season for the P12. Took a trip around the lake here in town and paused at the Community Center for this picture. Inspection on Monday and then back in the garage with hope of more post pandemic auto activities in '21. P.S. Sorry about the wheels, Plymouthy!
  3. My daily driver is a Tor-Red '09 Challenger R/T I bought new- 220,000 miles, so far. When people ask me how often I get pulled over, I tell them the last two speeding tickets I've gotten have been while at the wheel of my wife's Caravans.
  4. Absolutely gorgeous!
  5. Glad your dad's ok - that's quite a hit! Too bad about the Rampage - looks like it was a good one.....
  6. The downward trend of the county's IQ began with "Caution - Objects in mirror are closer than they appear"
  7. Welcome to the group - sweet ride!
  8. But the best is when that afore mentioned metallic escapee lands within site and reachable from the engine compartment with the magnetic wand (which happily occurred 5 out of 6 times last weekend as i changed the fuel pump in the 'cuda!)
  9. Very nice car - welcome!
  10. If you have a couple Maaco shops near you, check their quality, and see if they will spray the car after you do all the body work. The Chrysler in the photo was restored by a young man about Nick's age a few years ago (he and his father are fellow WPC members who live near me). After doing all the prep work, a Maaco shop sprayed the two tone base / clear coat, and it's better than a "10 footer". I'm going to see if they will paint my '66 Satellite when (if) I complete the prep (28 years and counting!). Keep up the good work - body work is all about patience. Take your time, and redo anything you think might be iffy - if you can feel it, you will see it - in spades!
  11. If you are dry sanding, try wet sanding, and put a little dish washing detergent in the water you dip the paper into. And don't press hard - let the grit do the work. I've had success on tractor store enamel with a light touch and wet sand paper on paint that wasn't hard and would ball up with dry paper.
  12. It is the original - it's the Ramchargers drag team's original race car, The High and Mighty!
  13. You know, a fenderless Wayfarer with an early Hemi just might work....
  14. I once saw an unmarked '70 Fury State Trooper car painted Plumb Crazy on the New York Thruway back in the day... ...that was a lot of purple.
  15. I've been enjoying this thread, and you have every right to be proud. Nick will be doing very well if he keeps up with two out of three of those like skills ( I still pick up my trombone, but my last, and first, competitive run was a 5k with my fellow co-workers at my first job after college - in 1977).
  16. Hi Don, When my grandfather emigrated from Sweden in the teens, he landed in Canada (the US had taken in its quota of Swedes that year) and he got a job as a powder man constructing the Welland Canal. Eventually he brought the family (including my Mom, whose emigration papers said she crossed the Peace Bridge in a stroller) to the US, where he became a miner for USG in Oakfield, NY. As a child I remember visits to family still in the Welland - Thorold area. I was fascinated by the Canadian market MoPars of the late '50's and early '60's.
  17. I grew up in Western NY and same thing - Canadian change was common. The only time you thought anything of it was that a Canadian coin wouldn't work in a pop (soda, for the rest of you) machine. Thanks to the YMCA's bus trips to Crystal Beach Ont. I learned about the exchange rate - got an extra ride ticket per US dollar!
  18. May not be what you wanted to hear, but it is a honest-to-God thoughtful reply from a real human at a large corporation. That in itself seems remarkable in this day and age, which is sad.... Excuse me while I go yell at some kids to get off my lawn...
  19. I have found some rattle can enamel paints to be very reactive, even to to themselves, if the re-coat window isn’t closely followed (ie “re-coat within 45 min or after 24 hours” ) and/or it’s applied above the recommended humidity range - read the can and believe it! I painted the underside of my P12’s hood with spray bomb IHC red and had a devil of a time with lifting between coats - followed the can and ended up on the phone with the factory trying to figure out what went wrong.
  20. Very nice - welcome aboard!
  21. Maybe whatever is attached to the other end of the lighting cable comes with it!
  22. My favorite quote about govt sending paraphrased as I don't remember it exactly or who said it. " A billion here, a couple billion there, pretty soon we will be talking of spending big money... One of my favorite quotes too (I use it often when discussing construction costs and "value engineering"), it is widely credited to Sen Everett Dirksen.
  23. I'd bet it would be possible to solder it. A trip to the hobby shop to pick out the right brass flat stock from the K&S display should get you what you need to repair any holes the puller made. I've got a '54 230 I'm going to rebuild for my P12 - I just said a little prayer for the tube to be brass.....
  24. That looks fantastic as is; please show us how the interior cleaned up!!
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