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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. Wow, if that happened to me, I don't know what I would do! Yes I do, I'd be the proud owner of a 1930 Chrysler 6.
  2. The Raybestos site does not recognize that number. I figured if you search that number you'll find out what they fit. I tried NAPA too. No luck.
  3. Good evening Paul, I hope you're warm there in sunny California. We're getting our winter wake-up call. Time to dig out the battery tenders.
  4. Andy, that's exactly how I use them. Guaranteed center wire to brass tip positive contact.
  5. It's a long story. I brought home a souvenir.
  6. Use brake lines. They are the same.
  7. Thank you very, very much. That's a great show! I saw a 50 Nash, the double of one of my high school toys. There's an EMW F-9 also. A rare car from Eisenach built by Wartburg just before BWM took control of the factory and changed the name to BMW. Again, thanks for a great show!
  8. Same goes for the wild life. A moose walking out in front of your car can really get your pulse rate up!
  9. It looks, from the pictures, that your car deserves the prize ! Congratulations !
  10. Wartime Illinois plates are soy based also. You could get some non-matching plates cheap and repaint them. They are larger than AK plates also, so you might get away with slight edge damage on a less expensive IL plate.
  11. I'll weigh this and check the postage. PM me your address.
  12. A good hardware store should have those little hairpin clips. Easier to buy than find on the floor!
  13. My eyes are ringing!
  14. I can send you the center casting of a D6G1 with good thread holes for the cost of postage if you choose to rebuild your own. As was suggested, if gas is " pouring out", you need to find out why.
  15. They use different size nuts. Surefire way to tell.
  16. If you haven't already figured it out, the bigger of the two terminals goes to the armature, and the smaller is for the field. Always. All generators.
  17. There's an easy to love, lifelong friend. My old pal Betsy would be 64 this December 12th. The boxer pictures make me think of her for days after I see them. Loving and loveable animals that kind of blur the line between dogs and people.
  18. Or AAA for more compact use.
  19. If that's real, and he really is that stupid, how did he live this long?
  20. I think it's the same size as the rear axle hub key.
  21. I did it in a 75 Dodge Dart years ago. Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, same trip. It got pretty lonely along the top of Superior. Not much to see if you don't like the fantastic scenery. I think I'll have to do it again.
  22. That's true, I use old brake fluid as a good paint remover. It doesn't harm plastic and washes off with water.
  23. You are a most fortunate man. It looks from here that you have everything. It's good to see you enjoying it all.
  24. O, to be in England,,,,,,,,,,,
  25. The Essenhaus cruise in was really nice. I happened onto it on my way to Shipshewanna.
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