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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. That's really nice. Is that a 1939 Imperial? Thanks for posting.
  2. We've made it to +5 F today in NW Indiana. Yippee. That's a 10 degree rise since I got up this morning.
  3. I just couldn't part with it. (Pun intended)
  4. "most folks like the 'dare to be different' to some degree....for certain you would probably never park beside one just like it at Walmart or Kroger's and for that reason alone would place it higher on my likeable list..." I guess that's why I drive a Wartburg.
  5. Great scene Greg! Thanks. A Merry Christmas to everyone!
  6. That's nice, we need more pictures. I need to see the interior.
  7. You and the dogs can always go sit in it and make vroom vroom noises.
  8. Dang, my face is red!
  9. Interstate highway system I like Ike Richard Nixon 1952-56 Harry S Truman Commander of all Allied Forces
  10. I had one in a 87 Olds cutlass ciera. A real dog. But twice I got 40 mpg!
  11. I believe my DeSoto said "TipToeShift".
  12. Well, some people can screw up a steel ball with their bare hands, but you would have to really work hard to wear out that disc.
  13. Did you put the axle key back in ? Both of them ?
  14. Thank you Johnny Carson.
  15. Dogs are good people.
  16. Dan, you speak Norski?
  17. That screw loosened from sheer terror!
  18. This is what happens to an unvented tank and a really strong pump.
  19. The differences may be attributed to different assembly plants.
  21. I would imagine the passages would be quite smooth since they are drilled and not cast. Polishing wouldn't make much difference, if any.
  22. You can always drill a hole if you find a good usable wheel that doesn't have one.
  23. Knowing your parts also helps. Mopar Tim sounds pretty good for a handle.
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