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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. Yikes! Another senior moment! Black to the - post. But you knew that. Thanks for the wake up!
  2. I use a craftsman 12v light on my 6v Plymouth. It has an inductive pickup and works quite well. Try it, it may work for you. Just get the polarity right. Red to the block, black on the positive post.
  3. Didja see anything for a Wartburg?
  4. One of those things is much nicer than the others. One of those things is much better looking than the others.
  5. 1943 only. The year I was born. I have rolls of them I've been picking up for 60 years.
  6. I want Worden's dogs and Keith's car.
  7. Remove the drum, and the five bolts holding the backing plate to the axle housing. If you have a long enough brake line, you can slide the backing plate over the axle and wire it out of the way. Usually the axle will come out easily. If not, put the drum back on, the washer and nut, leave the nut loose and use the drum as a slide hammer. Be sure to put the shims back where they were to maintain axle end play.
  8. Every time you post about your car, I get even more jealous. But don't stop.
  9. Now that's a purty car!
  10. Sounds like your float sank.
  11. I took a file to the edges of the keyway, groove just enough to knock off the sharp corner. Wrap the axle with paper, also.
  12. That's a classy looking car. Beautiful.
  13. I once had an explosion in my distributor because the motor had been started and stopped several times in less than an hour. It seems enough gas fumes had leaked through the ruptured diaphragm to fill the dizzy and when I went to start it again, it blew the cap off. Scared the crap out of me. It took a while to figure out how it happened. Then it seemed pretty cool.
  14. I left my car around here somewhere.
  15. Homer41, Boot Hill auto salvage, 13 S. Old Glenn Hwy. Palmer AK. You're going right by there if you're going to Wasilla. I remember a row of mid 50's DeSotos, all with hemis. Oddest of oddities, he had two 58 Packardbakers, both station wagons! Call first, 907-745-1027 Casper 50, I can't believe you haven't already been there.
  16. Are you going to boot hill ? Is he still there? He had a row of hemis last time I was there.
  17. Wow, we all got sucked into that one!
  18. I don't believe the radio with a stock vibrator is affected polarity. The vibrator changes the current to ac anyway. I've tried this accidentally without any harm done.
  19. Two things; when you use a vacuum pump on the bleeder screw, it tends to pull air in around the screw threads. This doesn't enter the cylinders, but it makes it hard to tell if and when you get all of the air out of the cylinder. Old timers told me that when I park the car for long periods, disconnect the battery and put a stick between the seat edge and the brake pedal to repressive on the system. More free advice, use at your own risk.
  20. What worked fifty years ago, pack the pump with Vaseline or grease before you put it on. Free advice is worth what you paid for it.
  21. Well now, that there's sumptin I ain't never seen.
  22. Typo?
  23. You can take the pedals off with one but each.
  24. It's fixed to the pedal arm, not the floor. Learned the hard way.
  25. Beautiful work. Beautiful car.
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