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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. That includes the sweating.
  2. You had better ask him if thats what its for. I don't remember so good some times.
  3. Well, after reading your post,,,,,,,,,,,, nothing.
  4. I found this today in the garage. I think its for a 55 Plymouth ? It can be yours for a donation of your choice to the forum.
  5. Don, I think he meant to use a high grade of cat to litter on the ground. Then all you gotta do is sweep them up.
  6. Improper bolt torque. Excessive heat that warps the head.
  7. Trust me on this, you will end up changing the seal. I have dumped more stuff in my crankcase than any sane person would. There is no such thing as a "seal in a can". Trans fluid won't do anything. Put oil when it needs it and resign yourself to fixing it the right way. C'mon, its your car, not some toy. Although that line does get a little blurry sometimes.
  8. Robin, that is just the finest thing I have ever seen for a show and tell session. You win the "Good Guy" award. Its also the best reason there is fo having a hobby like this. Real-life education.
  9. If the shape is the same, you can always drill new holes in it and make it fit.
  10. Move the piston up to 1/2" from TDC and try a shop vac on the plug hole. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
  11. Take the spark plug out and hold your figer over the hole while pulling the engine over with the fan. When you feel presure, line up the timing mark on he damper. No mark? removethe pipe plug over nmber six and lower a foot long piece of wire down until it hits the piston and you can see TDC exactly. Six and one reach the top at the same time.
  12. Happy Birthday, Cooper. You're a fine looking fellow.
  13. That washer is not shown in the shop manual, nor have I ever seen one in a MC. There is none in mine. Not in the parts book either.
  14. I don't know where that washer goes, but it doesn't go there. Chuck it. Put the MC back together, bleed the brakes and drive it.
  15. Have you noticed that everyone eventually ends up with a big hammer and a look of satisfaction?
  16. Ooooooo, the tension. C'mon, hurry up.
  17. To further skew this thread, why are tire and wheel sizes around the world in inches? I was even looking at Pnuemant tires made in the old East Germany and saw the size in inches, and they still are. Whats up with that? Everything else is metric.
  18. Is it possible that the mc piston is sticking in the bore near the end of it's travel? If you have the pushrod adjusted so its not touching the piston, then something is keeping the piston from fully returning. You could take the piston out without removing the mc just to examine it.
  19. I forgot the critical measuremet. 10 7/8" between the mounting holes. But I do not know how far that is in Imperial gallons.
  20. Well, at least he LOOKS like he's having fun.
  21. Poke a long screwdriver thru that oil filter and unscrew it.
  22. The mudguard brace is 13" long by 1 1/4". Start with a flat sheet and fold the edges 1/4" to stiffen it.
  23. Heres a little red tractor for small yard work. It has a four cylinder hoizontally opposed engine.
  24. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I lke it. A lot.
  25. Check the gap, Rodney, it could be that the rubbing block is worn down and clos up the gap enough to keep it from running. Just a guess.
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