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9 foot box

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Everything posted by 9 foot box

  1. Your engine should have a plug wire loom. I put a Fram canister for reference. I put a Wix 24755 adapter to a spin on filter on three of my cars. The oil canister that you pictured is for something else and is missing the center oil return tube. For less than $60 you could put a spin-on bypass filter on the truck. The filters that I was using in the old canisters seemed to fit, but the cap gasket was wrong. The Wix adapter eliminates any guesswork on a replacement filter. I use a NAPA 1320 filter for its smaller profile. Thank You Sam B. for your post on the subject. Rick D.
  2. I like the style that Panhead posted. You could check Menards for a N220533 rope hook for about $2 apiece. They have the nub on the end, that seems to be a cleaner/finished appearance. My concern would be drilling the holes, without splintering the paint.
  3. I bought this tool to get to the two piece valve keepers. Cover the bottom oil return holes, so you don’t lose any keepers into the oil pan. With the manifolds off, you could probably use the loaner tool from Advance Auto. You probably need a torque wrench when you get to putting the head back on. But I’m getting ahead of the process, you need to chase all the threads that go into the block and use thread sealant on the threads, to get a proper three step torque sequence. That includes the manifold bolts. They all go into the coolant chamber. A retired seller used to say we are all in this together. Being a newbie, it’s hard to tell what advice to listen to. If you don’t have a Service Manual for a B1 or B2, it would be helpful. I have bought original printed manuals for my cars and trucks, that might be a little worn, but have better visual pictures than reprints. There’s a story about the rooster, but it reminded me of your five year ago post of the pig on your door.
  4. A 3.9 gear ratio would have a 43 tooth ring gear and a 11 tooth pinion. See if there is a stamp on the top flat of the carrier. My U.S. differential is stamped 3.9 in both places. You can determine ratio by securing one wheel and rotating the other wheel one full turn, counting the revolutions of the pinion. It would be less than 4 revolutions for a 3.9 ratio. I’m not disagreeing with anyone, just additional information.
  5. I put a kit in my 49 P15 without removing the MC. I honed it with brake fluid as a wetting agent and cross hatched the length of the cylinder and installed the kit from the rear. The push rod and boot were removed for visual inspection of any blemishes by using a light at the forward port before assembly.
  6. This is from my P15 service manual. When you do get the engine running and up to operating temperature, let the block cool overnight and retorque the head bolts in the proper sequence. Don’t idle a new engine in the garage for any length of time. Run the RPM’s up to 1600 or so, gradually, and don’t rev the engine when you’re showing off that it starts. Watch your oil pressure and temperature gauges. The real break-in for the engine is when you’re driving down the road.
  7. If you have to move the front end, it would enable you to pull the right side of your bumper back into place. With the fender out of the way you can pull it far enough back to allow for spring back. The twist is an easy fix. I added a class 3 hitch to my 47 one ton. You’ve come a long way, considering the van engine change. Rick D.
  8. Roberts Motor Parts has suspension parts for your truck. DCM Classics has truck parts also. Rick D.
  9. It broke off the seat back at the first of three rivets that hold the rest of the hinge on the seat back. You can see that mine has a reinforcement added.
  10. You have to pinch the two tabs flush to pull the clips through the body hole. I would clean the sealer off of them. I haven’t seen the last rearward clip available on your side trim, so be careful removing the nut. If you are going to leave the trim on for now, pressure wash any dust that has accumulated behind the trim till it’s clean. It might save what you can’t see. 10-4
  11. This a page from a 56 Plymouth service manual. Rick D.
  12. The part number for the nut is 865760. Vintage power wagons has them as CC865760. Restoration Specialties has them as 2347-clp. I think I’ll call RS 814-467-9842 and get a new catalog, mine is a 2015 version. Auveco has an online catalog for clips a fasteners. Rick D.
  13. The original seal number is 1188602. The only replacement that I have found is a SKF 21820 and a SKF 99218 speedi sleeve. The cover has to be removed and supported for removal and install, so the cover isn’t damaged or distorted. Some of the bolts for the cover go into the water jacket, they need thread sealant. I put an oil pan on using this method to keep the gaskets aligned. This is a dodgeb4ya technique that I found after taking a dent out of an oil pan.
  14. See if you can get a 5851 pinion seal. I think it would be better. You might need a SKF 99187 speedi sleeve. You’re going to have to clean up the scrapes and gouges on the housing. There is a press fit tolerance for the seal that make them stubborn to get started straight. So you want the starting chamfer on the housing neat and clean. The original seal number is 663602. The seal that you have, might seal fine, installed flush to the housing.
  15. Besides what I have already stated, you should use bonded polyester thread. I did a search for the 7578 clip and found 100 for $20.
  16. When I upholstered the seat in my WD21, there were some clips like this on the frame. I used dish soap to roll them over the new material to prevent tearing. I seen these on the shelf today and thought that I’d let you know. I’ve used hog rings on car seats but the W series trucks used these, because of the bellows design of soft or firm. Any material other than burlap, will make the cushion firmer if you don’t put the bottom panel back in. I have another seat to cover, I’ll do it different than my first go at sewing. My seat ended up as firm and firmer. I don’t have a picture, but I’ll take one tomorrow, and edit it in. Rick D.
  17. I don’t have that vacuum tool. And don’t know what I’d do with it. Seems like it should have heavier tubing for suction. I did rob a vacuum pump from a refrigerator as a vacuum source for checking wiper motors and advance mechanism’s on distributors. When I saw that the pin on the advance plate had a groove for a retainer, I figured that an e-clip was the way to insure that the arm stayed on the pin. Seems to work, I’ll leave it on. I’ll save that one wire retainer that was used before e-clips were invented. They used cotter pins and horseshoe clips when our vehicles were built. Thanks for the input.
  18. I have some distributors as spares. The original retainer clip looks like this, I lost one and replaced it with an e-clip from the hardware store selection. The arm isn’t going to jump off the pin, it’s just what I did. Rick D.
  19. You could call them or email to determine if it’s correct to your measurements. They had responded to my inquiry’s in the past. Rick D.
  20. There is no mention of you priming your oil pump when you put the engine together. That’s mandatory to getting oil pickup from the floating screen in the pan with at least 4 quarts of oil. You don’t have an oil filter on the engine in your picture. I recommend mounting a Wix 24755 spin-on filter adapter. I mount mine a bit higher and rearward to clear throttle and shift linkage and easier access to the dip stick. I use a 1320 filter. Sam has a post on his mounting, I changed it bit and made my own flare fittings on the lines for my relocation of the filter. With the various aftermarket by-pass filters and gaskets, I know that a spin-on is performing as it should, doesn’t leak and it’s easier to replace. Rick D.
  21. I looked at the DVAP website and searched their inventory for a 53 Plymouth. They have 15 cars and I saw 5 that had a trunk handle. What engine and transmission are you using? That’s quite a project. Good luck. Rick D.
  22. I have a few adapters to grease problem fittings. If you can get the fitting to take grease, you can fix it later, but it’s greased. I’d guess that there are other things that need your attention, make a to do list and get a service manual. You don’t say what model coupe. Pictures would be nice to see your new car. Rick D.
  23. I’ve had the holes in the throttle body plugged with carbon before. I tried cleaning it and compressed air, but eventually hot water with a couple tablespoons of citric acid powder in an ultrasonic cleaner freed the blockage. You should have a base gasket like this so the base port gets vacuum from the manifold. You might have to lengthen the linkage that’s connected to the carburetor. Just a couple thoughts on why the idle jet doesn’t respond to adjustment. Rick D.
  24. Desert Valley Auto Parts in Casa Grande has a few 53 Plymouths in their inventory on their web site. That’s the first place that I would go to, for parts for your car. I would do it in person, not on the phone. Rick D.
  25. Watsons-Streetworks.com is one vendor that has an under dash toggle to operate the turn signals. It would be inconspicuous and keep a clean steering column.
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