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Everything posted by YukonJack

  1. Like your wheels. Are those American Racing Torque Thrust? What size are you using?
  2. I was curious if anyone has converted their P!5 to electric power steering? What parts were used and if you are happy with the end result?
  3. The opening on the bottom is the air intake. Plymouth didn't start using fresh air intake until 1950 I believe, unless you had the dual heater option which got fresh air from the cowl vent. Defrosters never work very good on the P15's. I think Rain-X makes a product you put on the inside of the windshield to prevent fogging.
  4. Hey Bob, Just noticed the dual groove water pump pulley on your Spitfire. Is that stock? If not do you know what it came off of? I need one.
  5. I've never been a fan of running 20W50 in a new motor. Seems too thick to me. Racers use 50w because they run looser clearances on the bearings so it rev's quicker. I'd use a lighter oil and ZDDP additive. Just my 2 cents. Great find.
  6. When you think about lowered rear springs you must also take into account that the 3" is based on normal ride height when the the car was new. I'd be willing to bet that unless your springs were replaced at some time in the last 75 years, the stock springs may already have collapsed 1 1/2 to 2 inches. I like how it looks now.
  7. What rotors are they telling you to use? Seems like they only eliminated the hubs on this kit.
  8. Hey Sam, What did you use for the longer push rod?
  9. Have you tried Detroit Steel Wheel? They make custom steel wheels.
  10. You should be using GL1. Some newer versions can damage yellow metals. I've heard people say they use Amsoil, but I would check with Amsoil before I used it.
  11. I don't know about anyone else, but I have no desire going 75mph in my 75 year old car.
  12. Gotta love how posts get hijacked. But I've noticed it happens all the time! How did we get on Rock Auto? I really miss the Old Forum, but since I'm have regained Newbie status I guess the Old Forum is just a memory. Back to my corner to sit in silence!
  13. Now I just got the Rare, Reacting Well Badge. I am not reacting well. I don't either. You've got over 32000 posts and you're a Newbie too.
  14. I don't either. You've got over 32000 posts and you're a Newbie too.
  15. Congratulations to me. This post just got me my Conversation Starter Badge! Yippee! It only took me 20 years. Maybe I'll have my Boy Scout Badges when I'm 70.
  16. Ok, I'm confused. Logged on today and learned I got my 1 Year In Badge. What is that? Who came up with this nonsense? According to my profile I've been in this group since 2006. Actually I was in the original group since about 2000 before it changed to this format. Plus I noticed I'm a Newbie, really. How did that happen? 10 years ago I wasn't a newbie. I don't see many people left on here from when I started in 2000. I check in from time to time but seldom post anything. So after 20 years in the group I get my 1 year status and I'm a Newbie. What an insult.
  17. I had a similar problem with my 47 Plymouth. Drivers door wouldn't stay latched. The striker on the door post has a small spring loaded flipper, mine was broken. I replaced the striker and the problem was fixed.
  18. Laying under my 47 Plymouth a couple of weeks ago trying to adjust my toe setting and noticed the long sleeve that connects the right inner and outer tie rods has a bend in it. I don't think it's supposed to be like that. I've looked around a bit but can't find one. Does anyone know a supplier that has these? Thanks in advance.
  19. I did.
  20. Someone on Ebay selling these for 21.58 each.
  21. Couple of questions. Where did you get the shorter steering arms or did you make them? How much shorter are they than stock. Also what brake kit did you use? It looks like you are using stock hubs, are you using Explorer rotors? Outer tie rods from Explorer? Thanks in advance.
  22. Butch offers 2 different kits for small block Chrysler. one kit mounts the engine centered if you are using a rack and pinion steering. The second kit offsets the engine to the passenger side, I think the offset is 1 1/2" for use with stock steering. When ordering you specify which kit you want. Sounds like you got the wrong one.
  23. The timing tab of pointer should be on the drivers side of the motor.
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