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  1. 49 downloads

    Chrysler Service Bulletin on hard starting in damp weather.
  2. File Name: Chrysler Corp. Service Bulletin Hard Starting In Damp Weather.pdf File Submitter: P15-D24 File Submitted: 15 Nov 2015 File Category: Reference Information Chrysler Service Bulletin on hard starting in damp weather. Click here to download this file
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  3. Did you ever try going back to the stock 160 stat?
  4. Determine the thickness needed per the instructions in the manual. Remember to measure with both axles installed and backing plates installed. Then order shim material from an industrial supply company like mcmaster carr. Cut and make your own replacement.
  5. http://p15-d24.com/page/p15d24/tech/heat_riser_adviser.html
  6. This is a good tip to follow.
  7. Pull the brake drums and backing plate. Using a slide hammer attach to the nut on the axle, give it a couple slams and the axle will come out. Using the slide hammer again with a hook remove the inner seal and race. Repeat on the other side. Disconnect driveshaft, unbolt the pumpkin bolts and slide it out. You will need a press to get the bearing off the axle.
  8. I would like to do a call out for my dad, WWII and Korea Army Medical, who turns 94 on Thursday!
  9. Mixing water and electricity!!!!!!!
  10. Your existing drum is useable. If you can't find a speed sleeve that fits (a good machinist should be able to help) then braze the grove to fill and turn it back down to correct size. Brazing is at a lower temp than welding so you should have to worry about warping anything. This was the recommended process for repair before speed sleeves. A quick google search shows tampered sleeves are available.
  11. And you can easily Plastigage them to check wear.
  12. Instead of welding how about brazing?
  13. Download this file for the next time you see a mopar at a parking lot and the owner is not around. Leave a P15-D24 introduction card on the windshield!. Tell them about the forum and optionally you can add in your contact information. Open the pdf file, fill in your contact information and print a copy. If you want to get fancy the file is formatted for standard business card stock you can pickup at any stationary store.
  14. Run the 160, that way it will be at 190 under load. You giving up 20 degrees of cooling headroom by running the 180.
  15. Updated the link to reflect the .org domain. I suspect the .com domain expired and wasn't renewed.
  16. but took a little longer than planned. FYI the reason we do these upgrades is to fix bugs and address any potential security issues the vendor has identified. This ensures you have a safe and virus free experience at the site.
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  17. To follow up on Don's question, when you quickly open the throttle do you see a stream of gas shooting down in the carb. If not crank the engine for 15-20 seconds, then remove the 4 screws holding the top of the carb. Pull the lid up enough to see if the fuel bowl is full.
  18. When I checked this out a couple years ago I never found a radial that was narrow enough to run duals.
  19. And you guys did call the check before you dig 800 number? Seriously you should have them come out and check every time. We did a solar project last year that required some trenching and discovered the natural gas line wasn't anywhere near where it was suppose to be, literally on the other side of the yard.
  20. First go back to the correct 160 degree stat. With the 180 your giving up 20 degrees of cooling headroom. If you have the standard 4 speed, first is a compound low really only designed to get the truck moving when it is loaded up with a heavy load. (I filled my with a yard of sand and it became really obvious the purpose of compound low) For day driving start in second. (That's why second is so low)
  21. As others have noted if it is mechanically "in shape" it should start right up. Check here for correct sequence. Make sure your choke is set up and working correctly. When everything is right they will very quickly start on 6 volts.
  22. If I remember correctly is a half moon key. 6-48-1
  23. P15-D24



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