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Everything posted by P15-D24

  1. Check the site help here http://p15-d24.com/index.php?app=core&module=help
  2. I will check it out.
  3. Not really, need to open the thumbnails and print them off individually.
  4. BUMP, any updates?
  5. The Spotters Guide has your answers http://p15-d24.com/page/p15d24/reference/p15_spotters_guide.html
  6. http://www.larescorp.com
  7. Is the accelerator pump working correctly? When you hit the gas you should see a steady stream of fuel going down the carb throat.
  8. Check the Reference section of this site http://p15-d24.com/page/p15d24/reference/p15_reference.html for a copy of the actual paint chip charts with the code numbers.
  9. Looks like you have confirmed you don't have an adjustment issue. Time to figure out what is going on with the hydraulics. Also agree you need to figure out what is going on with the wheel cylinder push rod.
  10. Can you explain the process used to get the item shipped?
  11. Welcome to the community!
  12. Pick up a Hollanders Interchange manual for the years your interested.
  13. Read this: http://p15-d24.com/page/p15d24/tech/brakes.html
  14. I have one on my B1 truck. Great product.
  15. Read through the various articles in the Resources setting for a backgrounder. Looks a great project and welcome to the site!
  16. Congratulations!
  17. Disagree 100%. If the pedal is high and firm after pumping adjustment is correct. Have to pump indicates air in the lines. When you did the bleeding did you follow the correct sequence? Start at the wheel cylinder farthest from the master, finishing with the one closest to the master.
  18. If your on Windows use this site to make them smaller. http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-resize-and-crop-a-photo-in-windows-7s-new-p.navId-323814.html On Mac use Preview Tools -> Adjust Size... Attachments get stored on the P15-D24 server, size restriction is to keep oversized pics from using excessive disk space.
  19. Their is actually a mopar accessory that is a remote filler for the trucks.
  20. Go to the Help -> Site Help Topics in the menu bar above the advertisement. Then click on the "Posting" topic.
  21. Need to know what your working with. Does the 3 speed have syncros for second to third or is it a crash box (no syncros on any gear)? If it does have syncros you should be able to go up and down between 2nd and 3rd without grinding. If you can't the syncros need replacement. Shift to neutral when coming to a stop, don't try to force into first. (It will grind) When starting go to second for a moment then back to first. Should drop into first gear no grinding. The trip to second stops the inputs shaft from spinning making first gear easy to engage. If it is a crash box first learn to correctly double clutch including matching the speed as you go up and down.(Bump the engine speed up when downshifting) Then learn how to match the speed to engine speed so you don't need the clutch except for starting and stopping. You can actually shift quite quickly with a crash box once you learn the technique.
  22. If you have to pump the brakes to get the pedal up and firm you have air in the system. Either you didn't get it all out while bleeding or you have a leak (most likely) Your are wasting your time messing with shoe adjustments until your hydraulic system has integrity. Second when you get the hydraulic issue resolved the most important piece for adjusting the shoes it to verify your drums are turned and trued up. If the drums are out of round you will never get good brake adjustment or performance. Remember your talking about 0.006 clearance and if the drum is out of round even half of that you won't to able to correctly adjust the shoes for best performance.
  23. To Don's point go the pressure bleeder route, not a vacuum bleeder. When everything is correct you should be able to fully bleed the entire system in two trips around the car.
  24. Or you have a leak in the brake line. As Don noted diagnosis is simple: pumping mean air in line, find out why. Low pedal mean shoes out of adjustment, find out why (major/minor adjustment, lining worn out)
  25. And people still can't launch a boat ! http://www.keyt.com/news/truck-sinks-in-santa-barbara-harbor-waters/33343516 Happened at our local harbor this week.
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