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Everything posted by chrysler1941

  1. There is a lengthy diagnose for M5/M6 transmissions in shop manual. As I recall it mentions clunking noise that alternate by using clutch is worn pilot bearings fault.
  2. For now forget solenoid and ohms. If you cannot turn your starter with two fingers, it's dragging. It's a common failure of rebuilds. Must be almost as easy to turn as generator.
  3. Braided cables has a larger surface for current to flow. Typically electrons travel on surface.
  4. Just one question. Are you able to turn the professionally rebuilt starter with two fingers?
  5. Typically they can handle 6-30v You have to measure your fan motor current and choose a PWM module with sufficient Amps. Amps can be calculated using Ohms law, measuring motor windings resistance and multiply with voltage, typically 7.2v Downside you may need to change the generic pot. meter for more variable speed.
  6. January edition, article continues. fast forward to 1950. No exhibition 1940-49 because of WWII and destruction of roof. First photo a 7 passenger Dodge is shown Desoto Nearest camera, a Dodge truck built in England and Belgium. Is this a fact?
  7. According to both charts, ISO32 is SAE15 and should be a good substitute as no ISO is equivalent of SAE10. In contrast to motor oils, ISO hydraulic oils have Excellent anti-wear properties. Excellent anti-corrosion anti-rust properties. Low air retention/air entrainment properties. Low foaming properties very wide operating temperature range.
  8. Local vintage club had an article about a multi-purpose arena located in Copenhagen that was built in 1926. One of its many events was the annually car and motorcycle exhibition showing the latest wonders and innovations. These photos from 1934 show MoPar’s stand with presentation of the new Chrysler/DeSoto Airflow. Text comparing body uni-construction to Lillebæltsbroen, a newly build bridge. Check out General Motor Art Deco lettering in background. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
  9. The answer has been answered in earlier threads, Forget converters and resistor. Use a PWM module. <$10 on ebay.
  10. True post war models have fatter fenders but 15x7.50 was also standard on 1940-42 Chrysler 8 and optional trim for 6 cyl.
  11. Correct and this why draft tube length and position is essential.
  12. Exactly. Thanks for explaining it in more correct English.
  13. Yes to each frame rail. I've been lucky to find existing holes nearby. But frames differ. This is for transmission governor and solenoid. Others might think all this overkill, but don't skip grounding your starter at bolts. Not the ones to engine but one of the two long thin ones , commutator plate to pinion housing. Se photo. 3 +4 Huge difference.
  14. Shop I used has a freezer sized ultrasonic cleaner. You won't believe how much came out after couple of hours. Used a borescope to check water passage around cylinders.......clean like new.
  15. Strap from original battery ground stud bolt under generator to frame. Straps connecting transmission to frame on both sides. (clutch housing bolts) Strap from starter bolt to engine. (see thread about sluggish starters) Straps connecting rear body to frame both sides (upper shock stud mount to body mount)
  16. Correct. Always trickle charger when car not moving
  17. No a rare 1941 8cyl Chrysler Saratoga. You may be right about pin stripes. Don't know. Usually Chryslers had stainless trim rings.
  18. It was interesting to view photos of under rear shelf of these post war model. These are very different from pre war as spare tires is mounted behind driver side and a huge access lid next to it. View photos (not my car).
  19. Both ! Sewing machine oil what I used ?
  20. According to Mitchell's, these same tie rods will also fit 1941-42
  21. Coolant leaks are easily found with a leak down tester with or without UV fluorescent dye.
  22. I also paid $1000 to re-core my other car to keep the original look. Worth every dime. Never overheats.
  23. It's very well known in Europe, when it comes to Hot Rod and Kustom cars, fabricators/builders in Finland and Sweden are among the world's top.
  24. Electric fan is a nice option to complete the modern car illusion in a classic car. Sounds like a hoover when engine is turned off ?
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