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Everything posted by wallytoo

  1. indeed. not only that, i seem to remember you posting a pic of yours (or your dad's). a 5.
  2. yup. car ornament. i use one, too.
  3. nice town wagon.
  4. a lot of municipalities use google earth in the initial stages of investigating zoning violations. drones are increasingly popular, too.
  5. nice. thanks for the "reupdate".
  6. jeff, i lost track of the thread for a while. are you stating you didn't do anything to the truck beyond your initial fixing, and as you've driven it, you've decided it can handle the traffic conditions you encounter? wally
  7. put up a little 1st cut yesterday. baler issues near the end, so didn't finish the field. put away what we got, though.
  8. i used a jeep unit too. there should be a thread somewhere, i posted in it. paid about $35 for it. lengthened it by soldering a portion of a paint can bail to the arm. has worked for years since i installed it.
  9. no need to buy new wheel cylinders just to sleeve them. sleeve the originals from the truck.
  10. spent late fall a few years ago cruising the old mead and IP lands in bowmantown, oxbow and massachusetts gore. had a camper setup just south of abbie pond, with running water via a spring. used to go in by parmachenee and aziscohos, via bowmantown express. ran into a ME game warden up along the phlipstown area. i'd sometimes see a canadian fishing, and they'd scurry away across the border. familiar with daquaam, as thats's where we'd go across the border.
  11. hey, dan. i once worked for IP up that way, out the american realty road, based near clayton lake. fantastic area. lots of stuff to find in the woods, too. you should visit the trains on the allagash waterway, as well as the tram near chamberlain. wally
  12. should have a two-speed rear, an eaton 1350.
  13. more stuff found in the woods... i wonder which pill this one took? another sap house
  14. into april has been the norm here for the last 10 years. in 2014 & 2015, i didn't boil sap until april, which was the first time in 35+ years of sugaring that i didn't boil in march. no fear, i tap sugar maples only. no reds, silvers, boxelders, pines, hemlocks or ash.
  15. picking up sap yesterday...
  16. value is relative to so many factors. location, scarcity in location, demand, condition. ultimately, it's worth whatever a buyer is willing to pay at a particular moment in time. based on the limited photo, $700.
  17. oh. i thought that was yours. i can't keep track of who owns what. whoeverowns DD should know.
  18. i'm sure dav does.
  19. yes, this family of flatheads has hardened seats. unleaded is fine.
  20. what i installed in my 1.5-ton.....12v, 6 cylinder version. inexpensive, but i like it because when the needle is up, i'm close to redline, so it works for my parameters.
  21. same pulley wobble on the 237 in my 1.5-ton since purchase in 2007.
  22. a craigslist search turns up two in your area, both $8500. and both on the road. one more or less original, one with a chevy 305 and automatic. if you are willing to spend damn near $5k for a project, why not look at a finished truck for $3k more? if you could get the project pair for $2k, it might be worth pursuing. as a comparison, i got my '48 1.5 ton home for $2.5k, and have $2.5k additional into it. it is registered and on the road, and i put about 1500 miles per year on it.
  23. close, but not always. it is possible to have the system properly bled without a firm pedal. that is another symptom of too much shoe clearance. the test is two quick pumps. first shows no firmness, second is solid pedal at the top. wally
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