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Everything posted by wallytoo

  1. i don't believe he's selling the truck; just some leftover parts.
  2. david, i like the truck. for shipping, i'd pick up a copy of hemming's motor news. you ought to be able to find an insured shipper to transport that from nebraska on an open trailer for around $1,000. when contacting shippers, be sure to mention that you don't need enclosed transportation, and that the truck is "dead". good luck, and enjoy it. wally
  3. nice. looks real similar. the wood section of my dump has all been replaced by the p/o, along with the stakes and stake pockets.
  4. may give that a try. thanks.
  5. do any members with 1.5 ton trucks have a tool listing for removing the 2.25 inch front axle grease cap. it's 8-sided, rather than 6-sided. i never thought to check that part , so my 2.25 inch socket won't work. i'd rather avoid the "hammer and chisel" method, and it looks to be a tight fit for a large adjustable. thanks. wally
  6. yeah, i'm aware of the aftermarket dump body. my chevy was the same way. there is a plate under there, which may id the body. haven't gotten that far yet. the unit leaks at the pto-shaft input. the connections are pretty standard - all self-contained with the dump unit, working off of the pto. have no idea. didn't buy it for a resto, only as an old truck that will get used frequently and as originally intended. i'm hoping it will be similar to my jeep, just on a larger scale. i know the brakes are slightly different than the jeep, but the principle is the same. as long as things aren't rusted/frozen, it should work ok. what i need to do now is invest in some larger tools. the center cap is 2.5", and i don't have any sockets that large. same with the lug nuts. things are bigger than 1 1/4", so i'll be buying some more sockets, and probably upgrade to at least 3/4" drive. wally
  7. after some further investigation, even though the "decoder" doesn't work, according to the individually published serial number guide, it does exist. it shows up on a slide for B-1-F, 1 1/2 ton, 6 cyl, T-152, mfg 1948, serial number run 80,306,001 to 80,355,592. u.s. manuf. i just needed to look through the listings. it is there.
  8. according to the t137.com registry, my serial number doesn't exist. the number that i have is clearly visible, and i am not missing any numbers. 80335809 the "decoder" claims the 35809 portion is "out of range", based on published literature. the rest of the tag data is clearly visible, too. B-1FA152 14500 lbs 89 1/2 hp 3200 rpm
  9. it is a vacuum shift. but the parking brake functions well enough to hold it, so it should be good. it is presently "stuck" in low from lack of use. from my dad's b-3-c, with fluid drive, i'm familiar with the need for a functional parking brake. i've got my own brake stories from that truck.
  10. the truck arrived via trailer this afternoon. fired right up. so, after some id plate deciphering, the truck is a B-1FA152. a 1.5 ton, with a two-speed rear, and a 152 inch wheelbase. it has a pto-driven flatbed dump, too. the floor and sides are wood, with a steel frame. some minor electrical gremlins to fix, no problem there. the biggest issue is working on the brakes. hello, vacuum booster/master. front ds wheel cylinder leaks, and that's where i'll start. pics soon. wally
  11. well, back from michigan, albeit without the truck. the brakes just wouldn't stay "up". the problem was more than just a leaky front wheel cylinder, but i couldn't take any chance on driving it without being able to stop. on a positive note, the truck is in excellent condition - solid frame, good dump bed/sides, good sheet metal (minimal rust), starts up nicely, idles fine. just have to figure out a way to get it back to NH from lansing. soooooo, dutch, how's that trip back from illinois/indiana looking? wally
  12. hi Kevin, i appreciate the offer, and i might take you up on it, especially the trucking if things won't work for Dutch. i hope ultimately that i'll be able to drive it back, using the slow route, and won't have to have it shipped at all. ok Dutch, sounds good. if my trip doesn't work next weekend, i'll let you know. at that point, the truck should be in a location (in-law's) where it can stay for a while, and if you find that you could fit it on your trailer for the return trip, that would work. if not, i could then try the guy that Kevin used for his truck. thanks to both of you for the offers, wally
  13. hi Dutch. if my adventure from lansing, where i'll be attempting to drive a '48 1.5 ton back to NH sort of falls short, i might need a little assistance. my first goal is to get the truck from lansing down to manchester michigan, just a little south of Jackson, to my in-law's place. from there, i'll be able to assess the foolhardiness of continuing to drive the thing to NH, or whether i should ship it back east, at least closer to NH. i know this is a larger truck, rather than a pickup. i believe it's 152", and it has a wooden floor stake-body dump. that might be too much weight and length, but i figured it wouldn't hurt to find out. i'd be happy to pay for the fuel and toll charges, no problem there. wally
  14. phil, what's the wheelbase on your truck? around 140? wally
  15. i thought about it, but i need (want) a dump truck. two in the family wouldn't hurt, either.
  16. drove my dad's '52 3/4 ton back when i first got my license, 23 years ago. he still has it, and i drove it for three years back then. as per my introduction thread, the truck has been parked in his garage undriven since 1988. it's (obviously) a b-3-c, with fluid-drive and three on the tree. a previous owner converted it to 12 volts, and that's one reason it has sat in the garage - the wiring is a mess. still, it was a fun truck to drive. it was originally from north carolina, so it was in great condition back when dad purchased it. it's still in pretty decent condition, just a bit dusty. as for me, i just bought a '48 1 or 1.5 ton dodge dump in michigan. so, soon i'll have my own pilot house. wally
  17. hello all, i've long had an interest in the pilot house dodge trucks, and yesterday, i purchased a 1.5 ton sight unseen in michigan. my dad owns a '52 b-3-c, and it was the second vehicle i drove when i got my license, back in 1984. dad still has the truck, parked in his basement garage, but it hasn't been on the road since 1988. so, having always wanted an old truck, i bought a '46 chevy 1 ton several years ago. i like it, but it needs more work than i'm really capable of doing to it to get it road worthy, and besides, it wasn't the dodge i really wanted. so, i found the right truck, with a working dump body. just what i need. i'm going out to get it late next week. i may even decide to drive it back to new hampshire, taking the scenic route (3 to 4 days, camping, no hurry). wally
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