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Everything posted by joecoozie

  1. Tires were/are?? stamped "BLEM" when they are not deemed "perfect" to sell for full price. That meant that there were some flaws to the tire (i.e. - crooked whitewall(s), etc....) They were sold at a discounted price because of the flaws.
  2. Hopefully you are planning on replacing the rear (rubber) mounts because from the looks of the one in the picture you really should replace them I would also replace the front motor mount.
  3. That's how it should be. At least on a 1948. On a 1950 car it possibly could be the same.
  4. Or you can use this: https://www.rubbertherightway.com/flat-rubber-sheets-masticated-rubber-54099-prd1.htm?productFeedId=0&utm_source=googleBaseFeed&utm_medium=shoppingEngine&utm_campaign=Google&source=productlistings{adwords_producttargetid}&origin=&utm_term=4588811781483185&utm_content=Catch All
  5. Not to ask a stupid question but.... Don't you have a battery hold down????
  6. joecoozie


    Sent you a PM
  7. Have you polarized the generator? I believe you just flash the BAT to GEN posts on the regulator - you should see spark(s). If I am wrong someone will correct me.
  8. Sent you a PM
  9. He has a Chrysler Saratoga. Completely different.
  10. There are chrome "buttons" that fill the radio knob holes. They have "locking tabs" on them (much like a hubcap) that when pressed into the hole lock the piece in place. I probably have one but I would need to locate it and take pictures for you.
  11. Sent you a PM
  12. If your timing is set correctly the #1 plug wire (and rotor) should be at 7 o'clock (or close) on cyl #1 compression stroke
  13. Click on the link not the download.....
  14. It only took me 3 times to get it right......
  15. Once more...... https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=1942+chrysler+royal+interior&fr=yfp-t&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmomentcar.com%2Fimages%2Fchrysler-royal-1942-12.jpg#id=0&iurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmomentcar.com%2Fimages%2Fchrysler-royal-1942-12.jpg&action=click chrysler-royal-1942-12.jpg.crdownload
  16. no image
  17. no image
  18. I believe the one you show is 41-42 This is the correct one for your Royal - or like it I think the correct one has a red crown in the center of the knob.
  19. "someone put a plumbing shutoff in it (thats some backwoods engineering I would do if Im being honest) " That shutoff valve is a factory part. I have seen original cars with that same valve. Question: Do you have a cable coming from the "TEMP" control knob on the dash? You will need that to control your new valve.
  20. Looks like you may have dual heaters. If so you will need the "rabbit ear(s)" control valve. I had one but sold it and IF you can find one you will pay big $$$$$ The valve you have is for a single heater.
  21. I saw you posted for stuff on the AACA Forum(s), too. I answered your post but I will pass this along anyway. https://www.ebay.com/itm/124813855571?epid=20039143957&hash=item1d0f7c4b53:g:jekAAOSwCrFg8ciq&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAsLl2p%2Ffmbd2f%2BTCm65yGBGnJsMp%2B1cYTwOTy07SAZQNIMEys9GYMdZUm%2Fgpan3Bem%2BptdPhfvHws0R77%2BkfB2oOFfBAjZo6WmOg13uoKKANP1yEKs%2FGiSTDeOgUXel8bElNqEJWIAx7F2DVJQz%2Fj2We26NDRON%2B0mV559YxdlXt1NNz3GMBqYCBloOZedz88NbNMVaLcmZ5OrUxwRHBZC%2FQgErN0v9BHaPKdj%2BOgZXtW|tkp%3ABk9SR8Kpzdi_YQ
  22. I don't know what Non-California means but O'reillys has it. https://www.oreillyauto.com/detail/c/non-california/chemicals---fluids/oil/motor-oil---conventional/2673028dc6c2/pure-guard-non-california-conventional-motor-oil-10w-1-quart/pgdn/nd10
  23. Sent you another PM
  24. Sent you a PM
  25. The one on Ebay is for an 8 cylinder This is the one for a 6 cylinder
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