I have a 9000 lb. Eagle 2 post , model MTP-9F that was installed in August, 2011. It has a floor plate and 113" posts. The floor plate is no problem for me but may be if you are changing transmissions.I have 12' ceilings and my Dodge Wayfarer has plenty of clearance at full lift. There is approximately 6' clearance under car. The lift is symmetrical, but I don't have a problem getting in or out of car and I have sizable gut. I put split foam pipe insulation on upright where door would hit. Lift is 220v and requires 20amp svc, but I have 30. Also, I have Dalton I drive automatic door opener which has no center rail. Something to consider if u have automatic doors. I have had no problems with the lift and am very happy with it and feel safe working under it. I paid $2000 for it new. That was for lift, delivery and install. Came from Greensboro, N.C. to Va. Beach, Va.