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Everything posted by plymouthcranbrook

  1. Parts must be secial ordered from the manufacturer in Upper Elbonia and only in lots of 100 or more. Not worth waking the Machinists for less
  2. This claims to be the Original Posting just for fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=109&v=Ac7G7xOG2Ag
  3. Ocasionally I see a custom car that I like and this is one. Another of their projects: http://www.hillsrodandcustom.com/?page_id=42 The Woodie fastback Design: http://www.hillsrodandcustom.com/?p=416 The last update on their web page is 2014 and mentions the Fastbacki
  4. And go back a few times and be sure the bolts are tight. I had to re-check mine about 5 times to make sure they stayed secure Napa has a very good sealer specfically for bolts going into water jackets.
  5. From the looks of it the Penrite is only available from one place in southern California or one dealer in Canada
  6. Since you are only looking to learn how to paint, not do a job to last for the ages,I certainly would go ahead and do the job as you plan. I used to use Acrylic Enamel when I painted cars about 30 years ago and achieved fairly good success.
  7. If I understand what you are trying to say, you are not wrong. Throwout bearing goes onto the fork, which is positioned so that the main shaft goes through the bearing and then into the flywheel. Bearing then is resting on the pressure plate and then when the clutch pedal is pushed the bearing then compresses the pressure plate and disengages the clutch. Basic diagram: https://www.quadratec.com/jeep_knowledgebase/article-64.htm For a jeep but basically the same for most all single disc simple automotive clutches
  8. I too enjoy real books but a dispute with our local library caused my card to be frozen. With no other alternative I decided to buy an IPad and use the Kindle feature. it took a while but I have become comfortable with it and sometimes it is easier to use that a real book(Blasphemy I know)
  9. I enjoyed the first few minutes. I will be back to see the rest
  10. That photo brought back memories. Used to see that back in ancient times when some would lose a cap and just put a wick, I mean rag in the fill.
  11. Well,you got me excited enough to find and buy a 1952 issue. for about $30.00 Looking forward to it's arrival Never heard of it till now.
  12. Let me say this about that. About 12 years ago I had a serious septic arthritic infection and almost died. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks and inpatient therapy for 2 more weeks and then a 6 week period of home PT. At the start I could not walk or raise my right arm at the shoulder. By the time I was done with therapy I was walking unaided and was within a couple of weeks able to lift my arm and actually do something with it while it was up there. I admit that I never became as good as I was before the illness but was well enough to return to work at a very physical job(Commercial Printing) and stay for 4 more years. So as I said, don't give up.
  13. Priceless!!!! I want to buy a car from them.
  14. You might ask here: https://forums.aaca.org/ Lot of folks there with lots of information about various cars and make specific forums as well Found this page with a search: http://rocket100.com/olds-engine-specs/oldsmobile-303-rocket-v8-spec/ Home for the above page: http://rocket100.com/
  15. To be charitable maybe for a short term test? Although why take a picture of it I don't know. And of course just twisting them together...
  16. I had a 79 Plymouth Arrow Pick up with the 2.6 and a 5 speed. Really liked it but the lure of a 5.0 Mustang took me away
  17. Climate change in action I expect. Hate to see anyone have to deal with dangerous weather.
  18. I have read that for a starter you can run a 6 volt one on 12 volts without harm if you don't crank a lot. Have no personal experience with it but you might want to look into it.
  19. As one who is recovering from spine surgery I can promise you that it will seem like forever until you notice yourself getting better. Don't give up hope and do exactly what the Docs tell you to do. Wishing you a complete recovery.
  20. Fastenal as well can be used for odd parts big or?
  21. Very interesting. Never used anything but plastigauge so the fancy tool was new to me
  22. For that kind of money she woulds have to be included in person.
  23. In this case I would rather have the D50
  24. And of course more demand then as motors often need a partial rebuild at 60-70,000 miles and were usually done by 100,000. Verses today where 100,000 miles is just getting broke in.
  25. Barn must have looked like Leno's garage to have such a clean car. Welcome.
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