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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Thanks Don, Tod, Ralph and Neil. Yeah, my plan is to do a mechanical and cosmetic cleanup of what's there and make sure it's safe and reliable and then follow that winged goddess hood ornament wherever she leads me.
  2. Update........Affordable Transport is picking the '33 Plym up this Friday and will deliver to me either Sunday or Monday. The owner confirmed that he bought the car from the original owner in late '57 and those tires were on it then. He thinks he only put about 25,000 miles on it since then. The car is 700 miles from me and the transport is only $550 door to door. Very affordable ! So far I'll be in the market for new wide whites,original style carpeting and a passenger side taillight. http://smg.photobucket.com/user/olddodges1/media/1933%20Plymouth%20PD/33plymouth10_zpsa65348f0.jpg.html?sort=3&o=5
  3. You are right ! I doesn't get any cooler than that.
  4. Yup, The wire is most likely grounding out where it exits the steering box.
  5. I think them tires look a little crispy. They make me want to say the costly "S" word. SHIP.
  6. Sounds good Tod ! The owner is in his 80's so his step son is selling it for him. He's owned the car since 1958 and according to his son he had it re-upholstered that year.
  7. I've been searching for my first car or one like it for many years and finally found one like it for sale. I'm 17 again maybe ! I found it on Craigslist last Friday in Tacoma, Washington but the seller sold it to someone else the following morning before I had a chance to even make an offer. OH NO !!!!! WAHHHHHHH !!!!! Well, yesterday morning the seller called to say that the buyer had flaked out and I could buy it. YAHOO ! Here's a link to my first car and the new one. I can't seem to attach photos this morning. http://smg.photobucket.com/user/olddodges1/library/1933%20Plymouth%20PD?sort=3&page=1
  8. If it's the one in Crum Lynne, Pennsylvania it looks to be in good shape to me. The tailgate looks original and it is priced below the estimated value according to my value guide. Are you close enough to go kick the tires ?
  9. How about this hood ornament ?
  10. Welcome to the forum ! Google Langdon Stovebolt for exhaust.
  11. Does the radio play with the engine off and the ignition switch on ACC ?
  12. What do they look like. I may have some.
  13. That's what I use too.
  14. Just another Polish joke. Oops.....Not PC.
  15. I especially like fuzzy dice with blue dots !
  16. Here's a photo I found on google.
  17. Sweet Dodge ! One of my favorite years.
  18. Here's a visual. This is a ball and Ball. Stromberg is similar.
  19. Dual exhaust headers here. http://www.langdonsstovebolt.com/store/online-catalog/#!/~/product/category=412417&id=1396124
  20. Oh, I thought it was here in central Ca.
  21. Paul, One of these ? If so, I'm interested. Reg
  22. Welcome to the forum. Wow ! Nice truck ! 57 is one of my favorite years. Flat head or V8 ?
  23. Sorry, there are no markings on it. Love your car ! Did you restore it ?
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