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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. My 35 Dodge is sporting one of those. The visor part is a dark green translucent plastic materiaol. Mine is warped from excessive heat and resting on the wiper knob in the up position.
  2. Doing fine Bob.....Thanks ! Enjoying the retired life for sure. Are you all in your new house and garage now ?
  3. Jeff, I have all 3 items. You can email me direct at regoevans@sbcglobal.net if interested. Reg
  4. Thanks Hank. Now I don't feel quite as NUTS about my clock collecting disorder.
  5. Oh Jay.....you're such a card ! Yes, I'm still at that address but please leave me with at least a few old vehicles. You've gotten all my Dusenberg's. Hanks truck should be fine for you as long as you stay on level ground.
  6. Sounds to me like it's time to sell. How much ya want ?
  7. I wonder......would one of the 57-59 heads work on a 1935 Dodge 218 or would the internal bypass feature on the later head not be compatable ?
  8. It looks like a 54 to me because of the little chevrons under the head lights and the nearly flat windshield. 54 was the first year for a V8 so it might have a 241 under the hood.
  9. Nice job ! Do you still have the sun visor? If so do you wanna sell it ?
  10. Are they going to run the new ridge over to the old one and install valley rafters and flashing er what ?
  11. Your plan for a 12.5' ceiling height should be fine. Mine is only 12' high and I haven't rammed any of my cars or trucks thru the ceiling even with the lift fully extended. Nice shop !
  12. Hey.....That is a nice looking truck and it's just down the hill from me.
  13. Is your 47 missing an engine ........or, why do you ask ?
  14. A 230.
  15. Oh No !!!! Here Kitty Kitty.....are you OK ?
  16. Try these folks. http://www.summitracing.com/search/?keyword=fuel%20pump%20block%20off%20plate&dds=1
  17. I have this one in my bone yard for a 56 I think. Will this work for you ?
  18. You'll be traveling a mile a minute in no time !
  19. I'll have to agree. I have only seen the lights mounted to the back of the cab.
  20. As John Denver sang. Aint it Good To Be Back Home Again.
  21. I loved her answer to the question about living in Plymouth all her life. A great lady !
  22. That looks like Scotts flat Reservoir near me. My grandson pulled this one from there.
  23. I blew 2 head gaskets on Old Yeller until I torqued them to 80lbs. Old head bolts though.
  24. Yes, 51 was the only year that the cast medallion was used.
  25. Hank, is the Motorola identical to the MoPar 610 T you ask. I wouldn't know because I've never laid eye nor hand on either. All I know is that some 51 and 52 trucks have the factory cut out and some don't and that the cut out when provided will accept a radio from early Dodge or Plymouth car. What do ya get when you cross an elephant and a rino ? An elefino would be my answer to both questions. Like this one. or this one
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