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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Are these not so good ? http://www.ebay.com/itm/201169618599?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  2. The '33 Plymouth first cousin's reunion. Oh, Don C. I forgot to mention that This one also sports the distinctive STP sticker in the rear window.
  3. Thanks Tod, I'll be visiting the hardware store tomorrow. If I'm really lucky they might even have those beveled washers.
  4. I know Jerry. That's what's so frustrating. Don's photo is stored in the same "my phototos" file on my computer as the other one that won't attach.
  5. Well, either I have some kind of virus or my computer does. I can't seem to add photos to a post like I've been doing for years. I keep getting this notice "you aren't permitted to upload this kind of file" when I try to upload a photo. Thanks for making the trek all the way here Tod. I hope your less scenic route got you home faster and before dark.
  6. Photographic proof that you did find the joint once you dropped that darned GPS Don.
  7. Did you find an engine number on the block just above the front freeze plug on the drivers side ? That pivot pin on your photo of the head is for the accelerator linkage on a car engine. Maybe you have a 230 !!!!
  8. Thanks............Yes, I custom built them. I had some old oak stakes for a large stake side truck and ripped them down to size.
  9. The oak stakes just plug into the stake pockets.
  10. Here's a photo of my 52 1/2 ton low side bed with bed side boards. http://smg.photobucket.com/user/olddodges1/media/Pilot%20House%20Trucks/MVC-003F-4.jpg.html?sort=6&o=78
  11. Welcome to the forum ! Your truck has a 52 or earlier low side bed and fenders. The 53's had much larger and squarer rear fenders. Is there a plastic DODGE script on the center of the dash. Hard to tell from the photo. If so the cab is a 53. What's the vin # ? We can tell from that if it's a 52 or 53. On your engine photo just above the freeze plug is a long skinny flat spot. There should be an engine number there that will identify the year and cubic inches. Nice ptoject !!!
  12. I've got Ole Gussie just about all shined up now. Lots of bumps and bruises but overall she looks good. I did discover after taking her on a couple of mile drive that the cooling system is full of acorns, peanut shells, and some kind of stuffing. I'm going to have to pull the radiator and flush it and the block out. The PO must have left the radiator cap off for a time and the little hairy critters called the radiator home.
  13. Good news ! Maybe try this next..........fill the head as full as you can get it and do a short run while using the clutch and backing up a little.
  14. Cool !.....factory dual intake and exhaust.
  15. Yes, clean it real well with lacquer thinner and clear coat them from a rattle can. I'm getting ready to do that to my '33. The clear coat brings back some of the wood grain and preserves the history.
  16. Yeah, I just meant to run it for a short time before it overheated. A minute or 2 might even be OK without the water pump spinning.
  17. Run the engine for 20 seconds with the pulley off. If the noise is gone you've found the problem.
  18. I just had a car shipped to me from Tacoma ,Washington to Grass Valley,Ca. 700 miles and the cost was only $400. Drivers name was Chris @ 916-549-3240 Affordable Transport. It would have cost me more than that to do it myself at 1400 miles round trip.
  19. I believe the casings are two totally different animals.
  20. Gussie, the new 33 Plym got some new shoes ! And I rubbed out a small spot on the rear fender....some of the worst paint and it looks good ! And I can't believe how much shine came back to the front bumper with a brillo pad and some elbow grease.
  21. It's a small eBay world after all. I just saw that about 10 minutes ago. Yeah, my dog saw it and said RUFF !!
  22. Thanks Bob ! Turns out those wide whites, which the po says were on the car when he bought it in '58, are only painted on. The cracks on the side walls are just as deep as the tread. Even though they are ready to blow I took the car for a spin this morning. Top speed was around 20mph's though. Gonna have to wait till she gets some new radial wide whites before I can see how she drives. Everything works but the speedo and the tail light so far.
  23. It's here ! Runs like a top. It's had an extensive brake job and a neat and tidy re-wire. It's going to need new windshield glass and tires first and then a lot of wax on,wax off.
  24. It's sorta like potato and potahto. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJsEss5jOcA
  25. Last time out in my 42 coupe,J-Lo, I noticed a trail of oil drops on the ground leading up to where I parked and under the engine was a good sized puddle. I finally got around to investigating this afternoon and put her up on the lift after starting the engine. Well, oil is dripping out of the edge of the oil pan between the last two rear bolts on the drivers side at the rate of about 1 drop per second. I don't understand why that much oil would be pouring out of there without the car moving and the oil sloshing around in the pan. It stops soon after I shut the engine off. The gauge shows 40lbs of oil pressure. Can this be just a simple oil pan leak or do I have a crack in an oil galley in the block ?
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