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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Wow ! What a cool assortment of nice old vehicles. What a day, eh ?
  2. I'm still happy and amazed at how your nice vert made it through that tornado almost unscathed.
  3. Yes, and a glob of Brill Cream, a girdle, and some henna hair color for men. I did find a STP sticker. I'll need some white paint for my much darker cat.
  4. I finally got rid of the old girls cataracs. I had to sandblast the windshield frame, repaint, and install a new windshield. Now I can see where I'm going without having to crank the windshield out.
  5. But you will kiss a rat ? Huh.
  6. Hey, those look good and appear that they will light you way much better ! I just added a set of 4" fogs to Ole Gussie. I think they may be just like yours.
  7. Very pretty.....oh,and so is the car !
  8. Love the neck bling Tim !
  9. Sounds reasonable to me since I just dropped my 33 plym windshield glass off for a new one. Approx. 44" x 12" slight green tint for $122.
  10. Try Roberts Motor Parts. http://www.robertsmotorparts.com/store/clutch-package-33-56-most-cars-trucks-call-for-others-add-7000-core-charge-1-1
  11. I don't think so. Here's a paragraph from the story that Dodgebe4ya posted. "A Chrysler minivan traveling south on Route 31 left the roadway, going off the right side of the road, sideswiping a utility pole and then crashing into a parked 1950 DeSoto, which was pushed into a parked Volkswagen. Both were parked in the C.A.R.S. Auto Body lot."
  12. Did you shoot any photos ?
  13. Maybe I'm "luggin it" at 60mph's. ;-) The calculator says 2100 rpm's with 28.75" diameter tires.
  14. Well.....first you gotta maybe cut it in half so I'say ......um.....like I said.....60.....uh.....duh.
  15. What year and make of vehicle ?
  16. I have a 3.0 rear and a 1950 Chrysler 251 in Old Yeller,my 52 1/2 ton. She does fine on the freeway but the brakes are stock drums so I like at around a mile a minute.
  17. Lacquer thinner does the trick in 1/2 the time of any carb cleaner bygolly !
  18. OK....I understand the STINK part but what do mean by saying ......" plus it's better for the engine anyway"?
  19. I am just curious here. Why do you want this PCV system ? Do you have a lot of blow by er what?
  20. Did you name the truck REM because of the Rapid Eye Movements you've been experiencing at night while dreaming about the truck?
  21. Welcome to the forum ! Nice car you've got there. Kind of a rare car because of the year.
  22. How about some photos ! Glad Chris worked out for you.
  23. Huh, I just got done doing the dash on my 33 Plymouth. The wood grain was nearly invisible and very rusty/dusty looking. I wet sanded it with 1500 grit and then wiped it down with lacquer thinner to remove an oils or grease and then applied several coats of Duplicolor clear coat. Most of the grain came back and it looks 100% better. Been doing this for more than 30 years. The wood grain has been there so long that I would have a very tough time removing any of it with the lacquer thinner.
  24. Yes, radials will make a world of difference in the handling. You'll think you just rebuilt your front end.
  25. Unless you have the 37 Dodge bell housing I don't think the 37 dodge 3 speed floor shifter trans will work on a later model bell housing. The trans cover with the stick shifter on a 37 hangs over onto a flat spot on the bell housing. See the attached photo of my 38 dodge 3 speed. Same as a 37. http://smg.photobucket.com/user/olddodges1/media/38%20D8%20coupe%20CLYDE/MVC-007F.jpg.html?sort=3&o=12
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