I was driving south from Reno to LA on 395. I stopped to stretch my legs and let the dog run. I saw an old field with wrecked cars and trucks. I had nothing better to do so I just went nosing around. I spotted a 48 P 15. It was in pretty bad shape but it was a dessert car so not much rust. Out of nowhere this old boy comes up and wonders what I'm doing on his property. It's funny that no matter how pissed someone is they calm right down if you talk about their car. I asked if he ever thought about selling "that old rust bucket". He said everything has a price. I was in. $500! Of course I had to drive about 275 miles home. Grab some buddies for a road trip. Get a trailer. Buy beer, food, lodging. I had some pics on film - can't find them. I didn't even count how much I spent just to get the car. $500 for the car - $500 for a rear window and 2 rear quarter windows. The engine was frozen - $1500 for a total rebuild. I didn't feel confident enough to do it myself. $20,000 to have the car stripped, sand blasted, painted. $3,000 for new interior. Can't remember what I paid for all the wiring. It's like the old saying if you have to ask the price you can't afford it. I have a friend that collects art - I don't get it. It just hangs on the wall. He's spent as much as I have and he can't drive it anywhere. I have a friend that collects guns. Same thing. I think it has already been mentioned what price do you put on the grin and giggles you get driving down the road?