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Don Jordan

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Everything posted by Don Jordan

  1. Sometimes it's interesting to hear what others have to say when they don't think you're listening. Sometimes there could be a grain of truth in it. I'm just not sure what the cut off age is to be an elder.
  2. I got mine at "ShelterLogic" I think it is 10x20. 1 800 524 9970 www.shelterlogic.com It's worked for me. We don't have snow but lots of heat. hope that helps. d-
  3. I hope this works. This site is ever so cool. http://www.lov2xlr8.no/broch1.html
  4. This, of course, will sound like a stupid question, but what happens if I hook things up backwards? Will it just mean the oil will run through the filter the wrong way? The line from the bottom of the filter goes straight down to the fitting on the bottom left. I'm going to have to cut a tube today and I was going to put that on the in put (on the top side of the filter). I actually forgot about the oil gauge. I'll have to see how long that is. I wish I was smart like you guys.
  5. This project is taking longer that I thought it would. I got my engine back from the machinist and in the car. But so much time has elapsed that the memory has lost some valuable information. I'm putting in the oil filter and while I could probably figure it out I forgot which was in to the filter and which was out. Then I've found an extra hole. It's threaded. Should I just put a bolt in it? What's it for? This is off topic but I retire in 124 days!!! thanks.
  6. I have a dual carb set up. My explanation is it's sort of like peeing in a wet suit. No one can see it but it gives you a kind of warm feeling.
  7. BobT - thanks for the lead. I put a bid on it. All the hints are very helpful. I don't mind looking at some of the stuff but after a while it just get redundant. Thanks again.
  8. I've been looking for the bracket that holds the coil. I've usually had great luck on the bay. I went on tonight and it's full of car covers, engine paint, seat covers, head lights, and seat covers. It's getting like the flea markets/swap meets, etc. They are taking the spirit out of the experience. I guess it's been sneaking up on me and I didn't notice.
  9. you need to be very careful. I ended up buying 2 different sets before I got a set that fit. And they are old, used, and a bit worn. I still can't figure out how to get them on. I'm afraid of breaking something. I've got some pictures if I can find them. I'm not sure what the difference is but people swore they were for a 46 and they were different and didn't fit.
  10. Gas has gone up 33 cents - I remember when it cost 33 cents. I worked in a gas station when I was in the service and people would come in and get $1.00 worth of gas. If you had 4 guys in the car and they each put in a buck you could cruise all night.
  11. I don't know what they are but they are cool pictures.
  12. So it looks like the guy I bought it from was trying to soup it up with parts from the 50s. Now I'm concerned about the engine. Guess I better check the numbers. I just had it rebuilt and told the machinist it was a P15 1947. I'm off today - time to look for missing parts.
  13. Okay - tomorrow I'm going out to check this out. I didn't see any bolt holes in the head. I appreciate the pictures. It helps. I'm going to see if I can find a bracket that is a little more stock. Thanks for all the help. This is the greatest forum for knuckleheads like me. Thanks
  14. Everybody keeps telling me there is no difference between the 47 and 48 P15 - but the more I work on them the more little nuanced things I find. I just noticed the carb linkage is just a little different between the two. My guess for this piece is it has something to do with the coil bracket. I think I have an extra bracket (with the tubes) in my box of parts that I refuse to throw out because I know I'll need them some day. Next step is the parts book. I can't believe I didn't take pictures - how silly. I guess I just didn't want to waste the film - no, wait...
  15. First this is my fault. I should have labeled everything. I should have taken more pictures. Another lesson learned. I am putting my car back together and I have a part I can not identify. I need your help.
  16. I truly wanted to see the video but my computer just wouldn't load it. I am 3rd generation San Francisco. I am reading a book about the earthquake in 1906. Very interesting. I have pictures of my grandmother taking shelter in a park April 1906. I will try later to download the video. 1955 I lived right across the street from Golden Gate Park. (Lincoln Way). Them was the days...
  17. Just thought I'd add my "count me in" to the fray. I don't understand the copyright problem. Is someone suggesting that P 15 - P 24 is copy written? Remember the P 38? PPK PS 17 PDQ Could we be pulled over for copy write infringement if we displayed the license plate topper? Interesting.
  18. Well glad to see I'm not the only one. I have one big hub cap left. I watched them pass me on the freeway - unable to stop. I went back for one but it vanished. I guess I'll stick to the little ones.
  19. I was thinking that when I actually get it on the road I may go to Coker Tire and get the little stock tires. It costs more but I think it looks nicer. It's not like I drive many miles over 100 mph Thank you for the response I will try to find out the sizes. Most of them are rotten. I think the spare is the original. It's very thin.
  20. My car has been immobile for so long the tires are rotten. One of the back tires won't hold air. Back in the days we would just put an inner tube in and it was good to go. I guess they don't do that any more. I have the car on stands - with the back tire flat it drops the car down just enough that I can't scoot my fat gut under the car. So yesterday I went to Sears to get a cheap tire. (I don't think they make 'cheap tires' any more. What happened to $25 recaps?). Anyway I wasn't really paying attention until I went to put it on. The tire I got was a 215/15. The tire in front is a 205/15. Is that a difference I should be worried about? The car won't be running till spring so it's not a problem now but I don't want to wreck anything. What is the difference between 205 and 215 besides 10? Merry Christmas to all.
  21. It's funny but some of these things in English actually have a name. Palindrome: Mr Owl ate my metal worm. Naomi, sex at noon taxes, I moan. Go hang a salami I'm a lasagna hog. The famous one is Race Car. And I don't know if it has a name but: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs. has every letter in the alphabet. While I'm here I'd like to show you the power of punctuation: Woman without her man is nothing. With 2 commas I can change the meaning of the sentence. Woman, without her, man is nothing. And we haven't even started on idioms yet.
  22. This is just my 2 cents but I think Americans should be embarrassed at the way they treated Cuba. Seems like a typical case of bullying. After 40 years and it didn't work perhaps we should open up the country for American trade, tourism, and some culture exchange. Couldn't hurt. You gotta love their pride in their old metal.
  23. Bought my first car from the dean of students: 1950 Buick Special. Paid him $25 for it and I found a dollar in change when I cleaned it out. Had a straight 8 and it purred. Bought it in Utah and drove home to San Francisco. The car never let me down.
  24. The Dodge is beautiful. But the neat thing is Jay Leno seems like a normal person. He seems like the kind of guy you could sit down and have a beer with and just talk about old cars. There's not a lot of us left. I don't really get a chance to talk about cars. All the guys where I work know about is sports. Never have been into sports.
  25. I went today to look at a Tuff Shed garage. It all seemed reasonable until I learned about the permit process. The guy told me a permit could add an extra $3,000 to the process. I'm sure getting a permit is different around the country - but what's the deal? I spoke to a contractor who told me if the city comes by and there is no permit they can tear down the structure. Only in America.
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