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Don Jordan

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Everything posted by Don Jordan

  1. I gotta tell ya she's got a nice gun.
  2. I don't mean to offend anyone (I usually do) I don't mean this in a bad way... but - my take on sun visors is Mexican. They go out for every external accessory to the point it starts to look cheap. I often thought I might like one but just couldn't get past the stigma. I actually have a pair of skirts that came with the car and I took them off. It's like people that chrome everything. Like salt: a little is flavorful too much ruins the soup. This, of course, is just my opinion and does not reflect the opinion of management.
  3. Somebody 'splain to me why there is such an abundance of Chevys and such a drought of MoPars? I enjoy my Plymouth but I've got a Chevy PU catalog where you could purchase the entire truck one piece at a time. I have to drive 200 miles just to get a door for my P15. I guess life's not fair.
  4. I think it's just an optical illusion. I actually drove it to the body shop and all was okay. After looking at the picture you are right it does look a little off. The bumper hit the tree square on. I was truly lucky.
  5. I had to put my my gorgeous dog down after 14 years. She was not well, not happy. I cried. But the interesting thought I had was wouldn't it be nice that when I get to that stage someone would just put me down? It was fast and painless and she will suffer no more. How sad we force life on people and animals past their time. Don't mean to go on and on - I know the pain you must be feeling.
  6. Yes thanks for telling me that now. Thank you all for your support. I told one of my friends and his reply was "You'll heal." Thank you also for the offer of parts. It was interesting that the guy at Hagerty said he knows lots of suppliers. He'll make some calls. The body shop said they want to replace the rear fender. It seems they could pound it out but I'll see what I can do. I believe I have some extra fenders - probably not the one I need. The car is in the shop right now. I've got to adjust the emergency brake.
  7. Normally I wouldn't be able to tell this because I would be too embarrassed. The good news is no one knows me and I've got to get this off my chest. In all my years I've never read anyone doing anything this stupid. If there was a trophy I'd get it. I was going to go for a ride so I walked down and opened the gate. As I was walking back to the car I noticed it was rolling. I ran up and pulled the door open. Grabbed the steering wheel and tried to get my foot on the brake. The car was rolling, I was on one foot, lost my balance and fell. I tell people I'm unlucky but I'm lucky at it. Instead of going through my new $3,000 fence the car rolled into a tree. Smashed the rear fender. Because the door was open it snapped it open and back. I could have run over myself - I don't know what happened - It happened so fast. I have to applaud Hagerty. They are going to cover it. I felt so guilty I almost didn't call. The estimate I got was $6,000 just for labor and paint. bummer.
  8. I am always reluctant to write about silly problems because the resident zen curmudgeon usually has something curt to say to those who do not posses the master's intellect. But I am at my wit's end and will endure the slings and arrows if I can get some answers. Preface: I had my P15 - 218 engine completely rebuilt. It has new points, plugs, cond, rotor, cap, wires. I have decided to make the firing order my new password: 1,5,3,6,2,4. I know that's right. I don't want to start it. It doesn't have an exhaust pipe. I just want to hear it fire. One pop. This might be a silly thing but I noticed that when I put my hand over the carb it barely sucks. I attribute that to the 6v system turning it so slowly. Could that be a factor? I've pulled #1 and there is spark. The coil worked when I took the engine out. I know it's got to be something silly but I can't find it. I've done all the obvious things now I've got to go for the obscure. Question: if the dist was 180° out it should still fire shouldn't it? I would accept a backfire. I have sprayed starting fluid down the carb - nothing. My neighbor said it's possible the machine shop didn't properly adjust the valves. I'm considering every thing. Today I'm doing a compression check. The engine is brand new, compression should be off the charts. Shouldn't that also tell me if the valves are close? I would appreciate any positive, constructive hints. This is a conundrum. Thank you for your help and patience. d-
  9. I went to my local auto parts store. New kid. Looked up a number for rotor, cap, points. I got home and they were the wrong ones. As suggested I took the dist out and took it with me to the store. The old guy behind the counter just went over picked up dist cap and it fit. You can't get anything by the old guys. While I was changing the cap I noticed that my friends that were helping me put the wires in wrong. We couldn't figure out why it wouldn't start. It was one of those slap your forehead moments. The guys like to help me - gets them out of the house - but you've got to double check their work. Free help - you get what you pay for. So now I'm ready to roll with new points, plugs, cond, rotor, cap, plug wires. There is probably something I missed but I'll find it later.
  10. Why is it we find accidents so compelling? I looked at each picture thinking of the parts that could be salvaged. Noticing the truck with the chain drive. The solid rubber tires. And just like today when a car and tree collide it seems that the tree always wins. Great pictures. Thanks. Of course I did give some thought to the people. I was just more interested in the cars.
  11. Thank you all - I'm sticking with Autolite. I was checking the spark on the old plug and it was a weak yellow. Thank you again if for nothing else just peace of mind.
  12. nobody said anything about Autolite 303 - which is all he had. He had only 1 Champion plug. I guess I can take back the Autolite. in the x reference it didn't mention 303 at all. now I am confused. I did get the points and condenser and he ordered the cap and rotor. The engine has just been rebuilt and I don't really know the difference between hot and cold plugs.
  13. I know the old guys are going to yell at me for not doing a search but I did a search for "plugs" and every where a plug was mentioned the entire thread came up. Remove Plugs, check plugs, new plugs etc. But what I want to know is what kind of plug. My auto parts store always gives me what ever is recommended for a 56 Plymouth. I need to get plugs, points, condenser, rotor, cap - right now it's going to be for a 56 - will that work? In my search all I found was Autolite 306. I was hoping for Champion. thanks
  14. This not a problem. Just something I found interesting. I tried really hard to match the blue I remember from my father's 46 Plymouth. All I had was B&W photos but in my mind I could remember the color I wanted. I took the fender off my 47 2 door and was amazed at what I am going to assume was the original color. I'm not sure the pictures will get the color across but I thought it was interesting. d-
  15. Excellent responses. I know it's going to be something little. I will go under the car and tighten, and paper towel. Thank you. There is so much experience on this forum.
  16. Give me a break! How many places can oil leak from? The engine has been rebuilt so it's spotless. I crawl under the car and can not see where oil is coming from. I thought it might be the fuel pump. I have an electric one. So I took the mechanical pump off and plugged the hole. Took it for a drive, drove it on the drive way and there were several drips. It doesn't seem to be using oil but there are the drops. I've gone under the car with a rag wiped it clean. Another drive up and down the street and a puddle. I get 40 lbs of pressure. There has got to be something I'm missing. Any advice - clues? thanks
  17. He is the greatest. Retired aerospace engineer. Ex dune buggy racer. I was thinking of moving but he's too valuable a resource. What a great friend.
  18. I had my engine rebuilt and now that the weather is nice I'm working on it. Putting all the stuff back together - trying to remember where things go. I put water in and made a new set of plug wires. I was getting ready to crank it over when I noticed water filling in at the number one plug. I could not figure where it was coming from. After careful examination I saw water coming out of the bolt that holds the thermostat cover. My next door mentor said the water was coming up through the bolt threads. I put a washer on the bolt and tightened it down. No change. My friend said to put gasket sealer on the bolt threads and put it in. Is this a normal occurrence? I'm letting it sit tonight and dry out. I will deal with it tomorrow. thanks.
  19. My Plymouth was a desert car. I spent $500 for it. Then spent $500 for the rear glass and quarter windows. I've put over $25,000 into it. I figure it was worth the enjoyment. I would never expect to get more than half of that. It's okay - when I die my wife will probably give it away and someone will come on the board with their great find. Always remember "It's only money." My first car: 1950 Buick Special, straight 8. Paid $25 for it and found a dollar in change in the seats. I loved that car. I drove it till it wouldn't drive. Took it to a junk yard. Those were the days.
  20. While we're on the subject does anyone know where I can get a 6v timing light. I've looked at parts stores and they don't seem to exist. Sears has only 12v. What I've done in the past is hook it up to a 12v battery but that's a lot of extra work.
  21. I love the picture. It just takes me back to a simpler time. Remember when you could actually work on a car? No smog, no electrical reset button. I was going to try to work on my daughter's Chevy Blazer but I couldn't get my hands in far enough to get to the plugs. My favorite years 30, 40, 50. That's when men were men and cars were cars. IMHO
  22. I, too, have practice bomb. I was an ordnance man in the service. While there are no explosives in the bomb it's still more fun to mess with the minds of those who don't know. This pix isn't an actual practice bomb.
  23. I know I'm probably going to get yelled at by the purists because this is not actually a Plymouth question (or answer) but I'm going to do it anyway. I love the desert. Go out whenever I get the chance. Was out with a friend today and saw this and for some reason it just struck me... Out in the middle of no where. The picture speaks for itself. d-
  24. While we're on the subject I'd like to sneak in a question. I noticed that it appears that the line to the oil gauge was straight down. Where is the line that goes into the filter? I have 3 outlets in my block. I've got a picture somewhere. I can't find it now. I'll find it when I'm looking for something else. I'm confused about 'in' 'out' 'gauge'.
  25. I don't mean to get political with all the pure humorous ones... The one on my car is about Viet Nam: "I don't know what happened - we were winning when I left"
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