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Everything posted by Dodgeb4ya

  1. Ok... Door Vin Plate "B-4-TA 190"... B= B series Truck 4= year (1953) T= 3 Ton Rating A= 2 Speed Rear Axle (Timkin Double Reduction) 190= 190" WB As for the "T" series trucks they originally came with the 331ci T322 engine.....3-3/4" bore X 5" stroke. Your fire engine truck has a T324-3337 engine. That T324...engine is a designated 4 ton truck engine that first came out in 1951 and was used through 1953. The T324...engine was used in the biggest of the Dodge truck line "Y" series trucks. But now...Gets a little sticky. That T324..engine from 1951 thru 1952 is a 377ci. 4" bore X 5" stroke. The T324.. engine starting in 1953 had a bore and stroke increase to make it a 413ci. 4-1/16" bore X 5-5/16" stroke. The only easy way to see which T324.. engine is in the fire engine (377 or 413) And how to do that is to remove the 7/16" hex plug over #6 cylinder and measure the piston stroke using a straight piece of say 1/8" steel rod. Remove the hex plug...set 10"-12" rod down hole to piston top. Remove all spark plugs so the engine will turn over easily by turning the fan (fan belts need to be tight) or use thumb to keep belt tension while turning fan. Measure the total up/down rod travel while rotating the engine using the fan. 5" is a 377ci. 5-5/16" is a 413ci. That engine will run just fine... The Moly Block engines are serious heavy duty engines. Change the oil and filter. Clean and rebuild the Ball and Ball carbs....easy to get the carb kits... Could be E7U1 or 2 E9G1.. NAPA/O'Reilly's even has the kits..I just bought two kits for a 413 I did carbs on. Points, condensor.... All I will say don't buy new from a parts store...Chinese junk. I would just to get it up and running carefully clean the existing points..set to .020" check the cap and rotor...it will fire right up. Fuel pump and tank will be a problem...get the pump rebuilt with a ethanol resistant diaphram etc. Gad tank....well look at it clean it...do what it needs to be real clean and rust free. There is plenty more to get caught up on needed maintenance....let others offer up on that. Looks like that truck has hydraulics with the double bladder brake booster...didn't see a air compressor. That's another story there! Good to see the engine given new life!
  2. "For some reason I think the 4 cyl was called the "Hurricane"? Awesome lil engines." Willy's had a "Super Hurricane" six. The Scout had the Corn Binder V-8 engine cut in half as I remember as the std engine.
  3. Congratulations Keith on the great engine rebuild! Loved the oil leak down test video portion. You makenthe best and only the best old MoPar tech video's. Extremely well done...detailed, direct and to the point. Might you be Mr Techs son?. Maybe you should work on the low raspy voice?...?
  4. If you are handy?.. There are a few companies that supply leather cup seals in small to large sizes. Monarch-McLaren LTD is one..
  5. The MoPar supercedence book shows this from the #on your housing...
  6. My Master MoPar books show the part# 1324999 as.. 10-26-6 Filter Replaceable Cartridge Type DeSoto Eight 52-53 (3) Chrysler Eight 51-53 (3) It is really hard to show parts book pages..lower pic and bottom description row shows listing for part# 1324999
  7. Yeah the 1949-50 Chrysler aluminum 8 housing is four bolt and uses a vertical mounting surface where as the 51-56 Hemi aluminum housing also uses four bolt mount surface but is at about a 30 degree mounting angle. So three aluminum housings using the same full flow filter element. Okay so the six cylinder Chrysler two bolt mount aluminum housing part # is..NA The only way I can find the filter housing is as a package kit# 1311122 1949-54 Chrysler six...complete filter assembly. This according to several MoPar parts books.
  8. Good idea but I wouldn't get too carried away. I'm sure the dealers back in the day didn't either. The time to be careful is when R&R 'ing the trans.
  9. All six cylinder, straight eight and Hemi cars from 1949 -56 use the same filter element....say Old# Fram CH192PL
  10. Welcome to the pretty "Red Button" club Brent!.... And...when it's all together... up and shifting how about some split shifting video's..no rear end grinding either!?
  11. There is a paper cardboard gasket surrounding all 1946-48 Chrysler gauges and the speedo....to seal against dust intrusion. A very tough thing to remove a gauge with out damaging that gasket.
  12. I have always liked the B&B carbs. Have always been easy to service and always reliable...an owner of several cars and trucks using these carbs for over 45 years....jmo.
  13. It does clear up hagfish mucus...
  14. More so with a type of grease...Vick's Vapor Rub!
  15. You can take the floating pickup off then stick a 3/8" rod in the pipe....unscrew the pu pipe. No marring of the pipe.
  16. As mentioned Olsen's will have that gasket and any others if and when needed. The 1948 DeSoto oil pump cover uses a square cut rubber O-ring...don't mess with it unless necessary...some what hard to find. No paper gasket used on the cover plate just that square cut O-Ring.
  17. It's a problem with parts stores getting counter help to find odscure parts at times.
  18. Tell a quality knowledgeable parts store to look up ... Fel-Pro 3045 This is a sheet of 1/64" (.015") thick Felpro gasket paper...Felpro, Karropak and a few other companies make many different gasket materials and many thicknesses.
  19. NO silicone sealer....just use heavy gasket paper and carefully make one exactly to match the pump mounting surface. Gasket paper used for this gasket is .012"-.015"
  20. I have to admit I got that thread spec off the look up your car drain plug 7/8 X 14 tpi off the chinese crap Dorman site. I never actually measured the plug thread...should have. My mistake...will not do that again?
  21. The cam gear hubs changed too according to the parts book..don't know why or what's different.
  22. Yes that is the correct one. They sell a few of the FD parts and have for quite some time.
  23. Flathead oil pan drain plug is 7/8" X 14 tpi
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