Thursday I took the 58 convertible out to my mechanic buddy for a little tune up in preparation for the big trip to Maryland next month. It was running rough at idle, but ran great once you give is some gas.
We started with the obvious, and checked the points. They were pitted and burnt, so we installed a new set. But he couldn’t set the gap. He grabbed the center shaft of the distributor and shook it, and it just flops around in there. So, out came the parts book, and the part number is for the upper bushing is 1440349, for the lower it’s 643906. A WEB site I was on searching for the upper bushing said the use 643906 (the lower number).
So you’re probably saying what do we care what the part number of a 58 Plymouth distributor bushing is. Well, according to the parts book, that busing was used in all the distributors from 35-54! Has anyone rebuilt their distributor, and found these bushings, or a current P/N, or supplier? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Lee