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Everything posted by BobT-47P15

  1. Protector of the P15.
  2. Another item..........turn signals and brake lights. Don't know if it will help, but worth a shot........
  3. Here's an old wiring diagram for a 7 wire unit.........I basically used this. I have two pilot lights below the dash that I tapped into the system at the flasher. One for left and one for right. They work OK. Wish I had drawn a diagram when I wired the thing up. Is your unit a 7 wire or a 3 wire like original??
  4. This may have been posted before and if so, feel free to ignore this one. Otherwise, it's a kinda neat video done by the son. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSaQWdWxvbM&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_medium=email&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=Hagerty%20Weekly%20News%2002-27-2013
  5. The two most common things to keep a radio from working is the capacitors all need to be replaced as they dry out over the years, and the vibrator probably needs to be replaced as well. Tubes often times can be good, but probably should be tested.......if you can find some one to do it. Yes, a modern style speaker can be used in place of the original electromagnetic type. Just have to find the right two wires to operate it.
  6. Some nice looking dashes there guys........
  7. The old Andy could be rather gruff --but seemed to know what he was talking about. I have bought a few things from him over the years.......and the items were good and service OK as well. Have taken note of several comments over time that at least some of the rubber products they sell.....such as windshield and window mouldings.....were not of good quality and fit. Sounds like the new owner is a good guy and trying to please.
  8. If you look in the Parts Maunal on P 269 (in my copy), it specifies that certain size wheels were used, either 16 or 15 based on serial number of the car, but does not list the specific year timing. It was my understanding that tire size changed sometime during the 1947 model year from 16 to 15. My 47 came with what seem to be stock 16 inch wheels, so it must have been an earlier model. I haven't researched it as I run 1955 Chrysler wire wheels which are 15s and don't care which size was original. However, I have saved those original rims--just in case. My speedo is approximately 15 mph fast.......If it says i"m going 50 -- I'm really only going 35. Have used the GPS to check speed on occasion....and also the cell phone with "now how fast am I going, Honey??" So, I have just learned to live with the thing. ,
  9. Several years ago, I had a flat on my car. Removed the tire and took it to our local Firestone store. The tire had a tube..... and there was only one guy in that store that knew how to patch it. They just don't see such things much anymore. I normally deal with a smaller area company called Grande Tire. Those guys know how to do everything.....so no problems when I go to them. You need to check the inside of your wheel for rust.......which might prevent the tire from sealing good. It can be wire brushed if necessary. Then apply some mounting goop the store should have on hand. Looking forward to a picture of your car with the new shoes.
  10. Good looking......and rare.....coupe. The garage looks neat as well.
  11. They look a lot like 1959 Cadillac lenses......... Do not really blend with the rest of the car. Otherwise......pretty darn unique.
  12. Taking the "shotgun" approach so it will come up under numerous search headings. It is nice, but truly difficult to get that kind of money out of a Plymouth, sad to say. One post had a picture of a red convertible..........where does that fit in this conversation?.......is it for sale too?
  13. Condolences to you and your family. Remember the good times.............. My parents have been gone for several years, and I still miss them. Just lost my only uncle at age 96 a couple days ago......so I can relate. Blessings to you.
  14. I think the 7 wire system is the easiest to deal with.......as opposed to the 3 wire. Here's one flasher diagram for you................Look carefully as a couple of changes have been made to the original instructions.
  15. It's now ll:14 pm here ... had a warm, but not too hot, day. Had our grandson, sister in law, her daughter and granddaughters over. I cooked some burgers and dogs on the grille, then the girls did their fireworks. After it got dark, we could see all kinds of fireworks all around us. A good day. And, thanks to those in the armed services who keep us free.
  16. Yeah.........lots of people say they'd like to put a slant six in these old Plyms, but since it's not very easy to do, it seldom happens. As you said........it takes a bit of re-engineering to make it happen. Good job.
  17. I love that dash picture of George's car. Every now and then I look at it closely to try and tell what he's placed on there .... but who knows what the real function of any knob is (except for him)? I've seen many dash re-do's on hotrod/streedrod P15s which, in my opinion, took away the beauty of the original dash. The best looking modifications retained most or all of the original features and worked the changes into them. Here's one example of not good changes (imho) from a car on ebay..........
  18. Hi 55F100. I don't recall any nuts for mounting the buckets either. Have you purchased a Parts Manual for your P15 yet? They can be found in original or reprint on eBay at a fairly reasonable price. They have exploded views of things and usually indicate the parts involved. That book plus a Repair/Service Manual will answer many questions (but not all). In looking at my Parts book......it appears to show only a sheet metal type screw to mount the black bucket to the body. Then there are screws and nuts to attach the silver colored inner bucket (they call it seat assembly) into the main bucket. Hope that helps. Went to my photo album and found this page copied from the Parts Manual..............
  19. Yeah.........what they were saying. Don Coatney was kind enough to give me an address that worked.....so am back in. It did take me a bit of messing with my computer to get a new shortcut/bookmark on the main screen. But that's just because I forget how to do certain things since they don't occur very often. All is now good.
  20. Glad things are now back to normal. Amazing that the car gave you warning signals and all turned out OK. Hopefully your upcoming long trips will be without problems.
  21. Nice to see you got some ink, Robin. You've just been gradually improving that car ever since you got it.
  22. I think radios were added at the dealership in many cases.............and directions for antenna placement probably were included. However, I suspect the dealer would put them elsewhere if the mood struck them.
  23. My car had a radio in it when I got it.............this is where the antenna was mounted......on the curve of the cowl. There was a tube on the bottom of the antenna with a metal brace to secure it down inside the cowl area. I have found one or two original antennas, but none was in good condition. This is an aftermarket item and looks very much like the original. I don't think there is much problem with running the antenna wire over to the radio.....just up behind the dash with other wires should be fine. You might need a noise suppressor or resistor spark plugs if the radio picks up static. A second battery should not be necessary as these radios ran fine on the original six volts......unless you want to operate it for prolonged periods of timewithout the motor running.. The new style speaker should work OK from what others have said. I have discovered that some radios have inside behind the dial, a color post that changes the colors of the dial light when a certain thing is changed on the radio.......I don't know if it relates to volume, tone, or station selection. Maybe someone else knows.
  24. It fared much better than our old Toyota.......................
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