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Everything posted by DonaldSmith

  1. Oh, you gotta (have got to) highlight the "SPITFIRE" in RED!
  2. Sheriffs have to be good at police work but also be good politicians. Knowledge of human nature is critical. Andy Taylor sets a high mark.
  3. It looks like you de-mouse-crapped the interior. A clean start.
  4. Summer fall? That reminds me. Summerfallwinterspring was the name of the Indian (native American) Princess on the Howdy Doody Show. At one point, Princess Summerfallwinterspring left the show to become a queen mother. I always wondered if Chief Thunderthud had something to do with it. Clarabel the Clown may have known something, but he never spoke. Actually, Clarabel once said "OK", so Buffalo Bob had to pay him speaking actor's wages for the day. It may have been his last day.
  5. No apologies for "Bodge" - Your Plodge is a Bodge. I love it. O, the wealth of the language, in all its variants.
  6. Somewhere I picked up this jingle, for Celcius temperatures in the range of human comfort: 30 is hot; 20 is nice; 10 is cool, and Zero is ice. My Canadian cousins are at the age where they are more comfortable with the old imperial measures than the newly-imposed metric units. When I recited the jingle, they didn't get it.
  7. Knuckleharly, my DeSoto Suburban should have 12-inch drums. 11-inch for the smaller DeSotos.
  8. My 47 DeSoto came with locator pins and lug bolts, RH on right side LH on left side.
  9. No locator pins are used on drums with studs. Line up the wheel holes with the studs and push the wheel home. A locator pin is for drums that receive bolts, so that the wheel and drum have the holes aligned for the bolts.
  10. This last photo shows the reflector at the bottom of the light. The 39 Dodges shown on the internet have the reflector at the top of the light, in fenders that have an extreme slope. Turn the modern lights upside down and set them in the 39 Dodge fenders, and the reflectors would point to the sky. Not quite right.
  11. Direction? The rotation has to be the same, as determined by the camshaft. The difference within the distributor may be in the arrangement of the points, such as the direction they "face", or their position in the case. The vacuum advance diaphragm could near the usual 11:00 or at 5:00, depending on how the distributor is installed. Plug wire no. 1 could be at the usual 7:00, or at 1:00, as the distributor is installed.
  12. I just love the compound curve of the trunk lid on these sedans. The rear end looks kind of like a rhinoceros' butt.
  13. You only need the clutch for starting off, waiting for a long train, and for shutting down. If you had to, you could use a cane to work the clutch. Or come up with a Rube Goldberg contraption. Or find out what is available commercially. It sounds a lot easier than putting in an automatic transmission.
  14. The duct looks better painted black. Before, it looked like a giant pickle.
  15. They get to vote as many times as they want.
  16. A lot of people my age (75) are dead already.
  17. I wonder why the rear windows of a rumble seat car would not retract fully, but Dblter was able to make his window retract fully. Did he rework the channel under the glass that catches the water that gets past the weatherstripiing? Mercury for 1967 and 1968 1957 and 1958 had a Turnpike Cruiser, modeled after a dream car of the same name, with a retractable rear window. These and later "breezeway" models started out with a reverse-slanting window that retracted fully, albiet with fixed glass segments beside the retractable pane. My dad's 1967 Mercury, which I bought from him, had a conventially sloped rear window with a full width pane that retracted just a few inches. Good enough to suck sun-heated air out of the cabin, but otherwise much ado about nothing. The Mercury had a channel below the glass to catch water leaking in, and drain hoses to the bottom of each fender, where drain holes would continue the process - except if the drain holes got plugged by trash or whatever. Before final rust-through, I discoverd ponds of water slushing around at the bottom of each fender. Not good. A caution to you rumble seat people: Make sure the drainage system works properly.
  18. You can buy a 6 volt alternator, positive ground, and won't have to change any of the electrical stuff.
  19. We sold our next-door lot when the kids went off to college. The first occupants of the new house on the lot were extremely quiet and private, behind their new 6-foot high fence. One Christmas the husband was over to our house, for a rare visit, and was shocked to see that our kitchen window overlooked his back deck. A trellis went up in a hurry. The second family was more normal, but we have had little interaction with them. (We seem to be at opposite ends of the political spectrum, but the matter doesn't come up.) On the other side of our house, I erected a 3-foot fence, just to delineate the property line, to know how far to mow the lawn. We got along well with the widow there, and later her daughter and family. Next came a young couple, who have been gifted with three daughters. When the first daughter was two, she wandered through a gap between the fence and our house, which fostered considerable famliarity between us neighbors. The gap has since been called the Serena Pass. We get along great with the family, to the point of collecting each others' mail and having a key to each others' house. We are unofficial family. The height of the fence has an effect on neighborliness. So build your fence accordingly.
  20. There's a lot of discussion and cussin' on this forum about the Pertronix ignition. I put one on my 47 DeSoto with the semi-automatic transmission. The controls for upshifting include shorting out the ignition momentarily. For this, Pertronix recommended a resister for the interrupting circuit. ThePertronix wiring is the opposite of the usual points-type ignition, but it all worked out. This forum has a wealth of knowledge to be mined.
  21. pflaming: "I've got my bag, I've got my reservation, SPEND got each DIME I could afford, . . . . . " Cribbed off the internet, from Barry Manilow. Long way from Dinah Shore. Gonna take a sentimental journey, Gonna set my heart at ease Gonna take a sentimental journey, To renew old memories Got my bag, I got my reservation, Spend each dime I could afford Like a child in wild anticipation, Long to hear that "all aboard" Seven, that's the time we leave at seven, I'll be waiting up for heaven Counting every mile of railroad track, That takes me back Never thought my heart could be so yearning, Why did I decide to roam Gonna take a sentimental journey, Sentimental journey home
  22. Take your clock apart. What have you got to lose? (besides some critical screws) I fixed a broken solder connection in my clock (Lower left, coil winding to brass strip): The clock is working again. The clock has two major components: the clockworks and the winding mechanism. The solenoid moves the winding mechanism, and when the mechanism reaches the end of its travel, the solenoid is energized again. Tick tick, tick, and every few minutes, clunk. Tick, tick, tick. Music to my ears. Sometimes I reconect the battery, just to hear the clock. (Edit: I should say that the two parts are the clockworks and the solenoid mechanism. The winding arm, seen in the second photo above, and the winding mechannism, are part of the clockworks, and are not seen in the first photo of the solenoid and its switches. )
  23. My air cleaner conversion: Coffe can end to cap off the top of the filter element. The filter is a Fram CA6370 for this particular unit.
  24. Gee, checking my foggy memory, and my photos, I have the grommets on the pedal shafts below the floor, and another set as carpet grommets. For the carpet grommets, I thnk I cut out the inner, lower parts so that the shafts would move freely. Here'a a separate floor for my Jiffy Jet and brake light switch. The underfloor grommet for the cluch pedal is peeking out from the edge of the panel. Here's a carpet shoe with the grommets on the carpet.
  25. "Tour tuck" = "Your truck". Accoursed typos! My grandson could say "car" from his infancy, but had trouble saying "truck". It came out just wrong.
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