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Everything posted by DonaldSmith

  1. There's slop built into the lock, so that the key can return to the vertical position after locking or unlocking the door. The cam is the thing on the back of the cylinder that transfers motion to the shaft. It's called a lazy cam because the cylinder plug has to rotate some before the shaft moves. Take the lock out and play with rotating the shaft different ways before re-installnig the lock, so the plug can move the shaft equally in both directions.
  2. I went to the mannheimgold site and looked up m:confused: my 47 DeSoto Custom Suburban. Good is worth $10,000, Excellent $18,000, and Show $24,000. I think mine is between Good and Excellent. A buyer may think otherwise. Is there a set of definitions or a guide to determine the condition?
  3. I rebuilt my bottom rear door hinge a few years ago. The cover is separate, but is tack-welded to the hinge leaf, so they both "slide" in and out together. Trying to remember how I got the hinge leaf out of the door slot . . . big fun hammer? (Is that what BFH stands for?) It came out hard the first time. I got the hinge together wrong, but the leaf came out easier the next time. I have some pictures, but I haven't mastered posting them. You can e-mail me and I'll send them, and try to anwer your questions. That will give me time to look up my records.
  4. Just going from the manual and my distant recollections from previous posts, the drain hole in the converter is accessed from the removable floor panel on the right side of the hump. Line up the plug with the hole, and remove the plug. Be careful not to drop the plug. Rotate the converter so the hole is on the bottom, and the fluid should drain out. To refilll, rotate again so the hole is at the removable panel. Fill the converter so the fluid gets to the level of the hole. Reinstall plug. Maybe someone who has been through it can chime in with some valuable experiences.
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