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keithb7 last won the day on November 16 2024

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    Western Canada
  • Interests
    Vintage Mopars
  • My Project Cars
    1938 Chrysler Royal C18 Coupe

    1938 Plymouth P6 Deluxe Sedan

    1953 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe C60-2.

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    Hobby Mechanic
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    Western Canada
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    Vintage Cars

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  1. Definitely a little envy here. I’ve never had the luxury of height for a lift. Maybe someday. I’ve even thought of putting one up outside but, lots of negatives there.
  2. Drag me in to this will ya? Lol. I am still enamoured by old cars. Their simplicity. Doing the needed repairs and maintenance on them. It’s not much work to me. Keeps me outta trouble. Yes I still work full time. Another number of years before retirement for me. I don’t grasp the “time is more valuable after retirement”. Maybe I will get it once I’m retired someday. Yup, my old ‘38 is an old car. Old technology. Old axle. Old brakes. Ancient generator and regulator. Electric wipers were unknown still. But I like it. It takes me back to a simpler time where gas stations were all full-serve with energetic people who wanted to check your oil. Top up your rad. Clean your window. I’m not even allowed to do these things at a Costco gas station. They took away the paper towel. Get in, take your money and get out asap. Build your hot rods. Resto-mods. Or Keep it stock. Whatever you like. Whatever makes you happy. Have fun!
  3. I see myself trying to spread out inside the trunk to sleep. Rear cab wall removed. Then clambering to get back out. The split (rear cushion splits only) bench seat, tilts forward only slightly. So you can access the spare tire behind the seat. There’s no way to get out the truck hatch from inside the trunk. I’m over 6 ft. Could be an interesting manoeuvre to get out of there via a cab door. Perhaps I’ll send my wife in there first. See if she can get out. She’s much smaller than me.
  4. Did car people just sort of add the word “business” over the last 60 years? Were they called a business coupe back in 1938? I hear stories of travelling salesman selling, out of cars like this. The rear cab wall being removed, and then they could easily sleep in the trunk. Is this folklore? I’m tempted to try it honestly. Go on a 2 nite road trip. Sleep in my ‘38 coupe. Try and find old roadside cafés to wash up and have breakfast. Could be fun!
  5. Free wheeling, my limited knowledge about it is: the drive line automatically disconnects from the engine when you lift your foot off the throttle. Cool but…Extremely dangerous when trying to control your speed down a steep hill. Mis-adjusted 4 wheel drum brakes with non-asbestos linings. You likely won’t want to utilize the free wheeling system on this car.
  6. Beautiful car. 201 ci 23” long engine I suspect? If I recall in 1934 they offered “Free Wheeling”. Does your plymouth have this feature?
  7. You should reconsider the speedi sleeve. I don’t consider that as looking good.
  8. At the 3:25 mark here I install front timing cover and gasket. The crank seal install in the timing cover is shown earlier in the video.
  9. At the 18:35 mark in this video, I install a speedi sleeve on my crank pulley. Front seal surface area.
  10. I will admit I do take a special linking to the harmonica-grill period of post war Mopars. They look good. Navy blue with chrome is very classy. A NY’r coupe with a straight 8, manual 3 speed with OD would be a nice acquisition. Was it offered configured as such?
  11. To get at the front timing cover you’ll need to remove the front engine mount. You need to support the engine to do that. The rubber on your front mount looks poor. It should be replaced. You’ll need to remove the centre crank bolt. Then a puller to get the pulley off. Look at the sealing surface of the pulley. Clean it up. You may very well want a speedi-sleeve on it. Remove timing cover bolts. Remove timing cover. Kerosene and a brush. De-sludge everything. Clean all mounting surfaces like new. How’s the timing chain play looking? Install a new crank seal in the cover with a press. Get a new gasket in place. I like to copper spray both sides. Lay the cover and gasket in place. Do not tighten it down. Use crank pulley as centering guide. Install pulley. Then tighten down cover bolts. Put thread sealer on cover bolts.
  12. Correction. Largest engine in 1968 C3 was a 427 ci.
  13. Today was the first I ever heard of it. The movie popped up on my You Tube feed. I watched and quite enjoyed it. I read that a 1968 Corvette 454 4 speed provided the sound track for the hot rod scenes. It sure did sound mean. The movie took me back to simpler times. I didn't realize I needed that but it made my day. It's free on YT if you want to check it out.
  14. My 1938 Plymouth sedan had a stock 201 ci 23” long engine when it was new. It currently has a 25” long 237 ci Desoto engine in it. Its fantastic. Stock 3 speed, 4.11 rear end, she makes good torque! The rad was replaced with smaller one and pushed forward into the rad enclosure. The cross frame member cut out a bit to allow for front crank pulley clearance. Custom fabricated font engine mount to account for engine mounts on the block being 2” further forward than stock 201.
  15. Find a 25” USA Desoto or Chrysler engine manifold. I suspect it’ll bolt right up.
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