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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2022 in all areas

  1. nice sunny day in ny took out my plymouth first time since i got her parts run to napa
    5 points
  2. Sunday of back to the 50s. Dad's 51 and my 64. Putting the fuel line into the 47. This and the following work after figuring out the gas tank got garden hosed by kids were the major work I got done. And a boring but very exciting one for me personally after jumping through all the states hoops I got titles for my project trucks.
    2 points
  3. Proving it ain't so............ although it may have been be a cool concept if it were so.
    2 points
  4. I just rub a piece of white chalk on the indentations so you can see them.
    1 point
  5. Don Smith: My brakes did pull on my 39 Desoto. Tried everything, no leaking or anything could be found. I took my front drums and had both turned down a little. seems as if I had a high spot on one and this was causing a pulling. Before you turn them down take the lug nuts or bolts with you. Since we have riveted hub and drum you need to make sure the drum and the hub are tight. This will make sure that the cut is straight. My mechanic told me this has to be done in insure a straight cut. Good luck at the NDC meet in Chatham. I attend the meet in Altoona the past June and received a 3rd place on my 39 Desoto. We had three 39's and all placed 1st,2,bd, and 3rd. We will not be attending the NDC convention in 2023. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
    1 point
  6. Something you must have if you own an old Mopar: https://www.amazon.com/Plymouth-Service-Manual-1946-1951-Models/dp/B002JY9KVK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=UKROJD7QZURC&keywords=1948+plymouth+manual&qid=1671419689&sprefix=1948+plymouth+manual%2Caps%2C102&sr=8-1
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. This is mine, so far. Still a few days to go I suppose but I don't think I will top this. Date is today. I have just driven legally for the first time since 1983. Car is now roadworthy, certified, registered and warranted ( certificate of fitness or WOF in NZ ) I drove from the vehicle testing station around to one of our local cemeteries. The car has Alick's grave in front. He bought the car new in 38. I am the second owner. A cool thing to be able to do...
    1 point
  9. The engine instruments in my P15 have been fairly well lit but the speedo was extremely dark. The wiring diagram in the service manual shows a "speedometer light" but the only dash lights (beside key and high-beam lights) in my car are two bulbs located near the engine gauges. I checked and someone had already installed #63 bulbs which are brighter than the #51 bulbs normally installed. The following post from a thread last year got my attention: http://p15-d24.com/topic/47422-bright-dash-lights/?tab=comments#comment-503267 This poster found some specialty 6v bulbs that were designed for use in microscopes. They are 7 candle-power instead of the 63"s 3 candle-power. I decided to try them and the results are impressive. Not only is the speedo very visible but I actually found the feature where the speedo numbers change colors! Please excuse the blurry photo made while underway: Here is where I bought the bulbs: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Plymouth-1946-1947-1948-extra-bright-tail-light-bulb-63-replacement-6-volt-63/161410757417?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 I really like 'em! In case someone asks....I've already hot-wired the dash light switch located at the bottom of the dash....the bulbs are getting full voltage.
    1 point
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