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So I purchased a 48 from a member on here after falling in love with my dads. Great ride, runs/ran GREAT!! drove it 48 miles home, drove it to work, all was well. THEN, while sitting at a read light, all hell broke loose. Terrible smell of anti freeze, white smoke out the exhaust. I shut it down, good people pushed it out of the intersection and I got it towed home. anti freeze everywhere. took plugs out, carb off, and its FULL of anti freeze. first thought, cylinder head gasket but I'm afraid it might be more catastrophic. going to rip head off this weekend and see. any ideas?




Head gasket is my suspicion. Suggest you get some thin plastic tubing and suck the water out of the cylinders, then do a compression check. You'll know immediately if its a head gasket. Sounds like the car asperated and sucked your antifreeze into the combustion chambers. Go easy taking out the head bolts out. Search the archives for my head gasket replacement adventure this past February. Not fun, but I definitely learned alot about the engine and the car in the process.


Anti-freeze tends to stick the rings and gall the brgs. Hate to tell you that but plan on a full teardown and cleanup. They don't stick and gall immediatlely but they will get you.


Actually antifreeze cleans up the pistons and cyls amazingly well, but it's when it hits the mains that it does a lot of damage.

I wouldn't bother with a compression check now, just pull the head and shop vac out all the antifreeze, then clean everything with a good dose of alcohol and re vac and dry with air.

Closely examine the block and cyl walls, and then the head for major cracks, if nothing then put a straight edge on the head and see how bad it's out, if that's all then plain it, new gasket and new bolts!

Good luck!


Head gasket is readily available from napa so any auto parts store should be able to order it. Even if you can't repair it this weekend you need to drain the oil and clean up all that antifreeze asap

oil and anti freeze are drained!!! napa actually said it was not avail? anyone know the part number. I found it on RockAuto.. 18 bucks. bolts from head bolts as well.

felpro FPG 7564C Use napa's website and find your own #s then bring them in with you. Thats how I found it.


It seems that Napa's catalogs don't go back far enough anymore. They list a Fel-Pro (FPG 7564C) head gasket for a '50. It is shown with the extra port for internal bypass, but will still work on an external bypass engine. They probably won't stock it, but they can get it from their local warehouse.



Yes this is the 23" one. The 25 should be easily looked up at either napas or felpros websites.


I found it cheaper to order a whole gasket set from Summit performance for my 25" block rather then just a head gasket up here in the great white north.... Also got my head bolts from them.

If I was home I could get you a number from my set, but if you can't find in a day or two let me know.


Nice work so far. How much did you shave off the head? Where did you get your head bolts from?

Nice work so far. How much did you shave off the head? Where did you get your head bolts from?

"I" shaved (he is teaching me how to machine things, if you dont know who ed miller is, look him up. 5 time mopar nhraa champion and revered as the king of mopar locally) .005 is all I took off. might not of even needed that. hoping gasket gets here today. hoping!

"I" shaved (he is teaching me how to machine things, if you dont know who ed miller is, look him up. 5 time mopar nhraa champion and revered as the king of mopar locally) .005 is all I took off. might not of even needed that. hoping gasket gets here today. hoping!

Could have gone .030 and give that engine a little boost, lots of that has been done ...

Posted (edited)

Well I just bought a 48 1 ton and I ck the compression right away. All cylinders except for 3 and 4 were 120 psi. Took head off and the exhaust valves were burnt. The gasket was starting to go *** well though. Bought new valves from vpw, head gasket kit from Autozone, bolts from Summyt. the Gasket kit # HSC 7564 C was $40.00 the bolts (Chevy) were $25.00. I cut the seats with a cutter from new way. That was a bit expensive. Now putting motor together, I will add pictures later. A good thing it was only the head gasket.:D in your truck. Allmost forgot the part number for the head bolts PG-362-25 made by Pioneer.

Edited by Looznutz

Make sure you re-torque the head bolts after you have warmed the engine up and cooled it back down. Otherwise you'll be changing the gasket again.:eek:

Make sure you re-torque the head bolts after you have warmed the engine up and cooled it back down. Otherwise you'll be changing the gasket again.:eek:

Ditto.. You'll be surprised at how much more twist you'll get on each bolt after running it up to temp.

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