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Tim Beyer (beyert99), (I hope he doesn't mind me telling this tale) who lives about 40 miles south of me, asked if I could come down and help him get the valves adjusted on his B1C. As it happens, I didn't have anything important on my calendar for today so I told him I'd see him around noon.

I started the day with a little tinkering on my own truck. During my trip to Michigan a few weeks ago my occasionaly sticky throttle got worse, so I picked up some lube and sprayed down all of the linkage pivots. That solved that issue, but then on the return trip home I noticed that the idle was now a bit low and would sometimes want to stall at a stop. So, I went out early to fire up the truck and let it warm up so I could readjust the idle. While it was warming up my neighbor down the street came walking up my driveway. Whenever I would see him he would ask me if I ever take my truck out. He only ever sees it sitting in the driveway. I told him about my recent trip and about my plans for the day. After a nice chat with him I got the idle adjusted and ready for the day.

After a couple of quick errands I headed south on a leasurely ride to Tim's house. After a bit of chit chat, and looking over my truck, we got to work. I got his valves adjusted and got rid of the "tick-tick-tick". Some were also kind of tight, so it's a good thing that one was loose, prompting a need for adjustment. Then I broke out my timing light to check the timing and we tinkered with the timing, only to find that there seems to be an issue with the advanve weights that is keeping it fairly advanced. Another thing to add to his fix list. (by the way... he also needs front springs. Anyone have a good set sitting around)

When we finally decided it was as good as it was going to get for now, we cleaned up and headed out for some ribs at one of Tim's favorite joints. After our bellies were full of ribs I dropped Tim off at home and then headed back to Waukesha. All in all a fun day cruisin' in the Ol' Dodge and tinkering with another one. Everyone needs a day like this once in a while.

Sorry, no pics



Sounds like a good day.... Any chance you want to make a little further trip and help with my tick tick tick :P. It's probably only a 14 hour ride or so! LOL

I took my girl on her farthest venture yet, about 160-70 mile round trip to a car show and thresher man reunion... Great day!


sounds like a great day!

I've got one "tick" left on my truck but I can live with it.


Sometimes there are no pics because the day wasn't about about a great event, but just about a good day. :D



Well I guess Merle is going to force me into posting a reply on the forum, I have been lying back looking.. listening.. and learning from all the knowledge that everyone shares here for a while. My truck is a "48" B-1-C which I purchased back in 2008, I am the third owner. Long story short my wife and I decided to send it out back then and have it restored, needless to say I'm fortunate today to just have it back home. I have spent the past few months repairing anything needed to have it road worthy, and safe to drive. I am getting close now and can't wait to be on the road with Merle. Someday I will have photos to share with everyone, till then I would like to say thanks for all the great knowledge shared and allowing me into your forum!!

Merle I owe you big time!! And I do have a photo to share of the truck prior to Merle arriving at my house to adjust the valves. Oh by the way when Merle arrived he thought I went over board getting prepared to make it easier :)



I will admit that having the outer fender off gave us more room. It was also beneficial to allow you to see what was going on, and hold the light, as I did the adjustments. I understand why you did it, but it normally wouldn't be necessary for a valve adjustment.

4mula-dlx, I'll be close again this week, but not close enough. ;) Heading back to Minot again tomorrow for a couple of days.



Darn!! Your so close! LOL

Well I guess I can live with the ticking for now, I may break down and look for an old school guru around here, I'm giving up myself... I just don't have the patience to burn myself :P


Welcome Tim, to posting on the forum from yet, another Tim!

That makes for a few of us...maybe we should run a poll and see who has the most common name on the forum. I'm betting "bob" would pretty close to the top....lol.


...maybe we should run a poll and see who has the most common name on the forum. I'm betting "bob" would pretty close to the top....lol.


I going to make a prediction and say that "Merle" probably wouldn't make the top 10. :P


Merle...I just registered you as an honorary "Tim".....congrats and good luck!:D


Just move to S.E. Wisconsin and you'll be closer. ;):rolleyes::P

:D Merle I can see you had mixed emotions about inviting me......

I don't know about this honorary Tim stuff.....wouldn't you rather be the One and Only?


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