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my '46 WC makes a terrible sharp whistle when driving down the high way with the cowl vent open. Sometimes if i am traveling with the wind it is ok but against the wind it blows over the vent and whistle awful. Would like to us my vent in the summer when going down the highway. Any ideas? Does anyone else have this trouble but me? I know it's a 46 but thought some of you guys might have the answer.


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Do you have your windsheild open or closed? Mine has a whistle too but its usually when I have the cowl vent shut. I believe mine is from the lack of a cowl vent gasket.


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Does it sound like it's coming from the air hitting the vent door or maybe it's the air hitting something in the cab?

Maybe try putting some type of rubber seal on the inside lip of the door? Or have someone try to figure out the source of the sound while you're driving on an open road (so they can get under the dash and listen there).

Whistles & Rattles can drive you nuts.

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Mine doesn't whistle when open, even when going down the highway at 65 MPH . Do you have the gasket in place ? I know the gasket seals it when it is closed but I don't know what the problem might be . It is a two position vent when open , do both open positions whistle ?

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It could be any seal in the cab doing it. With the vent open, you're pressurizing thecab and the escaping air is causing the whistle. A loose section of you're cowl vent gasket could also do it.

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thanks for all the input. The color is Dupont B8750 Med Cabernet Red, ford 87-93 code 2H . Yes i do have the gasket in and it whistles at any setting when going into the wind. I usually do not open my crank windshield as the gears ar a little stripped and do't know if i will get it shut again. The whistle comes from air blowing over the vent hole but i can't figure out why it would be deaigned that way. I put some soft putty into the drain hole hopping that would cause it to stop but that just caused more work digging it out after i found out it didn't change anything. And you are right, rattles and noises can drive you crazy.

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Check the lip of the sheet metal top and see if there are any points where its uneven or bent. Then check to see if the seam betweent eh screen and the assembly is in good shape, the check to see if there is anything in the air path under the vent that might be the culprit.

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