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Well its official, NY has the worst drivers

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at least according to scores of people taking this test.


I missed one because I believe NY's recent changes to the emergency vehicle laws are not reflected in this test.

In driving around lately, I would tend to dissagree with the results, I think those referred to as MASSHOLES make driving in Massachusetts much worse than in NY.

Take the test and see how you fair, a score of 75 or below puts you in the company of those nice folks from Ma.


I missed two.

Under most conditions what is a safe following distance?

A. 3 seconds B. 10 seconds C. 20 seconds

I said 10 seconds and was wrong.

When you approach a traffic signal displaying a steady yellow light, you must:

A. Go through the intersection before it turns red B. Stop if it is safe to do so C. Be prepared to stop D. Slow down and proceed with caution

I said be prepared to stop and was wrong.



I have to agree with you that NY drivers are not the worst in the USA. While I haven't driven in every state, I have driven in most including New York and Massachusetts. IMHO, Wisconsin has the worst drivers. I don't know how many times driving across Wisconsin on I-90 and I-94 I've had to slam on the brakes or swerve to miss some one with Milwaukee plates who made a lane change without looking to see if any one was alongside them.

If I remember correctly, the statistics are based on insurance claims and traffic tickets per capita. Taxi cab fender benders in NYC probably have a lot to do with the New York State statistics. It is a simple exercise in thermodynamics. Place more cars in a smaller place and they are more likely to hit each other. The relative skill of the average NYC cab driver keeps accident frequency and severity down compared to what the typical Milwaukee resident's abilities and attentiveness would occassion in similar situations.


We just drove through Milwaukee on the way to Pleasant Prairie. To make it worse the freeway was under construction. On the way back we went on some highways and avoided that whole mess. I didn't care for the situation on the freeway.

We just drove through Milwaukee on the way to Pleasant Prairie. To make it worse the freeway was under construction. On the way back we went on some highways and avoided that whole mess. I didn't care for the situation on the freeway.

funny, i live in pleasant prairie, and we have no problems. its usually illinois people that get us. just dont drive through milwaukee at night in regards to construction. the detour is really stupid. what are you doin here anyways?


I hope you enjoyed the trip, regardless of the destruction 'round town. I was wondering if you were going to try it after I told you how far it was going to be. Did ya get your bellies full of jelly beans?



Heck ya. We did alter our plans a little after you told us that. We had planned to go to the factory and back to the Dells. We figured out that it was about the same distance to Door county from both places so we went to Door county via Pleasant Prairie.


Hope not to ruffle feathers here but my experience so far is Boston is the worst. I saw a guy go down a one way street the wrong way while a cop on the loudspeaker was saying don't do it. He did it anyway. Not to mention that pedestrians were almost literally like targets. It was like Death Race 2000 out there. Though the motorcycles legally riding the center lines on the California highways was a real eye opener as well. How more people don't die as a result of that is a miracle. Chicago drivers suck too. Ride 294 midday. You could go 75 in a 55 there and people will easily be passing you pi**ed off because you are going too slow. Crazy world sometimes.

I missed two.

Under most conditions what is a safe following distance?

A. 3 seconds B. 10 seconds C. 20 seconds

I said 10 seconds and was wrong.

When you approach a traffic signal displaying a steady yellow light, you must:

A. Go through the intersection before it turns red B. Stop if it is safe to do so C. Be prepared to stop D. Slow down and proceed with caution

I said be prepared to stop and was wrong.

3 seconds here in Virginia is not correct for safe following distance. Approach a yellow light. Here in Virginia you had better not stop, or you will get rear ended.

the reason ny has bad drivers is because its so dam populated here, it takes me 2 hours to get from nyc to my house which is 23 miles away there area fender benders all over due to the stop and roll driving.

I thought I had seen bad drivers and over populated places, and then I went to China. WOW, I would not drive on a street there if you paid me. It is like watching NASCAR, but bumping not allowed. No stop signs, or yield signs, and few traffic lights. It is first come, first go. I was surprised that there are few fender benders. 30 million people in one small city..........


The reason NY metro traffic is so bad is not all based on quantity. Most of it comes from the attitude that most folks there have, that does not allow for the existance of other people wanting to use thier road, let alone having any consideration for them, or the space they have the termerity to try to occupy.


i dont think ny has bad drivers, i think the roads are terrible (potholes), and i feel that there is so much traffic because the roads were designed in the 40's so it cant handle that amount of cars. Traffic is so bad in ny that the news channel is spending about 8 millions dollars, to put cameras to view the highways for the morning commutes, in and out of nyc.


Boy that Beemer must really be stressed making that trip at the astonishing rate of 12 MPH. Ultimate what????

Gee doesn't the metro area have like the 2nd or 3rd best public trasit system in the world???


This test is designed for driving conditions in Mayberry.

I think the worst (i.e.: cause the most problems) drivers are strangers. I recently took the loop around D.C. - I've not seen driving like that even on the Speed Channel. But everyone seemed to know what they were doing... everyone but me. I hated me by the end of it.

New York? I can imagine that if I had an appointment and there were 8 million people in my way, I'd be less than cordial... especially if many of them were from the likes of Mayberry.

Monterrey, Mexico reminded me of New York - aparently all brake pedals have been replaced with horns. Take a cab and watch the show... or close your eyes as your stomach dictates.

Of course, texting makes all of this moot. I actually pine for the simpler, innocent days of the tailgater and redlight runner.

Well familiarity breeds contempt, and infamiliarty should breed caution, and those definately don't mix.

HAHA! This sums up beautifully the reasons I do not attend family reunions.

There is a local bumper sticker here that reads "Happiness is a

New Yorker headed north with a Canadian under each arm!".

I guess this explains it......

I'm reminded of the late Lewis Grizzard's advice on fleeing Atlanta in the event of nuclear attack:

"If you live on the South side of Atlanta, get on I-75 and go south. If you live on the North side of Atlanta, get on I-75 and go north. If you are a Yankee get on 285."

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