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Hi Everyone,

Sondra and I have had an interesting Sunday morning. We took out the Desoto and went over to the Bull (Diner) on Noriega Street to have breakfast.

When we got done having breakfast, we took off down Noriega west bound. We were doing the speed limit and we had just done a full stop at the previous stop sign. At about 22nd and Noriega a man in a blue Honda CRV, was behind us for the last block or so, passed us on the left, over a double wide double yellow line.

Those of you who live in SF may know that this stretch of Noriega from 19th Avenue to past the Safeway is a shopping area with a lot of people on the street. I gave the guy a blow on the horn by way of noting that he was doing something not only illegal, but dangerous. One medium length blow, not too short or too long., just enough to have it register on the driver.

Well, it registered alright. A moment latter the Honda stopped dead blocking our path. Then he moved forward about 1/3 of a block and stopped again also blocking our path. There was a car behind us, so we had no place to go. This time the driver exited the Honda and walked back to my driver door.

I bit my tongue and said in the softest and most non-confrontational way I could that he had passed us over the double yellow line and that in addition to being a bad idea that it was illegal.

Well, he leaned into my drivers side window and pointing close to my face started a very excited rant about who was I to honk at him when I was driving “slow”. Do remember that we were doing the speed limit. He just wanted to go faster then we were.

At this point, I felt that he was going to strike me. He demanded that I get out of the car and “settle” this right now. He used all kinds of profanity and insults. I kept my hands inside the car and sat still waiting for him to do whatever he was going to do.

He walked back to his car and then turned around and came back for a second time. At this point I told him over his insults that Sondra was calling 911 and we would let an officer mediate any issues he had with me. I told him we had written down his license number and Sondra was by then talking to 911.

That seemed to get through to him as he walked back to his car and drove off. Sondra handed me the cell phone and I told 911 basically what happened, our location, the plate number and the direction the Honda was heading.

Sondra and I drove over to the Richmond Police station after our normal return drive along the beach. We talked to the sergeant and a very nice officer and asked if we should fill out a report. They said that we could, but in reality since he did not touch me or the car, it would be of little use. They said that had I been driving a Honda Civic and did the same thing that he probably would not have even noticed.

The perception of slow is strong when someone is driving something that old, even if I was doing the speed limit. We joked about the tortoise and the hare issues of driving in The City. The sergeant said she knows what I mean as it is like ridding a bicycle in town.

People who dive fast around town think they are making time but it is an illusion. Because of all the stop signs and lights in town, the person driving at the speed limit inevitably pull up, in the next 10 to 20 blocks, .to those who race around town breaking the traffic laws.

I know the Officers are correct about the futility of filling out a police report. I do wonder if this driver spots the Desoto on the street if he will do something stupid to it. I also wonder what will happen the next time that some driver blows a horn at him, or something like that, if this driver will hurt somebody. Had I been a little old person driving the speed limit in an old car and the guy had gotten into my face that way a heart attack or a stroke is not out of the question.

This man was about 35 to 45 very big and tall with light hair and a thick Irish accent. This person was so on the edge of being out of control, that I do think it is just a matter of time until someone is hurt.

My only crutch during the encounter was that I figured that Sondra could keep me patched up and that I would have recourse if the guy laid a hand on me. I have to tell you that my Country Boy-Greek side of my brain was having a large fight with my Cultured-Educated side of my brain. Luckily, the cultured-educated side won out.

The moral of the story is to not honk a horn at anyone. I doubt that I will learn this moral however…

Best, James




I am glad to hear you and Sondra are OK. Road rage is a very real problem everywhere these days. I'm not sure what is going through these guys heads. Do they think they have exclusive rights to the roads?

Similar thing happened to me, except, when he stopped his Cavalier in front of my International Eagle so he could fight me, I didn't stop. Drilled him through the intersection. He stopped again in front of me, and I drove him about a block the second time. I'm 50 at the time and he's 22 or so. I'm not stopping. WCB and the Police say don't stop and don't get out of your vehicle. He tried it a third time and I hit him a third time.

He then followed me for some time, and when I got stuck behind a line of cars, he got out with a baseball bat and smashed my drivers window and ran like the cowardly pussy he was. I was injured but the cops caught the little criminal.

Turns out he was a member of our Olympic Bobsleigh Team. This incident of road rage wasn't his first. Murder and attempted murder run in the family (google his brother Nathan LeBlanc). This got him the boot from the team, though.

I'm not sure what the solution is. These guys obviously think they own the road and are willing to defend what they think are transgressions to their property. I think a license suspension of 3 years on a first conviction is about right along with a hefty fine in the $25,000 range.

That old DeSoto wouldn't have been stopped by no Civic, and after my experience, I'll never stop again. I'll head directly to the nearest Police Station while calling 911, which is what the authorities advise.


...most of these nut cases are on mind altering drugs. How much or how crazy is anybodies guess. I have heard worse stories,,,my cousin ended up with a cast on his hand and arm for his road rage incident. I am sure there are many deaths every day also. Dont honk wave or salute any other driver,,,its not worth it!! My 2 cent opinion(all pretax)-d-



I agree, you should not have blown the horn even though he was in the wrong. I just ignore people like that when they break the law. With the idiots on the road today it's best to ignore them, or write down the license plate and call 911. When you get 911 just say this car is driving reckless and give it's location. That way, they may send a squad in the area to pull him over and he will never know you were the reason for the pull over. Around here the police even encourage you to do that. They've stopped a lot of drunk drivers by people calling on their cell phone and reporting them.

On the subject horn blowing though. If someone blows a horn at me for any reason, I also ignore that. I have a cousin I use to hang around with back when I was a teenager. He was a few months older so started driving a few months before I did. When he first started driving and come to our house, he'd pull in the driveway and blow the horn. I would just ignore him until he got out and came in the house. When he'd come in he'd say, didn't you hear me blowing the horn. I'd say yes, but I thought it was a new toy you got for Christmas and was trying it out. After several times of telling him that, he stopped blowing the horn on his arrival.

The only time I've ever blown the horn on any of my cars is by accident and that's not very often.


On more than one occasion in fact. It usually goes like this: I'm driving down the highway at 65 mph in the P15. I keep to the slow lane, understanding that few people actually drive 65 mph. There are no cars within close proximity either in front, behind or beside me. Then, a car comes screaming up behind me in the slow lane, drives up my rear-end, changes lanes quickly pulls up along side me and flips me off for "blocking traffic". They then speed off mouthing profanities. Never mind the fact I was going the speed limit, in the slow lane, and they had an entire lane all to themselves in which to pass. You're right, they simply assume I'm driving slow because of the car.

Most people love to see these old cars out there on the road, but beware; there are people who get angry just seeing them as well.


On more than one occasion in fact. It usually goes like this: I'm driving down the highway at 65 mph in the P15. I keep to the slow lane, understanding that few people actually drive 65 mph. There are no cars within close proximity either in front, behind or beside me. Then, a car comes screaming up behind me in the slow lane, drives up my rear-end, changes lanes quickly pulls up along side me and flips me off for "blocking traffic". They then speed off mouthing profanities. Never mind the fact I was going the speed limit, in the slow lane, and they had an entire lane all to themselves in which to pass. You're right, they simply assume I'm driving slow because of the car.

Most people love to see these old cars out there on the road, but beware; there are people who get angry just seeing them as well.



When someone comes screaming up my rearend while driving I will normally slow down even more. I figure that way if I have to stop fast they won't need as much room to stop either. Also keep in mind, even though the speed limit is 65 MPH on the freeway, the right lane is the slow lane. Freeways also have another speed limit as a minimum speed and that's only 45 MPH. Plus, just because the speed limit is posted at 65 MPH it doesn't mean you have to go that fast. You can do the minimum of 45 MPH, or slower speed depending on road conditions. The 65 MPH is just the maximum.


In Illinois that is why we still have gun racks!!! There are morons like that nation wide. So in the morning, call UHAUL and go EAST- I have some room here at the Inn and a garage to park the Desoto in come and stay for a spell-



1. Don't honk

2. Don't engage in a conversation with an obvious "WACKO". They aren't interested in your opinion. Swallow your pride.

3. You are NOT going to change his point of view.

4. ALWAYS leave a half a car link between you and the car ahead of you when you stop so you have room to escape.

5. Take down the plate number, make, color, and discription of the "WACKO".

6. The idiot can't remember his own name.........He's not going to remember your car.

7. Have you ever seen him before?.....You probably won't ever see him again. Timing is everything. If you do, you then have something to go to the police with.


I've found thru personal experience that to some people you can never drive fast enought if your're driving an old car (stock or hot rod) or pulling a trailer. Don't try to be a bad A++ unless your're prepared to back it up, better to just suck it up and get over it. One good thing our old Mopars are about twice as big as most late model cars.


Here's a good story for you guys about an incident I had on the freeway. I was in the middle lane of a 3 lane freeway in my p15. Had to be in the middle because the 2 roads were about to split. Only other car on the road comes up behind moves over to pass no big deal. As it goes by I see its a state trooper crime scene investigator. He was in a white suburban with big red letters identifing the vehicle. Then a second car comes behind tailgates me and then moves over. Then I see him tailgating the trooper! Shortly after that the trooper heads onto the left sholder and hits the brakes. Whips behind the other guy and pulled him over. I laughed for like 5 minutes and just went putting by in the plymouth!


I drove Interstate 25 from Fort Collins to Denver, CO and back for about 20 years. And during all of those years I saw or was somehow caught up in several road rage incidents very similar to the ones described. I will reaffirm what several have said. 1. Don't honk your horn at an idiot...he (or she) has been an idiot for a long time and probably won't change....honking the horn is just the ticket they need to be a bigger idiot. And you or your family are the ones harmed....they aren't....they are the idiots. Their time will come. 2. If you do happen to be caught up in one of these deals.....DON'T stop and certainly don't get blocked in. Get the "H" out of there or force them to clearly be the aggressor don't leave any room for doubt that you were the one being threatened. 3. Gun racks help. Even if they don't have a gun in them. Who knows what lurks underneath. However, don't use a weapon at all unless your life is clearly at risk and then plan on a long court battle at that. (Colorado is considering extending our "Make my Day" law which now applies to homes on to motor vehicles which would legalize shooting the aggressor....neat idea...just don't surprise someone in their car at night anymore!!) 4. Remember rule number 1 - Don't honk and don't flip someone off as an alternative means of communications.....that causes problems as well. :eek:


Well my biggest complaint is the drivers who want to air draft oft your car at 60 miles an hour. My dad taught me to drive with at least a few car length in front of me with no cars in that position. I really do not know what's going on in peoples head that drive right on your rear bumper. When out on the freeway I usually do about 5 over the speed limit but low in behold there will always be some guy come up behind you doing 15 or 20 miles over the limit. I just move on over and hope there is a cop in the general area. Jon

I have not have had a speeding ticket in over 20 years as I believe in driving like a chauffeur would and that's drive with patients. Jon


Many a time I have passed the guy minutes up the road paying tribute to the men in blue...I love it..I am on the road a lot with pulling cars..I leave more than my share of saftey room and find I have to back off even after that as it is an invitation for an idiot to jump in only to immediately make a right turn...here in the south and it may be this way in other rural farm land areas..but seem they pull out in front of you and immediately turn left..mostly without a turn signal..meaning you must make out their intentions before you could even take the left lane and go around them..


I guess some folks think the speed limits are just someone's "suggestion" about how fast you should go. I usually drive about 75 mph on the area interstate with a 70 speed limit. But even that is not fast enough for some....they run up behind you while you are passing and ride your bumper til you can pull back into rhe right hand lane. Then they go blasting on by. I just try to get out of their way soon as possible. Occasionally you get the satisfaction of seeing one of them down the way, stopped by a state trooper.

If those sort of drivers ever make any gesture or mouth any words, I just continue looking straight ahead and ignore them. Sure don't want to give them cause to show me how crazy they really are.

While driving in the old Plymouth, even if doing the speed limit on a two lane road, I will sometimes pull over onto a paved shoulder and let traffic stacked up behind me pass. Or have occasionally turned into some driveway to a business just to let a line of cars go by. I'm usually not in a rush, so no big deal to do that. Maybe that might prevent some nut from getting overly agitated. Road rage stuff occurs right here in good old Missouri too....just don't want to be part of it - if I can avoid it.

Glad you came out OK James.....I'm sure it was really scary having that guy carrying on and not knowing what he might do next. The world is sure not what it used to be.



Coming home last night at 10:00 on a nearly deserted stretch of freeway some yahoo in a SUV thought it to be good sport to follow me at less than a car length at 65 mph. I could out run him but I was able to take a more passive approach; the car has a manual tranny and to get into reverse I need to lift a knob on the shift lever then swing it to the right and pull it toward me. Obviously putting it into reverse at 65 would scatter parts too far for me to gather but if I only lift the knob and slide it to the right, that's where the switch is to ignite the backup lights. That poor sorry SOB grabbed his brakes so hard I thought he was going to lose it and I didn't see him closer than 1\4 mile for the nine miles till my turnoff. LMFAO!



Another SAAB story..I would never do this but heard about the guy who had the old large bayonet flash bulbs loaded into his backup light sockets on a manual switch..like a visit from the aliens I would guess...

Don't look straight into the light bubba...that's when they get ya..!!!

Coming to work just this morning..I have four intersections to watch close..people always run the stop signs here..have for the past 12 years I have been here..I think if they were to police these areas on the first day they could pay for a few new squad cars. And of course..I have my margin of safety and some butt-wipe is on my rear tailgaiting as I drove in this morning. It rural road..I usually am a nickel over..these guys run about 20 plus over for the most part. Double lines mean nothing to them and curves don't intimidate them for the most part either. Just got to be careful..try to keep an out available..


A friend of mine has been rear ended twice. He now has a unique way of dealing with tailgaters. He has an old windshield washer reservoir/pump in the trunk with the nozzle in the end of the tailpipe. The reservoir is filled with used motor oil.

He presses the button under the dash, the invisible fog gets on the windshield, they turn on the wipers and then they have to pull over to clean the windshield.

Seems to work every time. ;)


Unfortunately, some drivers today do not have a functioning brain in thier head. They could not or they would not be driving without saftey in mind. I feel that a lot of these types are looking for attention deep down. Why? Who knows. Maybe they did not get the nipple enough when they were small but I cannot say for sure. I have had a jerk behind me traveling closely and just before he turns off, will come right close to my car, so close that all I can make out in the mirror is his goofy face. Now this is a really great safety practice isn't it.

My advice is to ignore these drivers even if they yell and give the finger etc. If you acknowledge then they know that they got to you and got attention. I will always remember the advice that my driver education teacher told us back in 1958. He said that no matter if you get into your car to go around the corner to by a newspaper or to drive across the country, what is the most important thing here? SAFETY! To complete the journey without anyone getting injured or killed. No one can say that that isn't the truth. Enjoy the classics and try to forget the mentally challanged road rage folk.

John R


Good advice, John. The key is that they must be mentally ill. In my case, the reason he wanted to fight in the first place was because I ignored him. In this case it was the being ignored which enraged him. Then, when he stopped, wanting me to get out and I didn't stop, of course it made it worse.

In my younger days, I would have and did several times get out and oblige these guys in the request for a fight. I left them laying in the road playing their own game. I'm too old for that **** and these cowards carry guns.

I also no longer drive for a living. It's just too dangerous out there.

My advice for dealing with road rage is ALWAYS have a charged cell phone. Don't leave home without it.

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