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how much should i pay for 47 coupe?

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Go with 2000 cash, explain the major work needed. and offer 1500 after you feel him out. I think he's asking price is a bit high, but that is the starting point. I bet he is willing to go 2000 straight up.....and with a little help I think he might just let it go for 1500.



Good point on the subject of a good title. It can be a real headache if you don't have one, which is the way a lot of old cars are sold. I wouldn't touch a car that didn't have a title myself.

Hope you get your mess straightened out.

Any time I move to a new state, I always make a photocopy of my current title in case the "hard-working civil servant" that collects my registration taxes makes an error. When I lived in Arkansas, the local DMV office interchanged the VIN w/ the title number for my P15. The "talented" lady filing the forms assumed that all VINs have letters and all titles have only numerals. What a headache getting that straightened out! I haven't needed my copies since, but I am expecting to need my copies with the move to Missouri. They couldn't even get my name and address right for my driver licence copying off my utility bill. I had to come back again to get it straightened out. I might even have the copies notarised this time before going into the DMV to confirm that the copy matches the original.

I had a similar thing happen when I titled my truck. I kept copies of all of the paperwork I sent in. I also photocopied the Iowa title, mostly because it shows the previous owners name and address as well at the name and address of the guy that he got it from (the original owner). When I got my new plates and title, the great people at the Wisconsin DMV put the Iowa title # in place of the VIN / serial #. I had to go into the DMV office shortly after that to transfer some motorcycle plates, so I took everything along and showed it to the nice lady behind the counter. She looked it over and make the necessary corrections. She even waived the normal "Title Change" fee, since it was "their" mistake.

The serial number (VIN) is still wrong on my title, though. The last digit is supposed to be a 5 but is printed as an S. But that's how it was on the original Iowa title too. I haven't bothered to go through the paper mess to correct that one yet.


Needs total restore. Motor turns,has rusty floor and rear quarters.has title.This is in Wisconsin.He is asking 2500.00 My wife says to cut the top off and make a pretend convert out of it. Any help.



Unless you're set on a '47 this one might be worth watching. It's kinda sorta in your neck of the woods.



Just some more information on our "efficient" civil servants. It took over half an hour with the "nice lady" at the DMV office to get me tags for my convertible Wednesday afternoon, and this was a modern vehicle coming from out of state with all the paperwork in order. The ten people that piled up behind me waiting were less than impressed.

I am truly frightened when I get everything in order for my P15. I really despise Missouri's vehicle inspection requirement. I miss the folks at Minnesota's Motor Vehicle Licence Bureau office every time I move and have to get new titles and tags. In Minnesota, even if my car was still in storage out of state, I could bring in my title, proof of insurance and MN driver licence, and get tags and a new title for when I finally was able to get the car home in the spring. Just swap the new tags before rolling on down the road back to Minnesota.


Texas in the 80's,when you first registered an older car either the clerk came out to read the vin or you were required to do a pencil rubbing and bring it into the dmv. This was after a vehicle inspection that had already verified your vin. I showed them the paperwork and I quote"That is a different application".

They farmed out the insp. to non government shops and did not trust them enough to take their word!


Benjamin......if you get antique tags for the P15, I don't think it requires

an inspection. Of course, I haven't gotten one of those tags lately.

Not up on the current rules.

The old tags are permanent and require nothing further.

If you get a regular tag, I imagine it would have to be inspected.

If an inspection is needed, try asking acquaintences about what inspector might not be as tough. They may have a friend who will give you a break.

knuckleharley' date='

Good point on the subject of a good title. It can be a real headache if you don't have one, which is the way a lot of old cars are sold. I wouldn't touch a car that didn't have a title myself.

Hope you get your mess straightened out.[/quote']

Nom...in Gerogia..you would never have a car older than 1963 as Georgia did not issue titles till that year and WILL NOT even today issue a title for a car that old even with a valid title from another state...and you can get a tag on bill of sale for any car that is 1984 and back...your option to pay for the title transfer..if not transferred..the title chain is broken however ..by Georgia law other states honor this law and Will issue a title on bill of sale and if you have a copy of the owners registration..current or expired..even better...so with a broken Georgia title..say you be the second party after the original sale and you get the title from the original owner..it is just a piece of paper with zero validity..

Nom...in Gerogia..you would never have a car older than 1963 as Georgia did not issue titles till that year and WILL NOT even today issue a title for a car that old even with a valid title from another state...and you can get a tag on bill of sale for any car that is 1984 and back...your option to pay for the title transfer..if not transferred..the title chain is broken however ..by Georgia law other states honor this law and Will issue a title on bill of sale and if you have a copy of the owners registration..current or expired..even better...so with a broken Georgia title..say you be the second party after the original sale and you get the title from the original owner..it is just a piece of paper with zero validity..


That's Georgia and we be in Wisconsin where the rules are a little different. If I was to buy a car out of Georgia (for example), I would only do it one way since the rules are different. For example: You're the seller and I'm the buyer. You would have to either ship me the car with no money until I was able to get the Wisconsin title, or bring the car up here and go to the DMV with me for the Wisconsin title. Once I had the free and clear Wisconsin title (in my name) in my hot little hands, then and only then would I pay you for the car.


my point in writing what I did...you be in Wisconsin..and the fact that Wisconsin MUST by law accept Georgia DMV rules...as for waiting till you get a title...I have sold a number of vehicles...I also am like everyone elseprefer a title..I have passed on some cars of questionable ownership...those that have changed hands many times without registration in between sales..even I would think be a bit sticky even here..and as I wrote..I have a number of cars with SC titles going back as far as 1925 and no way in hell in Georgia they will give me a Georgia title...as they NEVER issued title prior to 1963..I personally do not think it right..but it is their way...I sold my 1941 Dodge years back..told the guy to keep the SC title just for record and tracability..as Georgia would not give him a title..well he called me..says he went to the DMV..lady accepted the title and took his 18.00 transfer fee and sent him on his way with a tag and told him title would be mailed in about 2 weeks..he now has no title of any sort...no 18.00 in his pocket and is registered with bill of sale only..he lost his original paperwork in the mix...all because he failed to believe what I told him I knew to be true. It surely sucks not to have proper paper chain just because you had to move to another state just to stay employed...

My 54..bill of sale..no registrration...only thing Ihad to do was drive by the police department for them to verify body number per number on bill of sale..no problems from there..

Even on the 71 Spitfire I bought as a parts car..ended up I put it on the road to drive...police verification..bill of sale...down the road you drive...

PS..be content with kicking tires as no seller would do that...that is why they have the laws..follow them..no prob...even at that..you still run into a registration nazi now and then...it is not that they are right or wrong..they are not properly informed and to headstrong to think there are other states with other methods/means


No Shel..was for pm547100 as he asked the original question in this thread but did not respond stating if he did or did not make a deal on the car..however it sounds like you did very well with your purchase..there are deals to be had yet..just getting further and further between...best thing sometimes is to pick up a project car for low price with tons of parts included..I have done this and its like Christmas when you get it home..all the boxes to unwrap etc etc...

Nom...in Gerogia..you would never have a car older than 1963 as Georgia did not issue titles till that year and WILL NOT even today issue a title for a car that old even with a valid title from another state...and you can get a tag on bill of sale for any car that is 1984 and back...your option to pay for the title transfer..if not transferred..the title chain is broken however ..by Georgia law other states honor this law and Will issue a title on bill of sale and if you have a copy of the owners registration..current or expired..even better...so with a broken Georgia title..say you be the second party after the original sale and you get the title from the original owner..it is just a piece of paper with zero validity..

My 1958 Rambler stationwagon came from NY,via California. It had been registered in NY since the 60's,and I got a clean NY registration with it. When I went to register it in NC and get tags,they refused to give me a title for a Rambler because the dizzy bitch at the DMV couldn't find "Rambler" in her data base. I was given a choice between having it titled as a 1958 American Motors,or not getting a title. I explained to her that American Motors didn't even exist in 1958,but she didn't care. I now have the only 1958 American Motors car in the entire universe.

I hate NC with a passion.

What is the difference between a registration and a title? I thought they were the same thing. Here we just have registrations.

Don't know about your state. However, registration here means you get the title after you pay your fee and taxes, then you get your title. Then the license plates cost you extra and you get a certificate of registration for them and each year thereafter when you renew your plates. So.....here you can register the vehicle and get the title, but do not have to buy plates until you are ready to drive it on the street.


That's my point. I know you can register cars without a title, even here in Wisconsin. But..........it can and does get sticky a lot of times. So, for me, no title, no purchase. Plain and simple.

Wisconsin DMV can be pretty sticky even on modern car registration, even with a good title.:rolleyes: Example: Back about 1995 my brother in law bought a 1994 Mustang that was only about 6 months old for about half the new car price from a private party. The guy just wanted to get rid of it, forgot the reason now. However, Wisconsin law says that if you pay below the average retail price for a car, they will ask for a letter from the previous owner (Certified by a Notary) stating that he sold the car for that price. Even with that letter of certification, the state can still disregard that letter if they feel it's not on the up and up, then charge you the sales tax for full price. Of course, you can go back and challenge the DMV on that as my brother in law did, but it doesn't mean you'll win. In the meantime you only get a temporary title. Think it took my brother in law about 8 months to get a regular title for that car, and he still had to pay extra sales tax in the end.:rolleyes:

Also met a guy who bought a 39 LaSalle cheap too. Same thing happened to him.

So, when I go to the DMV I want all the "T's" crossed and all the "I's" dotted before I go in.

This ain't Georgia or any other state. It be Wisconsin, and our state government want's every penny they can squeeze out of ya, and then some. They don't rate Wisconsin as one of the highest taxed states for nothin!! If they can squeeze that extra dollar out of you, they will, even if it cost them $10 to get that $1.:rolleyes:

So do you get 2 pieces of paper that say you own your car?

Yes, One is the title and one is the annual certificate of registration. Now, that's on regular plates. I have collector plates on my coupe. Because of that I only have the title and the initial certificate of registration for the plates since those plates never need to be renewed.

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