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Everything posted by Los_Control

  1. Sometimes these low baller's go over board. Like it is a addiction and they just cant help themselves. It is a hazard of craigs list. I once had a high quality turntable from Germany for sale. On ebay they were listed for over $200. I just wanted it to go away, I had no room to store it after moving. I listed it on craigs list for $25, had the original sales receipt from germany, instruction manual, extra needles, a spare belt. First guy that called said he wanted it really bad, had to work for a couple hours and then would stop by after work to pick it up. I said would hold it for him, he called 3 more times that day wondering if I was still holding it. ( A couple others called before I removed the add, I said it was already sold ) He showed up after work and sure enough, he tried to find ways to nit pick it and then offered $15, told him to get his arse off the property and quit wasting my time. Then I have a brother inlaw, he is mentally challenged. 45 years old and never worked a day in his life. Literally there is no place at his fathers home to park another car, . All day long the brother inlaw is on craigs list emailing sellers, "what is your bottom price?" I feel sorry for those people, nothing I can do about it. Have heard him talk about getting a $3k car to $1k and then back out of the deal because he never planned on buying in the first place. Need to be aware that there are those kinda people out there, not breaking any laws but just wasting your time. Be aware when someone tries to lowball you, it just might be for their entertainment. I really do think it falls into a sickness like alcoholics or gamblers .... the thrill of the deal.
  2. Think I would feel better about the operation, maybe use a jar with a lid for the ice bath, drill a hole for the tubing to go through and then duck tape it tight. That way you could turn it over and move it around and work on it, without it falling out of the ice bath. I am thinking that the sleeve will need some work, as it did in the written article. Chances of the new tube with today's measurements being the same? And then the sanding of the ID of the tiny sleeve? I dont think is a wire brush small enough, thinking a drill bit of exact size to reem it out. Then pre tinning the pieces before cutting, would also change the OD of the tubing. Just thinking I might need to do all the cutting and fab work with the tubing in the ice bath. I do not know the chemistry of the either and the ice, I wonder how much working time you have, what the target temp is while having the tubing cut open. I guess the article suggest doing as much as possible before cutting the tube, this create a bit of urgency in my mind, to do it quickly. I wonder if you could give it a shot of either, after you have it in the ice bath and cut the tube? Is more better? I guess the unknown always brings more questions, and experience will bring answers. For the price of a new gauge, is well worth the opportunity to save one.
  3. Ok thanks, have the page bookmarked and was the one I previously read. No clue why I think it is intimidating, suppose I just think I would lose the either and end up with a non working gauge. But I already have a non working gauge, nothing ventured nothing gained. I will give it a try.
  4. Working on the gages of my 1949 B1C, the temp gage is missing the bulb and the engine has a plug in the place of the temp gage. PO simply removed and blocked off the gage. Just curious what others have done to fix this issue? At the moment, just plan to re-install the broken gage, and add a after market under the dash. I currently have the gage cluster removed from the truck, have sanded the chrome trim ring back to the brass plating, and the housing down to bare metal and ready for paint. So I really do not like the idea of disassemble and clean, polish, paint ... and put back together non working. I do have a spare temp gage from a 1952, it has the same problem, am wondering if there might be a stewart warner gage, that could install into the stock gage cluster, maybe use the face from the stock gage and body from a new replacement gage? I have read one article about replacing the tube on the old gage with a tube of a new gage, seems a little intimidating to me. Has anyone tried this and recommend it? For those that may be interested, I like the brass finish and plan to keep it, I figure another day they could be rechromed and no harm done. The speedo and gage cluster in photo is from a 1949, the speaker grill on the right is not brass, appears to be stainless steel, and is out of the 1952. I still have the speaker grill installed on the 1949, I hope it is brass plating like the rest. Although, the wire mesh in the 1952 speaker grill is brass. Go figure.
  5. Wonder how that works. My 49 3/4 ton has 16" and the 52 1/2 ton has 16", the 51 suburban has 16". Problem is, all these original wheels are questionable for daily driver service. I saw what little abuse it took to cause a large crack inbetween the lug bolts on 1 wheel. For daily driver I want newer rims .... then there is the locator pin issue .....
  6. I know it just sounds wrong, like dj said, and will add engine oil. With a fresh quart of detergent 10/40, has great cleaners in it that will remove grease. May not be my first choice. But if no hand cleaner around, a open bottle of atf or motor oil will work. Of course you want soap and water as a chaser.
  7. Look for malware bytes, just try the free version. It will download to your Download folder, double click on it and accept terms as it installs and then will update itself, then let it run a full scan. This is one of the best programs for windows operating system that I have found. I just run the anti virus that comes with windows, it actually runs pretty good and is updated often, or as needed. Then when needed, I break out malware bytes like a tool, run it and then put it away when finished. Along with ccleaner, you can keep your system clean and running snappy. Or Like my personal computer, I just run linux and not mess with malware.
  8. Sorry about the link, never knew it was the way it is until Plymouthy told me. And been feeling so good after a surgery last Friday, been working my tail off He simply said he got home with no problems. He made it to a truck stop at 8:00 pm, then he waited until 1:00 am and drove the rest of the way home. He could not go over 45mph without it starting to fishtail. So 1:00 am on a Sunday the road is pretty clear of other drivers. Couple of pics he sent me.
  9. My 2 cents on the bias ply tires, last set I owned were on a Datsun pickup, they were a 6 ply light truck. Those tires would get a flat spot in them from sitting over night. I would have to drive about 3 miles to warm up the tires and get rid of the egg shape. I do not know if the effect would be the same as a 4 ply passenger car tire, seems that it would but you may not notice it as bad. First morning I noticed, I pulled to the side of the road and did a quick inspection, looking for a problem. Then after a couple days I figured out what it was, just became a annoyance. If I wanted it period correct and possible a judge would be grading it, probably want the bias ply. For a driver, would not even consider bias ply. For all the same reasons Andy listed.
  10. Word is, he is safe and sound. Here is the old chevy in its new environment. Any time you sell off your Grandpa's truck, you feel a little sentimental about it. I said it before and say it again, Corey ever needs anything, I will do what I can for him. That truck was a adventure and I am assured it is in good hands. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/conversations/45-chev.5400920/
  11. Not sure where you missed the part that we sold the truck and this is the kid that showed up. Never seen him before in my life, he knows a friend of a friend of a cousin .... While working with the kid, he earned my respect. He owns 3 other big trucks, a 59 ford coe, 56 chevy dump truck. He knew what he was coming for. The pictures of his shop was pretty nice. He wanted more space. He raised the foundation under the shop, 6 feet in the air. Would I do this? No. I am a carpenter and would have raised the roof. No idea why he did what he did, but I assume was a reason for it, and he did it. Tell you what MR Coatney, is friends like this that we meet through life, the ones that get the job done with a can do attitude. These are the friends I want on my team. The cry babies like yourself, you go over there on the other team k? If anybody can complete this job, Corey can do it. He has the skills, intelligence to know he is in deep. He will do what is needed to get that rig home without causing harm or injury. Really sorry I posted this photo while in the process of strapping down the truck. It really did look much better when he left. By then I was to tired to go take a picture. But is always funny to see the reactions of all the different people on this board, how we grew up different and as adults we have different views. But hey, I love that other people have other ideas and strengths, what makes us all stronger as a group.
  12. Pretty sure that is a 2000 camry on that trailer. I will add that after the truck was loaded, pulled it around back and loaded ug 16 truck tires and wheels, and some extra parts for the truck lying around. And after moving it it looked much better then it does in the photo. Trailer is sitting in a low spot on the driveway in the photo. Trailer is 12' long and wheel base is 13'4" There is no way I would pull this trailer, but it actually may get him where he is going. And yes, he waited til just about dark to head home and took the back way over white pass to go slow. He did add lites on the truck as the lights on trailer was hidden. Will know later when I get back from my DR appointment how the trip went. May just call the local sherif and see if they have him , before calling his home.
  13. plymouthyadams, I in no way claim to be a expert anything. For fun I build computer opperating systems from scratch. Using linux, am forced to use windows at times. Good chance with a little diagnostics. if your pc crashed and wont boot backup, can maybe pull the hard drive and connect it to another pc and retrieve any data you need. But if the hard drive is truly bad, very little can help it.
  14. I feel for ya on the hard drive, I hope you had all your goodies backed up somewhere. And will let ya know if he made it home safely.
  15. Not sure if there is already a thread like this one started, Have not seen it if there is. Sometimes we need to see those special touches, or a place to post them. Here is what I helped do today, Should be asking if you all could say a prayer for Corey, he has a 300+ mile trip to go. prayer might be the only way he makes it. He does have a heavy enough uhaul diesel box van to pull it with, but a long way to go. Is a 4x6 across the frame, screw jacks on it lifting the rear end and putting the weight onto the trailer. He then used heavy straps across the bed tying it to the trailer .... might make it just fine. then again ...
  16. on my way over to see what can save. first got to get a 1945 chevy truck cleared off that uncle sold for $500 *sigh* Throw a battery in it and a can of gas and will drive it on to the trailer.
  17. very nice that you were able to work together and pull it off. Too bad they did not be honest with you sooner.
  18. If it gets to be to big of a issue, now may be a good time to do a ford 8.8 swap. I plan on being over there tomorrow and maybe can figure it out. I dont know what will do with the headlights, I know is something special about them. Forgot what it was. I want to pull off as much as I can, possibly can place a add here to sell them for uncle. All he thinks he wants is the visor. I want the 218 flattie that is froze up, and the 3 speed trans and linkage, steering column and the ss dash goodies and knobs. Just wont know how much time I get to work with it. Only thing that was bad on the car is the motor froze up, probably bad crank. And has been sitting since 1965. Now the floors are completely rusted out and the A pillare is rusting and the doors sagging. I will let you know if get some items up for sale. A new neighbour got into a property line dispute with my uncle. turned into something pretty bad and cost my uncle several thousand in court to prove he was right all along. So now the new neighbour turned him into the county for having all his cars around. So next week the inspector is coming back, he will start a $500 per day fine, until they are happy. If this means sending the complete car to the scrapper as is, so be it. `
  19. I see, thanks for your input, so if the axle diameter is the same, I can just keep the hogshead from the car. Now am thinking that if the car rear end is a few inches wider, And I am going with flatbed, 1" or 2" might not be noticed. And still work. Sorry for being such a pest and asking so many questions. The truck is actually part of my physical therapy. Next month will be 4 years that can not work. Docs gave me some pills and they caused problems, was 3 years later figured out was the pills causing the issues. I may as well been in a wheel chair. 5 weeks after I stopped taking the pills and started to feel better, I loaded up all my carpentry tools and was going to look for work. Got hit by a drunk driver. Spent almost a month in the hospital, 4 more months using a walker. still going through doctors and lawyers. I am really a slow worker about now and a broke one at the same time. My drivers license expired while I was in the hospital. Have not drove since the accident. So my wife borrows the father inlaws car, and drives me to uncles. I work on what I can there. and bring home to work on what I can here. In 4 to 6 weeks I expect to have a income of sorts, will renew my license and insure our mini van, things will go much smoother. Just not that easy for me to pull out a tape measure and check myself. We have people coming in this weekend to help uncle in cleaning up, I need to act fast in deciding if I want to pay for the whole car and move it off the property, or just grab a few things before it is gone. And these old trucks are great therapy for the soul
  20. Been awhile since I have posted in this thread. Was waiting til I gave molly a bath and then post updates. Had the pressure washer, hose, bucket of soap and rags and scrubbing pads, was going to do it right. Then the presure washer was out of gas, all the gas cans were empty. So a trip to town and was to late to get started. Now all the outside water is off for winter. Going to be awhile before a bath. Was some major changes in the project. Due to a bad neighbour dispute, uncle is cleaning out his mess of old cars, and more then needed but he does not want his kids to have to deal with it. While cleaning up, uncle sold off the green parts truck along with the bed on the other frame. I do have another place I can move molly to, but not the parts trucks also. Good news is, the pilot house parts and a 67 chrysler 300, are on there way to our brothers in the UK One issue that has come up with the progress of molly, she is a b1c with a 5 on 5 bolt pattern on the rear, while the front hubs are a b1b with a 4.5 bolt pattern. I am going to change the rear end to a 4.5 bolt pattern, had 2 rear ends to choose from and they are now gone. In part of the mass cleanup, he also wants to get rid of a 1951 suburban. Put it on craigs list for $500 and not even a bite. So uncle has decided to remove the visor and a few parts, send the rest to the crusher. I thought about it for myself, rebuild it and let the wife drive it. She thinks is ugly and wants nothing to do with it. My question today is, does anyone know if I can use this rear end in the B1C? I would want to use the complete rear end to get the smaller bolt pattern and drums. Cant find any site that gives the width to see if the same. I have no clue if the axles on the B1C are the same diameter as the B1B or the p22 suburban. Thinking about maybe using front bumper also.
  21. I did not read how long this engine has sat. At the very least you want to remove spark plugs, and add oil and let it soak. I bought a rebuilt motor that sat for 2 years under a work bench in rainy Seattle. It broke a ring when I installed the engine and started it without soaking the rings. Let it soak for a few days, and with the plugs out, try to turn it by hand. I watched youtube vid on this, guy filled the cylinders with atf, inserted a hand crank on the pulley, then hung a cement brick on the pulley to add weight, pressure on the crank. He just let it sit and when the crank had moved itself, from the weight. Then made sure had oil and worked it back and forth by hand with the plugs out. I would not hook a starter to it, until you have it free and spinning by hand.
  22. Flux capacitor: fictional automobile-based time travel device featured in the .... As the time machine nears 88 mph, light coming from the flux capacitor begins pulsing more rapidly until it becomes a steady stream.
  23. I have not seen it, sure would like to.
  24. Yes the needle seems very fragile and setting it back to zero is not important. Has 97k on it, 1 oil change and it will reset itself. I was bored and watching the football game. Kind of artsy fartsy country deco going on. Gave me ideas to make a template, and start fresh and spray it. Guess I kinda like it, but not sure if going to keep it or repaint it ... think about it a bit.
  25. Hang on, no guarantee when she hits 88 mph!
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