Sorry I didn't make it. We almost got to Rhinebeck this year...we had a motel reservation and everything. Yesterday my wife woke up with a bad sinus infection so it was doctor visit/antibiotic/stay at home. She is really kicking herself for getting sick because she enjoys that show quite a bit.
She was feeling better today so I went to the Englishtown show myself (we only live about seven miles from it). The swap meet had lots of motorcycle, muscle car, and general merchandise. Rhinebeck is a much better venue for older cars. There was only one flathead-powered Mopar that I saw, a 'complete but beat' 2nd series '49 Chrysler Saratoga with a sign that read '1948--$1500'. My only find was a nearly mint '51-2 Plymouth wheelcover for $3.00. The seller didn't have a clue as to what it was.
Oh well, maybe next year.