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Everything posted by _shel_ny

  1. D24 not the same as P15
  2. http://p15-d24.com/topic/23957-first-stab-at-woodgraining-lame/?hl=%2Bwoodgrain+%2Bpaint http://p15-d24.com/topic/12570-woodgraining-methodmaterial/?hl=%2Bwoodgrain+%2Bpaint http://p15-d24.com/topic/12379-woodgraining-shops/?hl=%2Bwoodgrain+%2Bpaint#entry110268 http://p15-d24.com/topic/8019-woodgraining-the-dashboard-window-frames/?hl=%2Bwoodgrain+%2Bpaint#entry68108 http://p15-d24.com/topic/5074-woodgrain-care-and-feeding/?hl=%2Bwoodgrain+%2Bpaint#entry41112 Edit: another http://p15-d24.com/topic/1401-man-at-play/?hl=%2Bwoodgraining+%2Bpaint#entry10263
  3. For anyone wanting to make a pressure bleeder. Ace Hardware 90th Anniversary sale starting tomorrow (April 2) has a 1 gallon sprayer for $3.99 that would likely do the deed. EDIT: I believe if you are using Dot 3, or Dot 4 fluid (may be OK with Dot 5 silicone) you must clean this well after use to be able to use it again down the road. I believe denatured alcohol works for that purpose. At $4, basically disposable.
  4. You can avoid being sniped by just using the $300-350 buy it now function
  5. Thanks Rich. Looks like it will fit some trucks. No engine, just a part picked up by mistake.
  6. Thanks My fluid drive clutch was 10 spline 1 1/4" (Measured where shown in pic.)(9 1/4" disc)
  7. I have a clutch disc that was tagged as Plym/Dodge 48-51 when I bought it. Also marked 48-52. I bought it for my car, but the center spline is too big. 10" disc. It is a 10 spline, and measures 1-3/8". I would like to know is this fits the trucks. I want to offer it up in the classifieds section, but I would like to confirm what it is first. Any help would be appreciated. Trying to clear some shelves.
  8. DPCD 1939-1948 2 1/2" height. part # 1124470 Reference: MoPar 1954 and prior models Passenger Car Parts List
  9. You need to move. FedEx delivers to me before 10AM You could just consider yours an early, early, early Saturday delivery Edit: spelling
  10. Looks like your D39 is the exception to the 2 horn deal If the wire is heavy enough (12ga or thicker) two horns should get enough juice.
  11. That listing shows that the vehicle had 2 horns What you have may, or may not be the original, but it appears that most all the MoPars of that vintage had a Hi. note, and a Low note horn.
  12. Oddly enough the oil spec for the 3 speed transmission used in the D24 changed when the same transmission was used in later models. D29, D30, D33. D34, D41, D42. Went from the 90 wt to SAE 10-W. Seems whatever the R10 is happy with would be the way to go
  13. Perhaps the answer could be found here. Perhaps not. http://p15-d24.com/topic/35364-dolly-dodge-more-work-on-the-block/?hl=%2Bdolly+%2Bdodge
  14. Edit: welcome to the forum
  15. wide belt for Dodge, Chry, Plym, postwar using the wide belt 3/4" width. 38 degrees. 49" to 49 1/2" long Would expect DeSoto to be the same. Edit: 13/32" belt would be for the narrow pulley
  16. -15 last night. Did not melt any of the snow.
  17. I believe the glass bowl model was the much more common model. I have found the "no glass" model on 51's, 52's. Glass is nice, as you can see if there is fuel getting that far.
  18. Even with good battery connections your engine will turn slower than a modern engine. Remember, unless modified, the battery is positive ground. Once you determine you have the ignition portion functional with spark where it belongs you can try using a 12 volt battery to start the vehicle. Isolate, or remove the 6 volt battery when doing this. Be sure lights and other things are OFF when doing this.
  19. Guess your Spring is a bit ahead of mine
  20. They work the same, and fit the same with respect to the engine itself. I believe there can be an issue with clearance to the frame when attempting to remove, or install on some models. Glass bowl model may be an issue. Then again, I may just be dreaming that, or confusing it with oil pump removal/installation.
  21. Dodge brake shoe heel vs. toe clearance was different, as it was for the Plymouth prewar vehicles. Your manual may have those specs..
  22. The one in my pic is a replacement. First one broke after I had only used it a few times. The rivet hole was not centered on it. Got a replacement, no charge. Looked close at the workmanship on the second one before I left the store.
  23. The one in post 5 takes off, puts on. Under $10 at the auto parts store,
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